



  • 厨房电器:微波炉,电热锅,电饭煲,电烤箱,燃气炉,抽油烟机,排气扇,洗碗机,消毒柜,食物处理机,榨汁机,搅拌机,净化器等
  • 冰箱及制冷设备:冰箱,冷柜等
  • 空调及通风设备:空调,电风扇,空气加湿器,空气干燥器,空气清新器等
  • 洗衣及干衣设备:洗衣机,干衣机,电熨斗等
  • 其他家用小电器:计算器,热水器,吹风机,氧气机,电动剃须刀,电子刀具,电筒,吸尘器,暖炉,灭蚊器等


  • 音像视听产品:家庭影院设备,VCD机,DVD机,CD机,麦克风,卡拉OK设备,电视,机顶盒,录像机,录音机,复读机,收音机,扩音器,扬声器,汽车音像系统,电视机架
  • 数码娱乐产品:MP3机,MP4机,随身听,数码相机,平板电脑,电子游戏产品
  • 通讯产品:手机,寻呼机,对讲机,PDA,电话,传真机,通讯电缆,天线及接收器,呼叫器,无线电设备,雷达导航设备,卫星通讯设备,卫星接收器,其他通讯设备及器材
  • 电源产品:干电池,锂电池,移动电源,电源适配器、USB充电器
  • 计算机产品:
    • 计算机及配件:大、中型电子计算机,小型电子计算机,微型电子计算机,台式计算机,笔记本电脑,光驱,软驱,硬盘,CPU,内存,声卡,显卡,主板,键盘,鼠标,显示器,移动硬盘,U盘,电子计算机散件,文字处理机,其它电子计算机
    • 计算机外围设备:打印机,3D打印机,磁盘,光盘,磁带,扫描仪,数码摄像头,刻录机,UPS,其他外围设备
    • 计算机网络设备:服务器,调制解调器,路由器,集线器,网卡,工作站,交换机
    • 计算机软件:操作软件,办公软件,财务软件,管理软件,图像设计软件,电脑安全软件,网络工具软件,游戏软件,教育软件,多媒体软件,开发与编程软件,翻译与字典软件,智能家居系统软件
  • 电子安全设备:监控器,警报器,自动安全产品,检测器,传感器,通道控制系统,家用安全产品,办公室安全系统,电子锁系统,智能卡
  • 商务自动化设备:复印机,电子写字板,投影仪,碎纸机,考勤机,图像会议设备,电子收款机,自动取款机,电子打卡机,点钞机,条码打印机,条码扫描器,数据采集器,IC卡
  • 智慧生活:智慧家居,智慧教育,智慧出行,生活机器人,智能穿戴,智慧医疗,智能体育产品,智能控制系统
  • 其它电子产品:气象监测仪,气象监测仪组合装置,气象监测仪配件


  • 数控机床及增材制造设备:各类数控机床,加工中心,组合机床,激光加工设备,3D打印机,柔性制造单元及生产线等
  • 工业机器人:巡检机器人,检测机器人,焊割机器人,喷涂机器人,装配机器人,机器人视觉,机器人配件(减速器,伺服驱动系统,控制器等),机器人开发平台及软件等
  • 工业自动化系统及设备:控制系统及装置,测量仪器,数据采集及处理,工业图像处理,显示面板及设备,传感器,执行器,线性驱动,伺服电机与驱动器,变频器,变速机,联轴器,传动控制,人机界面,PLC可编程控制器系统和软件等
  • 智能物流与仓储设备:轻型高速堆垛机,超高超重型堆垛机,高速智能分拣机,智能多层穿梭车,智能化高密度存储穿梭板,高速托盘输送机,高参数自动化立体仓库,高速大容量输送与分拣成套装备,车间物流智能化成套装备等
  • 数字化工厂:工业互联网,物联网,工业通信,经营管理系统,大数据/云计算,产品设计及研发,数字孪生,机器学习,生产执行系统,产品生命周期管理,信息安全性技术,虚拟现实技术,信息技术及解决方案等


