




1. 教育、环境、媒体、就业话题参考题目

2. 教育类参考范文

3. 大作文高频替换词汇

4. 柱状图参考范文

5. 小作文技巧


1. Children’s education is expensive and the government of some countries pays some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages of the government paying for the cost outweigh the disadvantages?

2. Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Some people think that adults should learn practical skills such as computer skills by themselves, while others believe that learning from a teacher in a classroom is better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

5. Some people believe that only students with best academic should be rewarded, some other people think it is more important to reward students with improvement. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

6. University students should pay for the full cost of education fees because university education benefits themselves rather than the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

7. In modern life it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, do you agree or disagree?

8. Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9. Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

10. Reading story books is better for children than watching television or playing computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

11. In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

12. Some people think teaching children with different abilities benefits everyone, while others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

13. It is the responsibility of schools to teach good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14. Some people think that the government should decide which subject students study at university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss two views and give your opinion.


1. International community should act immediately to encourage countries to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?

3. Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others,however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

4. Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5. Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree?

6. Some people think it is important to protect all wild animals. Others think that it is only important to protectpart of them, not all of them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Media & Advertising

1. Some people believe printed book is not necessary in digital era since books can be stored electronically, others believe that printed books will continue to play an important part in our lives, discuss both views and your opinions.

2. Nowadays advertising aimed at children is on the rise. Some people think this has negative effects and should be controlled. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. Do you agree or disagree?

4. More people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5. Research shows that overeating can be just as harmful as smoking. Thus, the advertising of certain food products should be banned, as cigarette is banned in many countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6. Some people think that the news media have much more influential in people’s lives and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1. Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2. Employersshould give their staff at least four weeks’ holidays a year to make employees do better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions?

4. Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

5. Interview is the basic form of selectingprocedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your own opinion.

6. In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first monthsafter the birth of their baby. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

7. It is a good thing for people in senior management positions to get a higher salary than other workers in the same company. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

For many years, there has been a growing trend of educating children at home. To the same issue, people from different backgrounds with different personalities put different interpretations. Some people argue that people under 18 years old should receive full time education for future development, while others hold the view that students with different situations should choose different types of education. A close examination will show the superiority of the former opinion.

There are several reasons for my viewpoint as rendered below. Firstly, since young people lack self-control, why shouldn’t they stay in full-time education which can help them resist various temptations and concentrate on study? Besides, thanks to systematic study at school, their further study or career development will be built on a solid foundation. Finally, it is impossible for the teenagers to make best use of their golden age without giving full play to their intelligence and imagination through the systematic training.

Although some people claim that young people should receive different types of education according to their diverserequirements and talents, they seem to neglect the fact that young people can still develop their talents by making best use of the time after school. I feel that considering the lack of self-control, temptations in the society, and the golden age for study, young people should stay in full time education.

From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that full time education is a must for teenagers and young children despite some not-so-supportive voices.Only when we attach great emphasis to the full time education can we cultivate the promising and capable next generations. /It is essential that we set the full time education on top agenda for the promising development of next generations.


重要的 key/crucial/critical/important/essential/significant/vital/substantial/

indispensable/imperative/be of great importance/significance

导致 lead to/result in/bring about/contribute to/spark off/cause/induce/generate

...地 with great caution 谨慎地/ with great satisfaction 满意地/

with great patience 耐心地/with great difficulties 困难地

重视 stress/value/pay close attention to/attach emphasis to/place importance on/

set... on top agenda/put a premium on

引起关注draw/attract one’s attention, catch one’s eyes, arouse one’s awareness,

be brought to public attention, come under the spotlight


With rapid economic and social development 随着经济和社会发展

With great changes of the times 随着时代变迁

Against the backdrop of globalization 在全球化背景之下

In the process of urbanization 在城镇化背景之下

With enhanced living standards 随着生活水平的提高

Leading a fast-paced, stressful life 在快节奏和压力很大的生活中

After tedious hours of work or study 一天沉闷乏味的工作或学习之后

放松relax/release pressure/reduce stress/break away from heavy pressure/

unwind and restore the dulled senses


make sb do/enable sb to do/force sb to do/lead sb to do/help sb (to) do/

encourage sb to do


促使 fuel/drive/spur/accelerate/promote

give impetus to/provide impetus for/give impetus to

处理deal with/cope with/address/tackle

尽最大努力try one’s best/exert one’s utmost/make great efforts/

put in a lot of effort doing

共同努力make concerted efforts/pull together

持续努力keep on striving/keep struggling/make constant endeavor

毅力 persistence/stamina

起到很大作用play a significant role/part, make a difference in, it really matters

换言之 namely/that is to say/in other words/to put it like this/to put it differently/

to put it from another way/to put it from another angle

不同的、各种各样的 diverse/various/different/a rich variety of/all sorts of/a wide range of various/a wide assortment of


