


China is already halfway to a high-speed rail future, where taking the train is the easy option and flying is the second choice. The most convenient way to travel between Beijing and Shanghai is by high-speed train, and that statement is true for a growing number of routes across China.
概要:中国已经在未来建设高速铁路的道路上走了一半,在那里,乘火车是一个简单的选择,而飞机是第二选择。 在北京和上海之间旅行最方便的方式是乘坐高速列车,这种说法适用于中国越来越多的航线。

America can learn from literally any country's rail network...
Except from the UK rail network...:
We pay exuberant prices...Have delays very (very!) often (sometimes hours)
Seldom have a seat
Are packed in the trains like beans in a tin
Have to often change multiple times
Have often conflicting messages from staff (or none at all)
Trains smell of alcohol and fast food
Toilets are either locked, or open but without running water to wash your hands
Have abysmal internet connections on the trains
I'm sure there are many more examples of how shit the UK trains are (and indeed, the public transport in general!) in the UK.
My point is, nobody, please... NOBODY! follow the UK on public transport "ideas".
除了英国的铁路网... :
Besides the price, I don't think it's that bad. Every country complains about their own trains being shitty.
But as an outsider and now a regular commuter by train, I love UK trains.
Every country complains about their own trains being shitty.
Not Japan
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
they do. also if we talk about overpricing, i have some news for you about japanese rail ...
是的。 还有,如果我们谈到价格虚高的问题,我有些关于日本铁路的消息要跟你分享.....
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
The way reddit fetishizes Japan and Japanese culture is amazing.
America actually has one of the best freight train networks in the world. Unlike most other countries it’s the freight services that own the rail, rather than the government.
事实上,美国拥有世界上最好的货运列车网络之一。 与其他大多数国家不同,拥有铁路的是货运服务公司,而不是政府。
The key here is that you will never get Americans to embrace public transportation. While it may get you from point a to point b fairly quickly, going to point a and from point b to your final destination is the problem.
I live in Salt Lake City and if I wanted to get from my house to my place of employment downtown using public transportation, I'd have to drive my car to a bus stop, take the bus to the train station, transfer trains several times and then walk the rest of the way to work. A 20 minute trip by car would turn into a 2 hour trip in a sea of humanity by rail. No thanks.
What makes China and other Asian countries uniquely suited to public transport is a fairly dense population. Here in America, we are spread out far and wide. There just isn't a good argument for public transportation in most places. Even in places where it actually works and is profitable, it doesn't eliminate the need for cars. You still have to drive to and from the station unless you are lucky enough to be on a bus route.
And to be honest, places where rail actually works usually don't call for high speed rail in the first place. I've taken public transportation from Downers Grove to Chicago in the past and the rail part is the least painful part of the commute already.
这里的关键是,你永远不会让美国人接受公共交通。 虽然从 a 点到 b 点可能会很快,但从 a 点到 b 点再到最终目的地才是问题所在。
我住在盐湖城,如果我想乘坐公共交通工具从家里到我在市中心工作的地方,我必须开车到公共汽车站,乘公共汽车到火车站,换乘几次火车,然后步行走完剩下的路程去上班。 20分钟的汽车旅行会变成2小时的火车旅行。 所以不用了,谢谢。
中国和其他亚洲国家之所以非常适应公共交通,是因为它们的人口相当密集。 在美国,我们分布得非常广泛。 在大多数地方,公共交通并不是一个很好的方式。 即使在有利且有效的地方,它也不能消除对汽车的需求。 你仍然必须开车往返车站,除非你足够幸运地就在公共汽车的路线上。
说实话,那些真正有铁路运营的地方通常一开始就不需要高铁。 过去我乘坐过从道纳斯格罗夫到芝加哥的公共交通工具,而铁路已经是上下班中相对舒服的部分了。
Last mile problem ftw!
Also want to say that China was able to build their cities with a passenger rail network in mind. They can also say "We're building rail here, GTFO" We can't do that in the united states because our citizens have rights ...also our cities are much older, and much less densely populated but already established with roads and buildings and such, so it's crazy expensive.
