



尿素最初是由法国化学家Frederick Wohler在1828年从尿液中分离出来的。Wohler当时正在尝试通过化学方法合成有机物质,他将氰酸铵和二氧化铜加热混合后,意外地得到了尿素结晶。这个发现彻底颠覆了当时人们对于有机物质只能从生物体内提取的认识,揭开了有机化学合成的新时代。尽管尿素最初是从尿液中分离出来的,但现在的工业生产通常采用通过化学反应来制造尿素,而不是直接从尿液中提取。在化学工业中,尿素通常是从天然气或煤炭中提取合成氨,然后与二氧化碳反应而制得。






  • 尿素:是一种含有高浓度氮的肥料,通常用于促进植物的生长和增加作物产量。
  • 硝酸铵:是一种含有氮和硝酸根离子的化合物,其氮元素可以被植物吸收利用。硝酸铵肥料适用于大部分作物和土壤,但在高温和湿度条件下易挥发和流失,需要注意使用方法和施肥量。
  • 硝酸钾:是一种含有氮和钾的肥料,其氮元素可以被植物利用,并可以增加土壤中的钾含量。
  • 硝酸钙:是一种含有氮和钙的肥料,适用于提高土壤pH值和钙含量,但不适用于酸性土壤。
  • 磷酸二铵:是一种含有氮和磷的肥料,其氮元素可以被植物利用,同时还能提供磷元素,促进植物根系发育。
  • 钙氰胺:是一种含有氮的缓释肥料,可以在较长的时间内缓慢释放氮元素,减少肥料流失和浪费。
  • 尿酸:是一种含有氮的有机肥料,可以提供植物所需的氮元素,同时还可以改善土壤结构和水分保持能力。


Urea is an organic compound with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2, composed of four elements: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. It is a colorless, odorless, crystalline substance that is soluble in water. Urea is commonly used in the manufacture of fertilizers, plastics, adhesives, leather, and fibers.

Urea was initially isolated from human and animal urine, which is how it got its name. In the chemical industry, urea is typically produced by extracting synthetic ammonia from natural gas or coal and then reacting it with carbon dioxide.

Urea was first isolated from urine by the French chemist Frederick Wohler in 1828. At the time, Wohler was attempting to synthesize organic compounds through chemical methods. He heated a mixture of ammonium cyanate and copper oxide and unexpectedly obtained urea crystals. This discovery completely overturned the belief at the time that organic compounds could only be extracted from living organisms, ushering in a new era of organic chemical synthesis. Although urea was initially isolated from urine, industrial production today typically involves manufacturing urea through chemical reactions rather than extracting it directly from urine. In the chemical industry, urea is usually produced by extracting synthetic ammonia from natural gas or coal and then reacting it with carbon dioxide.

Urea can be used as a medication to treat hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease caused by liver disease that leads to the inability of toxins (such as ammonia) to be metabolized and excreted normally in the bloodstream, resulting in damage to the nervous system and functional impairment.

Urea is used as a medication to treat hepatic encephalopathy, and its mechanism of action is to reduce the concentration of ammonia in the blood, thus reducing damage to the nervous system. In cases where liver function is impaired, urea can be broken down into ammonia in the intestines, and further metabolism by bacteria can produce even more ammonia.

To reduce ammonia production in this situation, patients can take urea orally. Urea can be broken down in the gastrointestinal tract into carbon dioxide and ammonia, with carbon dioxide exhaled and ammonia absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, where it can be further metabolized into urea in the liver. This process is called "hepatic transfer," and it can reduce the concentration of ammonia in the blood, relieve symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, and reduce damage to the nervous system. The advantages of using urea to treat hepatic encephalopathy are its high safety and low side effects. At the same time, urea can also be used to treat other diseases, such as propionic acidemia and kidney disease.

Urea can also be used as a moisturizer for the skin. Urea can absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. It has a certain degree of permeability, can penetrate through the skin's stratum corneum, enter the deep layers of the skin and absorb moisture, thereby increasing the skin's moisture content.

In addition, urea can also form a protective film on the surface of the skin, preventing moisture from evaporating, thereby maintaining the skin's moist state. Moreover, urea also has a mild keratolytic effect. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin, composed of multiple layers of keratinocytes, which play a protective role in the skin. However, if the stratum corneum is too thick or too hard, it can affect the skin's ability to retain moisture, making the skin dry and rough. Urea can soften the stratum corneum, promote moisture penetration and skin absorption, thereby improving the skin's moisturizing ability.

Urea is a common nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen is one of the essential elements for plant growth and development, and it has an important impact on the yield and quality of crops. Urea is a fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen and is usually used to promote plant growth and increase crop yield. In the soil, urea can quickly decompose into ammonia and carbon dioxide, with the ammonia entering the roots of plants to provide them with nitrogen. Because urea decomposes quickly, regular fertilization is usually needed to maintain a sufficient supply of nitrogen in the soil. In addition, urea can also be mixed with other fertilizers for better efficiency.

Below is some types of Nitrogen fertilizer you can choose from if needed:

  • Urea: a type of fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen, commonly used to promote plant growth and increase crop yields.
  • Ammonium Nitrate: a compound containing nitrogen and nitrate ions, whose nitrogen can be absorbed and utilized by plants. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is suitable for most crops and soils, but under high temperature and humidity conditions, it is prone to volatilization and loss, so attention should be paid to the method and amount of application.
  • Potassium Nitrate: a type of fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium, whose nitrogen can be utilized by plants and can increase the potassium content in the soil.
  • Calcium Nitrate: a type of fertilizer containing nitrogen and calcium, suitable for increasing soil pH and calcium content, but not suitable for acidic soils.
  • Diammonium Phosphate: a type of fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus, whose nitrogen can be utilized by plants, and can also provide phosphorus to promote root development.
  • Cyanamide Calcium: a type of slow-release fertilizer containing nitrogen, which can slowly release nitrogen elements over a longer period of time, reducing fertilizer loss and waste.
  • Uric Acid: an organic fertilizer containing nitrogen, which can provide the nitrogen elements needed by plants and can also improve soil structure and water retention capacity.

