


What is the application process of business visa in China? What application materials do you need to prepare? How much is the handling fee?


International business contacts have never stopped. With the development of the times, countries are getting closer and closer, and it is very common to travel between countries because of business activities. So how do foreigners prepare for China business visa?


Next, the visa office with 15 years' experience in visa processing will sort out for you: What is the application process of China business visa? What application materials do you need to prepare? How much is the handling fee?


If you want to apply for a business visa in China, you need to do "homework" in advance, and know the application process and materials in detail, so that the subsequent processing can be smoother. Then the signing house will sort out the general process of applying for a business visa in China for you:

  1. 确认好出行的目的以及所要办理的签证类型
  2. 按照相应的要求准备好申请材料
  3. 预约申请
  4. 按约定好的时间递交签证申请材料
  5. 等待受理
  6. 审批通过以后便可以领取签证

1. Confirm the purpose of your trip and the type of visa you want to apply for.

2. Prepare application materials according to the corresponding requirements.

3. Application for appointment

4. Submit the visa application materials at the agreed time.

5. Waiting for acceptance

6. After approval, you can get a visa.


You can follow this general application process. Of course, besides the application process, the application materials are also a very important audit item. Not only do you need to provide sufficient application materials, but also the content of the materials should be guaranteed to be true. You should not be lucky enough to provide false materials, otherwise once discovered, it is likely to result in visa rejection.


  1. 个人材料
  2. 有效期半年以上的护照
  3. 最近拍摄的白底照片
  4. 签证申请表
  5. 其他材料,如居留证明,更改姓名证明等,按照具体情况提供即可
  6. 中国境内贸易合作方出具的邀请函,通常情况下会包含以下内容:
  7. 申请人的基本材料:出生日期,姓名,性别等
  8. 邀请人或邀请单位的基本材料:姓名,地址,电话等
  9. 入境计划:访问目的,入境时间以及与邀请人的关系证明等

Here are the materials needed to apply for a business visa in China:

1. Personal materials

(1) Passport valid for more than half a year

(2) Recent photos taken on white background

(3) Visa Application Form

(4) Other materials, such as residence certificate, name change certificate, etc., can be provided according to the specific situation.

2. Invitations issued by trade partners in China usually include the following contents:

(1) Basic information of the applicant: date of birth, name, gender, etc.

(2) Basic materials of the inviter or inviting unit: name, address, telephone number, etc.

(3) Entry plan: the purpose of the visit, the entry time and the proof of the relationship with the inviter.


It should be noted that foreigners who come to China for business activities need to have an inviting unit in China and have filed a foreign-related enterprise. Secondly, foreign applicants must not have bad records. Applicants who hold China business visas need to enter the country for business activities.


I'd like to share a real case with you. Some time ago, the signing house received a consultation. The applicant, Ms. M, is a Korean and wants to apply for a business visa to China. Because she is new to the formalities, she just found an intermediary company online to help herself.


At first, the intermediary was very professional, and the conversation with Ms. M was very smooth. She also asked Ms. M not to worry, and she could guarantee the over-signing. As a result, Ms. M thought it was a professional organization and immediately signed the contract, but what she didn't expect was that the performance of this organization was totally different after signing the contract.


Not only did Ms. M not provide any help in visa processing, but even some basic visa knowledge gave ambiguous answers. In the end, Ms. M would rather lose the cost of signing the contract and resolutely leave the agency. Later, after being introduced by a friend, she found the signing house. This comparison is simply a world of difference. The signing house is very professional, and it didn't take long for Ms. M's business visa to be successfully issued.


Therefore, we must be careful when choosing the entrusting party, and don't be deceived by such bad organizations. I'd like to share some information about China business visas with you. If you want to know more about visas, or if you have plans to come to China in the near future, you can ask for help from Visa Home. Teacher Liu of Visa Home has nearly five years' rich experience and can provide you with professional guidance at any time.


Finally, let's talk about the cost of applying for a business visa in China. We suggest that the official price should prevail, and the specific cost can be inquired in detail when applying.


That's all the contents prepared by the above-mentioned signing house for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to you. What is the application process for China business visa? What application materials do you need to prepare? How much is the handling fee? What other questions do you have? Welcome everyone's positive comments and feedback ~