  • 机床及金属加工设备:金属切削机床,金属成形机床,特种加工机床,铸造机械,焊接切割设备,机床刀具及附件,磨具磨料等
  • 建材机械及成套设备:建材机械,木工机械,石材加工机械,各类成套设备及生产线等
  • 橡塑包装及印刷设备:橡胶/塑料机械,包装机械,印刷机械,模具,3D打印机等
  • 食品饮料加工设备:食品加工机械,饮料加工机械,商用餐厨加工及展示设备,冷链仓储及搬运设备等
  • 化工纺织及其他设备:纺织机械,制药机械,烟草机械,化工机械,环保设备及其他设备等


  • 动力设备:电动机,电机组,柴油机等
  • 电力设备:发电机,发电机组,输电设备,调相机等


  • 通用机械:各种泵,阀门,风机,压缩机等
  • 制冷,供暖及通风设备及配件产品:供暖设备及配件,暖通泵阀产品,空调制冷设备零配件,制冷剂,冷凝系统,冷链冷藏运输制冷系统,冷藏与冷冻食品柜配件,排风系统及配件,空气处理装置,热交换器,能源控制设备,过滤器,制冷与空调的测量工具及仪器仪表等
  • 工业零部件:轴承,坚固体,链条,弹簧,通用阀门,铸造产品,锻造产品,模具,齿轮,粉末冶金,气动元件,密封件,液压部件及配件,其他机械零配件
  • 仪器:电子仪器,电工仪器,显微镜,测绘仪器,观察仪器,物理光学仪器,其他光学仪器,材料实验机,地质勘探设备及仪器,热工仪器,自动化仪器,建筑试验仪器,水文土工仪器,实验室仪器,专用仪器仪表,其他物理化工仪器
  • 摄影器材:电影器材,照相器材,其他照相制版及电影器材
  • 印刷器材
  • 家用缝纫机及零件,纺织器材
  • 运输设备:船舶设备及零件,水下特种设备,航空设备及零件,铁路车辆设备及器材
  • 汽车保养设备:喷油嘴消洗机,汽车举升机,废油抽取机,轮胎拆装机,平衡机,四轮定位仪,清洗机等


  • 工程机械:挖掘机械,铲土运输机械,起重机械,工业车辆,压实机械,路面施工与养护机械,混凝土机械,市政与环卫机械,高空作业机械,凿岩掘进桩工机械及工具,电梯与扶梯,其他工程车辆及设备,工程机械零部件等
  • 其他机械:矿山机械,煤矿机械,地质机械,消防机械,石油机械等


  • 农业机械:动力机械(拖拉机),耕整地机械,种植施肥机械,田间管理机械,收获机械,收获后处理机械,农产品初加工机械,畜牧水产养殖机械,农用搬运机械,排灌机械,农村可再生能源机械,内燃机,发电机组及零部件,其他农业机械零部件等
  • 园林机械:种植及市政机械,修剪及打药设备,喷灌及灌溉设备,园艺工具,林业装备等


  • 无机化学品:化学元素,无机酸及非金属无机氧化物,非金属卤化物及硫化物,无机碱和金属氧化物氢氧化物及过氧化物,无机酸盐和无机过氧酸盐及金属酸盐,杂项无机化工品
  • 有机化学品:烃类及衍生物,醇类及衍生物,酚、酚醇类及衍生物,醚类及衍生物,醛基化合物,酮及醌基化合物,羧酸类及衍生物,非金属无机酸脂及盐,含氮基化合物,其他有机化合物
  • 农化工品:化肥,农药
  • 染料、颜料、油漆及中间体
  • 塑料及其制品
  • 橡胶及其制品
  • 新材料
    • 稀土新材料:稀土永磁,钐钴永磁,磁性材料,储氢材料,隔热保温材料,红外蓄热剂
    • 金属合金及粉末:硬质合金类,钼铼合金、钼钛锆合金,低氧高密度钼棒材,复合铜箔
    • 特种橡胶
    • 特种塑料
    • 特殊化学品
    • 特殊染料、颜料
    • 碳纤维
    • 储能材料