If you were to turn on sand box mode and remake the US, you could restructure every major american city to have an efficient local rail system. Since we haven't figured out sand box mode yet, we'll have to settle for mid-grade rail in urban centers
还要说的是,中国在建设城市时,会考虑到客运铁路的网络。 他们也可以说: “我们正在这里修建铁路,给我走开”在美国我们不能这么做,因为我们有公民权利...而且我们的城市比较老,人口密集程度也低得多,而且已经有了公路和建筑之类的东西,所以成本高得离谱。
如果你打开沙箱模式,重塑美国,你可以重组美国的每一个主要城市,让它们有一个高效的地方铁路系统。 由于我们还没有搞清楚沙箱模式,所以我们不得不满足于市中心的中档铁路
Air travel makes sense for America. It's very large and the population isn't as large as China. They don't need to move that large a mass. Honestly you guys need better networks inside the city rather than in between cities
航空旅行对美国来说是有意义的。 美国非常大,而且人口不像中国那么多。 它们不需要移动那么多的人。 老实说,你们需要更好的城市内部网络,而不是城市之间的网络
China has a major advantage since they own all land in China. No need for eminent domain or negotiation with land owners. They can just relocate you when they want to use the land. We can't just kick people off of their property here in the US, so all of that buying back land and litigation when it doesn't go smoothly takes time. Lots of time. So even with the best intentions, it takes for-fucking-ever to complete any large transit project due to the nature of land ownership.
中国有很大的优势,因为他们拥有中国所有的土地。 不需要征用权或与土地所有者谈判。 当他们想要使用这块土地的时候,他们可以重新安置你。 我们不能就这样把人们从他们在美国的财产上赶走,所以当事情进展不顺利的时候,所有买回土地和诉讼都需要时间。 花很多时间。 因此,即使是出于最好的意图,由于土地所有权的性质,完成任何大型交通项目都需要花费他妈的一辈子。
They can, to an extent. Look up nail houses and you can see many examples (not just from china) of houses in the middle of roadworks and other large projects where someone refused to budge, and (sometimes surprisingly) did not get forcibly relocated.
在某种程度上,他们可以拒绝安置。 查一下钉子户中,你可以看到许多例子(不仅仅来自中国) ,在道路施工和其他大型项目中,有些人拒绝让步,(有时令人惊讶的是)他们没有被强迫搬迁。
You dont have a good understanding of it. Actually Rails are built in the countryside and people living there are happy that their houses could be removed cuz gov would give them a quite considerable compensation for that. On the contrary, people generally want their houses can be scheduled into removal plan. That compensation can make them buy three to ten houses nearby. So we have a saying called the way to get rich is your house being wrote with a 拆(removal)character on its wall. To be fair, the condition that someone not willing to move out exists but Gov will negotiate with them though. So sometimes the rail will be changed its routes a little bit if the negotiation failed. What you described is individual case being exaggerated. Not obxtive man.
你并不了解中国。 事实上,铁轨是在农村铺设的,生活在那里的人们很高兴他们的房子可以被拆除,因为政府会给他们相当可观的补偿。 相反,人们一般都希望自己的房子能被安排到搬迁计划中。 这样的补偿可以让他们在附近买三到十套房子。 所以有一个说法称这为“致富之路”,就是你的房子墙上写着“拆除”的字符。 公平地说,有些人不愿意搬出去,但是政府会和他们沟通。 因此,如果沟通失败了,铁路有时会稍微改变一下路线。 你所描述的个别情况被夸大了,不客观了,朋友。
Just like many government projects, train service has to maintain unprofitable routes for political reasons. I'm sure rail lines that connect the biggest cities such as Beijing-Shanghai-Guangzhou are highly profitable. The problem is they also have train services to Western inland China that is sparsely populated.
就像许多政府项目一样,出于政治原因,铁路服务必须维持着不盈利的路线。 我相信连接北京、上海、广州等大城市的铁路线利润率很高。 问题是他们也有连接人口稀少的中国西部内陆的火车服务。
Everything you do doesn't have to be profitable. Sometimes you just build infrastructure because the people benefit from it.
你做的每一件事都不一定是有利可图的。 有时因为人们会受益,所以你建设了相应的基础设施。

