

青花瓷(blue and white porcelain),又称白地青花瓷,常简称青花,是中国瓷器的主流品种之一,属釉下彩瓷。青花瓷是用含氧化钴的钴矿为原料,在陶瓷坯体上描绘纹饰,再罩上一层透明釉,经高温还原焰一次烧成。钴料烧成后呈蓝色,具有着色力强、发色鲜艳、烧成率高、呈色稳定的特点。原始青花瓷于唐宋已见端倪,成熟的青花瓷则出现在元代景德镇的湖田窑。明代青花成为瓷器的主流。清康熙时发展到了顶峰。明清时期,还创烧了青花五彩、孔雀绿釉青花、豆青釉青花、青花红彩、黄地青花、哥釉青花等衍生品种。









英文翻译:Blue and white porcelain, also known as blue and white porcelain, is one of the mainstream varieties of Chinese porcelain. It is an under-glaze porcelain. Blue and white porcelain is made of cobalt ore containing cobalt oxide as raw material. It is painted on the ceramic body and then covered with a layer of transparent glaze. It is fired by a high temperature reduction flame. Cobalt material is blue after firing, with strong coloring power, bright hair color, high firing rate, color stability. The original blue and white porcelain appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties, while the mature blue and white porcelain appeared in the Hutian kiln of Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty. Blue and white porcelain became the mainstream in Ming Dynasty. It reached its peak during the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of qing Dynasty. The Ming and Qing dynasties, also created the blue and white colorful, peacock green glaze blue and white, bean green glaze blue and white, blue and white red color, yellow blue and white, brother glaze blue and white and other derivatives.

Blue and white wrapped branches lotus general pot

General pot is a treasure of Chinese ceramic art. -- A kind of pot, because the shape of the top cover resembles the general helmet and so named. First seen in the Ming Dynasty jiajing, Wanli Dynasty, to the Qing Dynasty shunzhi basically finalized. It was most popular during the Kangxi Dynasty. The jar is straight mouth, full shoulder, belly, flat sand bottom, attached with a high round top bead.

Tangzhi lotus pattern is a kind of tangzhi pattern, which is a traditional auspicious pattern. As one of the patterns of porcelain decoration, because of its patterns of flowers and branches intertwine constantly, it is called intertwine branches, known as "turn branches" in the Ming Dynasty. Its composition mechanism is based on the combination of wavy lines and cut circular lines, which are continuously expanded in two or four directions to form a basic style of wavy and lingering. Then, flowers and leaves are attached in the cut circular space or on the wavy lines to form tangle-branch flower patterns or tangle-branch flower patterns. Here take its consonant, meaning the meaning of 'incorruptible', meaning that the official to be incorruptible.

This general canister, signature at the bottom of the qing qianlong year, obvious effect of the ring foot oxidation, open the door, the general pot of blue and white picture color shades, blue and white halo powder, picture extremely vivid and natural, no matter from any Angle to appreciate is a sensibility, blue and white porcelain is the best performance splash-ink landscape painting of China, it is the other porcelain can't do, So most Chinese wind of blue and white porcelain, most can reflect the best carrier of Chinese landscape painting art, China this word is the meaning of the Chinese is known to all, but the meaning of this word is the earliest porcelain, because the country is referred to as Chinese porcelain, is our country porcelain, the influence of art has become a foreign card, At that time, the most exported porcelain was blue and white porcelain. This Ming dynasty blue and white porcelain has perfect appearance, no threading, damage, repair problems, but can not be found. To collect it is not only the embodiment of wealth and identity, but also reflects the love of art.

Pastel porcelain is another color porcelain in the qing court besides enamel. Apply arsenic-based foundation on the burned tire glaze and wash it with a pen after painting. The color will produce powder effect due to the emulsion action of arsenic. Among the numerous qing court pastel porcelain, Cixi pastel is simple and straightforward, rich and brilliant, rich and luxurious and unique.

The washing and dyeing of pastel porcelain decorative painting has absorbed the nutrition of each sister's art and adopted the technique of spot dyeing and color matching, so that the objects to be depicted, no matter the characters, mountains and rivers, flowers, birds and insects, all appear strong texture, clear light and shade, and distinct layers. The painting method used has both the meticulous meticulous description of subtle fine brushwork, and infiltration dripping dripping, concise and concise freehand brushwork, and exaggerated deformation of decorative painting style. Even print, watercolor, oil painting and watercolor sister art are integrated use, subtle, not the slightest; Bold and unrestrained, lively. Pastel drawing, generally through the map, map, do map, map, line drawing, color, color, washing and dyeing process. From the drawing to the shooting, it is a stage of drafting with ink lines and creating ideas, such as porcelain painting to determine the decorative content and image composition. The final draft of formal drawing is called "rising map", and the drawing of thick ink is called "doing map". Then, the ink line printed drawings are transferred to the porcelain tire to be formally drawn, that is, "patting", so that porcelain can be painted. Pastel painting, coloring techniques are more complex and meticulous, generally picturesque, color, filling, washing, scraping, blowing, point and other techniques. Its workers have a brush, fill pen, wash pen, color pen, Benedictine pen, gold pen, agate pen, pick pen and many other special pens.

Pastel design

See a porcelain if nothing else, the first drawing the painters are very delicate, pastel shading in distinct, the trunk with experiment, performance is very natural, cutting again scrutinize the bottle without any deficiency, threading, kiln crack, etc., is a rare collection of high-quality goods, famille rose porcelain in Gardner poly record again and again, for the collection of the value of a strong basis, Such fine China is recommended for collection.