  • 新能源汽车整车


    • 轻型车:轿车,多功能运动车SUV,越野车,多功能车MPV,客货车,低速车,改装车,特种功能车等
    • 中,重型车:城市物流车,环卫车,救护车,特种车,货车及混凝土搅拌车,自卸车等
    • 客车:小、中、大型公交车及客车
  • 智能网联汽车及技术


    • 各类感知系统:摄像头,行为识别系统,激光雷达,毫米波雷达,高精度地图,车路协同系统,相应软件系统与解决方案
    • 各类通信系统:电子电器构架,云平台
    • 各类控制系统:芯片,算法,操作系统
    • 执行系统:ADAS执行器,智能中控,语音交互,各类域控制器,控制单元,线控底盘执行器,线束等
    • 开发测试,出行服务,物流服务
  • 电池及充电桩技术
    • 汽车动力电池,各类三元锂离子电池,磷酸铁锂电池,钛酸锂电池,电池包,氢燃料电池堆,甲醇重整制氢技术及产品,滑板底盘及技术
    • 纯电动及混合动力汽车动力及传动系统,各类增程器,控制器,半导体IGBT及SiC元器件等
    • 充电机监控管理系统,动力电池及电池管理系统,储能电池及系统等
    • 直流/交流充电桩,一体式/分布式充电桩,换电站,充电桩人机界面,控制器,充电连接及保护装置,计费系统,电池换电设备及解决方案等
  • 电子控制系统
    • 动力控制系统:电机控制器,自动变速器
    • 底盘与安全控制:防抱死制动控制,电动助力转向,巡航系统,悬架控制,牵引力控制,电子稳定系统,胎压监测等
    • 车身电子:安全气囊,安全带,灯光控制,电子仪表,自动空调,自动座椅,电动车窗,中控锁,防盗器等
  • 车载电子装置
    • 信息系统:无人驾驶系统,车辆运行信息,车载通讯系统,上网设备,系统安全解决方案,车联网服务等
    • 导航系统:电子导航,定位系统,倒车雷达,倒车影像等
    • 娱乐系统:数字视频系统,音响系统,移动TV等


  • 非工程车辆:轿车,客车,越野车,底盘,拖车及拖车头,保温车,冷冻车,油罐汽车,公共汽车,救护车,消防车,运水车,工具车/皮卡,飞机牵引车,机场特种车辆,无轨电车及设备,高尔夫车,ATV全场车,运钞车,面包车,货车,自卸车等


  • 汽车零部件:发动机及零件,冷却、润滑及燃料供给零件,传动系零件,行驶转向及制动零件,汽车仪表及零件,汽车电器及零件等
  • 轮胎
  • 汽车配件及优化装备等
  • 维修及汽车相关服务用品等
  • 汽车装饰品


  • 摩托车,沙滩车
  • 摩托车零配件


  • 自行车:自行车、电动自行车,电动滑板车等
  • 自行车零配件


  • 照明系统应用:工业照明,装饰照明,紧急及安全照明,娱乐及舞台灯光,办公室、广告、展览会照明,户外照明等
  • 电光源:日光灯,节能灯,白炽灯,霓虹灯,氖灯泡,碘钨灯,镁灯泡,溴钨灯等
  • 灯具配件:灯罩,灯柱,光纤,灯盘,灯座,灯头,镇流器,稳压器,变压器,启辉器,适配器,转换器,传感器等


  • 电子电工产品:光电器件,整流器,逆变器,放大器,变频器,分频器,继电器,适配器,电池,变压器,稳压器,电感器,电抗器,断路器,万用表,连接器,测量设备,充电器,电子检测设备,电子元器件(电容,电阻,晶体管,二极管,三极管,压电晶体,电感元件,线圈,插座,开关,电线,电缆,电路板)
  • 电工设备:电炉,线路金具,电碳制品,电线,电缆,电瓷,绝缘材料,电工用具,蓄电池等


  • 太阳能光伏产品:太阳能电池及组件,光伏相关零部件,光伏工程及系统,光伏原材料,光伏生产设备,光伏应用产品
  • 太阳能光热产品:太阳能热水器,太阳能热泵,太阳能集热器,太阳能空调,其他光热产品及配件
  • 风能产品及配件
  • 其他新能源产品