应该should/must/be supposed to/be expected/in a position to

有机会...做某事 give sb a shot at doing/have a chance of/have an opportunity to do

大量存在be fraught with/abound in

引起关注 draw public attention/catch the eyes of/arouse the public awareness/

come under the spotlight/be brought to public attention

有...意识的health-conscious 健康意识的/conservation-conscious/有环保意识的/

civic-minded 有公民意识的

满足要求 meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of sb for sth

影响 influence/impact/effect

解决 solve/deal with/cope with/ handle/ resolve/address/tackle

损害 damage/hurt/injure/harm/impair/undermine/jeopardize

给与 give/offer/impart/provide/supply/afford

培养 develop/cultivate/foster

优势 advantage/merit/virtue/benefit/upside/strength

缺陷 disadvantage/demerit/drawback/downside/weakness

认为 think/believe/argue/insist/maintain/assert/conclude/deem/reckon

be convinced that/hold the view that

保护 protect/conserve/preserve

确保 assure/ensure/guarantee/make sure

有害的 bad/negative/harmful/detrimental/baneful/evil

有益的 useful/helpful/beneficial/profitable/rewarding

发生 happen/occur/take place

进展 development/advance/progress/strides

明显的 clear/obvious/evident/self-evident/manifest/apparent

帮助 give/lend a hand, come to one’s assistance

大量 tremendous/enormous amount of, a great deal of , a multitude of, vast store of, the overwhelming majority of, a sizable percentage of, a considerable proportion of, large segments of, a considerable portion of, a very large number of, the bulk of

只修饰可数名词:many/a great many/a good many/quite a few/a number of/

dozens of/scores of/large numbers of

只修饰不可数名词:much/not a little/quite a little/a great deal of/a large amount of

可数、不可数均可:a large quantity of/large quantities of/a lot of/plenty of

总而言之 All in all/To sum up/In summary/In a word/Overall/In a nutshell

因此 so/therefore/thus/hence/consequently/as a consequence/accordingly/as a result

原因 reason/factor/cause

与…相比 by contrast, compared with/to, in comparison with/to

与…相反 on the contrary/as opposed to/in opposition to/instead


The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.

The chart demonstrates various modes of transport used for commuting in one European city in three different years( 1960, 1980 and 2000).

In 1960, only about 7 percent of commuters drove cars, yet this figure rose by about 4 times to above 35 percent in 2000./The percentage of car drivers was only about 7 percent in 1960, ascending by 4 times to above 35 percent in 2000. By contrast, nearly 39 percent of commuters relied on buses in 1960, yet this figure dropped to 15 percent in 2000.

The percentages of commuters who used trains and tubes kept around 20 percent, despite some fluctuation. About 19 percent of commuters used train in 1960, and this figure rose to around 27 percent before it dropped to about 23 percent in 2000. By contrast, the percentage of tube users was about 27 percent in 1960, decreasing to about 23 percent before rising to 25 percent again in 2000.

It can be seen clearly that the use of cars increased sharply over time, while bus use decreased notably/in comparison with the declining popularity of buses. The use of trains and tubes experienced some fluctuation. /Some fluctuation occurred in the use of trains and tubes.



The table/chart /flow chart/map shows(that).../compares...with....

The table/chart/diagram/graph/map shows/describes/illustrates/gives information on…


It can be seen from the figures/statistics that...

According to the table/chart diagram/graph/map...

It is clear from the figures/statistics that...

By contrast,...

In comparison,...


We can see from the table/chart/flow chart/map that...

It is apparent from the figures/statistics/table/chart/diagram/graph figures(that)...

As is shown in the table/chart diagram/graph/map,

As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/map,


1. 数据变化:

上升:increase、rise、climb、mount、ascend、surge、soar、go up、on the rise

下降:decrease、fall、decline、drop、descend、dip、plummet、slump、go down、on the decline

平稳:stable、steady、remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to

波动:fluctuate、fluctuation、rise and falls、up and down


rapid/rapidly 迅速的/地

dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的/地

significant/significantly 重大的/地


sharp/sharply 明显的/地,急剧的/地


steady/steadily 稳定的/地

gradual/gradually 逐渐的/地

slow/slowly 缓慢的/地

slight/slightly 略微的/地

stable/stably 稳定的/地

2. 其他常用词


占:occupy、account for、represent

而:while、 however、 whereas、 on the other hand、 actually/in fact

相比:by contrast、 in comparison、on the contrary、 likewise、

最高点:the highest、the top、 the summit、the peak、

最低点:bottom、rock bottom

平均:mean、 average

趋势:tendency、trend、 inclination


将要:will be/expected/predicted/projected to



Teenagers spend most time watching TV or videos, socializing with many people and doing group sports( 1200, 350, and 150 hours respectively).


The sales of... rose by 20 billion dollars.

This figure for...ascended from…to...

The figure reached the highest/lowest point at…

The proportion/percentage of... increased from…to...


The most dramatic increase is predicted to occur in a period from 2030 to 2040.

There be 句型:

There was a sudden rise/boom in the sales of... from…to…


The ten years from 1990 to 2000 witnessed / saw a steady growth of...from…to…


A was ranked first, followed by B at 20% and C at 15%.


The percentage of car drivers was only about 7% in 1960, ascending by 4 times to above 35 % in 2000.

The percentage of tube users was about 27 % in 1960, descending to about 23% before rising to 25% again in 2000.


The proportions of elder people are expected to increase in these countries, with Japan experiencing the most dramatic increase in the future.


A had almost/over a quarter/half/twice/one third/ as many employees as/ as much money as B.

A had approximately the same number/proportion of employees/money as B.

The number of ... in 2000 was 5 times more than that in 1990.

The number of....approximately doubled/ tripled between 1990 and 2000.