  • 家具五金,建筑五金,装饰五金,门窗五金,浴室五金及配件,铁艺制品,锁具及配件,丝网,焊接材料,低压阀门,水暖器材,铸铁制品,铸锻件,紧固件,手推车/平板车及配件,货架/支架及配件,消防器材,其它五金制品


  • 量具,磨具,刃具,手动工具,电动工具,气动工具,液压工具,焊接工具,机械工具,切割工具,农具



  • 家庭用餐厨及日用陶瓷
  • 酒店用餐厨及日用陶瓷
  • 其它餐厨及日用陶瓷


  • 不锈钢器皿,搪瓷器皿,其他材料器皿
  • 餐桌用品及装饰:餐具,刀叉,餐桌用蜡烛,餐桌装饰
  • 厨房用品:开瓶器,瓶塞钻,开罐器,火锅器具,水壶,厨房及专业刀具,厨房用纸,去皮器,铝箔,过磅称,磨刀器,净刀器,锅,铲,勺,核桃夹子


  • 清洁用品:洗涤用品与洗衣用具;去污剂,锅具清洁用品,冰箱除臭剂,洗窗用具,扫帚,刷,抹布,地拖,磨光用具,垃圾斗,垃圾铲
  • 一般家庭用品:雨伞,阳伞,民用手套,劳保手套,盆,桶,衣夹,衣架,洗衣篮,衣叉,钩,熨衣板,鞋架,鞋盒,鞋柜,烟具,打火机,温度计,CD架,废纸篓,储物柜,酒瓶架,购物手推车,其他家庭用品


  • 玻璃器皿
  • 玻璃装饰品
  • 其他玻璃工艺品


  • 装饰蜡烛,烛台及相关产品
  • 画、画框、相框、镜:中国字画,油画,雕版画,相簿,相架,工艺镜框,画框,活动支架、装饰镜
  • 桌上用品
  • 门窗装饰,墙挂装饰品
  • 人造花


  • 花卉苗木(活植物)
  • 干燥/人造花
  • 盆景
  • 园艺工具
  • 户外装置
  • 园林产品:植物配件,配套用具用品(花盆及花槽、杀虫剂等),园艺装饰品
  • 鱼鸟等观赏动物
  • 其他园林用品


  • 派对用品及装饰:气球,派对用品,派对布置及装饰
  • 节日用品及装饰:圣诞布置及装饰,复活节用品及装饰,万圣节用品及装饰,烟花爆竹,其他节日用品及装饰


  • 树脂工艺制品
  • 传统工艺品:景泰蓝,漆器及雕漆,工艺扇,工艺灯,文房四宝,人发及发制品,绣品,花瓶,工艺茶具,酒具,雕刻工艺品,泥塑工艺品,民族工艺品,天然工艺品,其他工艺美术品
  • 珠宝及骨刻玉雕:珠宝首饰(宝石,珍珠,珠宝首饰原料,金银),骨刻玉雕(牛骨,马骨,骆驼骨,玳瑁壳,鹿角,珊瑚,珍珠母及其他动物质雕刻制品),玉石雕刻制品
  • 宣传礼品及赠品:宣传赠品,徽章及奖章,纪念品,钥匙扣,钥匙包,记事簿
  • 纸品及包装产品:日历,挂历,台历,贺卡,问候卡,礼盒,礼盒包装,手工艺纸,纸袋,丝带,礼品包装纸


  • 钟:石英钟,机械钟,跳字/行针跳字钟,无线电钟,柜钟,挂钟,座钟
  • 表:石英表,机械表,跳字/行针跳字表,液晶体显示表,计时表,运动表,时尚表,袋表,怀表
  • 钟表配件:表面,机芯,表壳,表盘,表针,表链,表带,表玻璃,防水胶圈
  • 眼镜:近视镜,老花镜,隐型眼镜,太阳镜
  • 眼镜配件:眼镜框,眼镜片,眼镜盒


  • 美术陶瓷
  • 陶瓷工艺品
  • 园艺及花园陶瓷


  • 竹器、木器、草器、柳编制品
  • 藤铁工艺品


  • 建筑材料
    • 一般建材,金属建材,化工建材,玻璃建材,水泥制品,防火材料,保温材料,隔热材料,暖通/散热器材及附件
    • 涂料/化学类:墙面/防水/地坪涂料,涂料助剂,涂料包装材料,干粉砂浆,粘合剂,外加剂,助剂,建筑胶,胶带,填缝剂,防锈材料,建筑防水材料,防水添加剂,防渗漏材料,防水技术及相关设备
    • 管件
  • 装饰材料
    • 瓷砖:墙面瓷砖,地面瓷砖,其它装饰用瓷砖
    • 木地板:实木地板,实木复合地板,强化木地板,软木地板,竹地板
    • 天花/幕墙/墙纸及室内装饰:天花,吊顶,墙纸,铝板/铅板/点式/单元/金属幕墙,幕墙配件及加工设备,阳光板,石膏制品,钢结构
    • 门窗类:木门,塑钢/铝合金/钢门,窗;各类自动门,门控五金系统及配件,门禁电子系统
    • 石材:石地板,园艺文化石,异型石材,石料,石材;人造石装饰材料
    • 玻璃类:艺术玻璃,建筑/装饰玻璃
  • 厨房设备:整体厨房,橱柜,洗物槽,厨房挂件


  • 卫生陶瓷,浴缸类,整体浴室,蒸汽房,淋浴类,水龙头,卫浴镜,浴室家居,热水器,浴室取暖器,浴室柜,间隔,泳池设备等


  • 传统中式家具
  • 家庭用室内家具:客厅、餐厅、卧室、书房、厨房、浴室用家具
  • 宾馆饭店家具
  • 办公家具
  • 学校用家具
  • 医用家具
  • 户外家具:园林、庭院、沙滩、露营用家具
  • 公共设施家具
  • 其他家具
  • 家具半成品及零配件


  • 石制装饰品,石材,铁艺,其他室外装饰品
  • 户外水疗设施及其零配件,泳池配套设施



  • 婴儿玩具
  • 电动或遥控及发条类玩具
  • 动作类玩具
  • 游戏益智类玩具
  • 毛绒及布制玩具
  • 玩偶
  • 骑乘类玩具
  • 玩具乐器
  • 充气玩具
  • 其他玩具及玩具零配件


  • 婴童食品:婴童奶粉,婴童辅食,婴童保健及营养品等
  • 婴儿装及配饰:婴儿服装,婴儿鞋,婴儿帽,婴儿配饰,婴儿家纺用品等
  • 育婴用品:婴儿哺育用品,婴儿洗护用品,婴儿湿巾,婴儿纸巾,婴儿棉柔巾,婴儿纸尿裤,奶瓶,奶嘴,婴儿牙刷,婴童餐具等
  • 婴童安全产品:婴童监视器,插座安全盖,婴童安全锁等
  • 童车:婴童手推车,婴童学步车,婴童汽车安全座椅等
  • 婴童家具:婴童床,婴童床上用品,婴童桌,婴童椅,婴童摇篮等
  • 母婴电器:暖奶器,婴儿辅食机,电动吸奶器,奶瓶消毒机,母婴洗衣机,母婴空调等
  • 幼教用品:点读机,复读机,学习机,儿童电话手表,护眼台灯等


  • 上衣,裙,裤,套装,外装
  • 婴儿及孕妇服装


  • 女装:女士衬衫,裙,裤,马甲,套装,夹克,外套,毛衣
  • 男装:男士西装,裤,衬衫,马甲,夹克,外套,毛衣
  • 婚纱及礼服:结婚礼服,酒会时装,晚装
  • 其他:制服、工作服等


  • 内衣及套装,睡衣,浴衣,家居服等


  • 运动服,休闲服,卫衣,T恤,牛仔服,表演服,舞蹈服,装扮类服装,其他运动及休闲服


  • 裘皮及制品:各类裘皮原料,裘皮制品(裘皮服装/帽子/手套/靠垫/皮褥子等)
  • 革皮及制品:各类革皮原料,革皮服装等各类革皮制品
  • 羽绒及制品:羽毛羽绒原料(鹅鸭毛绒、鸡毛等),羽毛制品(鸡毛掸、羽毛花、羽毛饰品等),羽绒制品(羽绒服装、羽绒寝具、羽绒睡袋等)
  • 羊绒及制品
  • 其他裘革皮羽绒及制品


  • 时装饰物:帽,手套,丝巾,手帕,围巾,袜子,领带等
  • 成衣配件:肩垫,衣服标签,拉链等


  • 面料:棉/混纺,化纤/混纺,麻/混纺,丝/人造丝面料,毛/人造毛面料,特种机织物,无纺织物,工业用布等
  • 纤维和纱线
    • 纤维:植物纤维,动物纤维,人造纤维,合成纤维,无机/矿物纤维,化学纤维等
    • 纱线:棉纱/混纺,麻纱/混纺,毛纱/混纺,化纤纱/混纺等
  • 其他:服装辅料等

  • 时装鞋:男鞋,女鞋
  • 运动鞋:各种球鞋,跑鞋,登山鞋,体操鞋,训练鞋及其他
  • 童鞋
  • 凉鞋、拖鞋
  • 其他特殊用途的鞋靴及半成品


  • 日用箱:全皮箱,人造革箱,塑纺面箱
  • 公文箱:全皮公文箱,塑纺公文箱,人造革公文箱
  • 包袋类:全皮包,人造革包,棉布包袋,塑纺面包袋
  • 其他箱包及配件


  • 床上用品:毛毯,被褥,床单,床套,床垫,毛巾被,枕头,枕套,靠垫,蚊帐等
  • 家居装饰用纺织品:装饰布,墙布,窗帘布,遮阳布,家具布,沙发套等
  • 浴室用纺织品:浴帘,毛巾,面巾,浴巾,沙滩巾,马桶盖罩等
  • 餐桌、厨房用纺织品:餐桌布,餐桌垫,餐巾,围裙,抹布,微波炉手套,其它厨房用纺织品
  • 其他:地垫,清洁用纺织品,旗帜,流苏等


  • 机制地毯
  • 手工地毯:丝织地毯,羊毛打结地毯,胶背地毯,其他手工地毯
  • 挂毯
  • 其他铺地材料:竹草编织地毯


  • 笔类:铅笔,圆珠笔,签字笔,荧光笔,水笔,钢笔,油性笔,绘画用笔,笔芯,墨水
  • 文件存储类:硬皮文件夹,纸文件夹,透明文件套,会议文件套,电脑打印文件夹,挂夹用品,风琴夹,板夹,分页纸夹,文件盘,名片夹,报告夹,证件夹
  • 办公用品:钉书器,钉书钉,装订器,起钉器,打孔器,剪刀,裁纸刀,笔筒,曲别针筒,胶带座,直尺,卷尺,卷笔刀,涂改液,橡皮,胶水,透明胶,两面胶,夹扣,印章用品,计算器,台垫,名片座,报夹
  • 纸制品:笔记本,告事贴,传真纸,电脑打印纸,彩色喷墨打印纸,复印纸,相片纸,书写纸,财务用纸制品
  • 标签类:手写标贴,胸卡,护卡膜,记号标贴
  • 办公桌摆设装饰品
  • 办公自动化产品及设备,办公设备耗材


  • 中药:中成药,中药材,植物提取物
  • 化学及生物药:西成药,西药原料,医药中间体,生物药
  • 保健品:保健药品,天然保健品,中药酒,保健酒,饮品,滋补品
  • 美容美体用品:功能性化妆品,身体护理用品,假肢假发,纤体用品,美容材料
  • 家庭医用护理产品:家庭人体秤,医药箱,热水袋,拐杖
  • 生殖保健用品及器具:性保健用品及器具,计划生育用品及器具
  • 保健及康复用品:康复器具,按摩器具,理疗仪器,健身器具
  • 医用敷料、一次性耗材
  • 医院诊断及治疗设备
    • 各类手术器械
    • 医用电子仪器
    • 临床检验分析仪器:体外诊断试剂及仪器,医用光学仪器,医用激光仪器,物理治疗设备
    • 微创介入诊治系统
    • 生物芯片与仪器
    • 中西医结合仪器
    • 心脏监护设备
    • 医学影像设备
    • 生化检测设备
    • 血压计、血糖仪、温度计
    • 内窥镜系统
    • 低温冷冻设备
    • 透析治疗设备
    • 医用X射线与磁共振影像设备
    • 医用超声仪器、直线加速器
    • 眼科、耳鼻喉科设备等五官科诊治设备
    • 口腔医疗器材设备:牙科诊断医疗设备,牙科手术器材,牙科技工设备及牙科材料
  • 医院辅助设备
    • 消毒灭菌系列产品,制氧供氧设备,血库装备,净水设备,低温冷冻设备
    • 残疾人专用器材
    • 医院远程医疗系统,医院医疗信息系统,医院办公自动化系统
    • 防护装置及核辐射防护装备
    • 医院通用设备器具:医院无菌病房,病室监控系统,各类病床,医用急救车辆,担架及各类急救用品
    • 医用应用软件:医用数据及图像处理系统
    • 手术室各类手术台及专用设备
    • 药物检测及分析仪器
    • 实验室生物仪器
    • 医用家具
  • 检测和防护用品
    • 体外诊断:整体实验室解决方案,临床诊断设备,诊断试剂,POCT,家用诊断设备等
    • 医用防护用品:外科口罩,医用防护口罩,防护眼镜,防护面罩,防护手套,防护隔离衣,防护服,防护鞋套等
    • 消毒用品:医用消毒制品,消毒机器人,消毒设备
  • 银发经济
    • 中老年康复护理:康复护理设备,康复护理辅助器具,康复护理卫生用品等
    • 中老年保健养生:功能食品,药膳滋补营养品,中药滋补品,药食同源产品等
    • 中老年医疗器械:常用医疗器械,理疗养生设备
    • 智慧养老:穿戴健康设备,生命体征监测,养老机构及居家看护管理系统
    • 中老年药品:中老年常发病,多发病预防及治疗药品
    • 适老健身,按摩产品
    • 老年美容产品:老年人美容口服液,老年人抗衰老产品


  • 食品:粮油,肉类及制品,蛋奶制品,水产品及制品,水果及制品,蔬菜及制品,调味品,糖及糖食(糖果),糕点及饼干,食品添加剂,蜂产品,其他食品
  • 饮料:
    • 酒:啤酒,烈酒,葡萄酒
    • 咖啡
    • 果汁
    • 饮用水
    • 其他饮料
  • 茶叶:红茶及其他半发酵茶,绿茶,乌龙茶,花茶,普洱茶,其他茶叶及相关产品(保健茶,滤纸/香花等)
  • 食品包装及相关产品


  • 运动用品
    • 室内、外运动用品:球类及附件,拳击用具,滑板,旱冰鞋,冰鞋,健身器械,家用训练器,运动用网,蹦床,箭术,自行车及附件,桌球,射击,打猎,登山,绳索,田径器械,马术运动用具,沙滩运动用具,运动眼镜,运动箱包等
    • 水上运动,潜水运动用品:潜水镜,潜水面罩,潜水衣,潜水用的鸭脚板,潜水用的通气管,潜水附件,冲浪滑板及附件,游泳用具及附件,滑水及工具
    • 体育纪念品:奖杯,奖状,奖牌,旗,徽章
  • 旅游休闲用品
    • 钓鱼用具:鱼钩,鱼线,鱼网,鱼杆,鱼袋,钓鱼用线轴,钓具及附件
    • 烧烤用具:电烧烤,煤气烧烤,碳砖烧烤,烤架,引燃器具,烧烤附件
    • 户外休闲用具:秋千、吊床、遮阳伞
    • 乐器
    • 棋类,扑克
    • 户外旅游用品:背包,防护型遮盖物,气垫,睡袋,毯子,帐篷,帐篷附件,露营用具及附件


  • 化妆品及配件:化妆品,唇膏,化妆袋,化妆扫,化妆镜
  • 皮肤护理产品:美容面霜,护肤霜,护手霜,防晒霜,按摩用品,香水
  • 头发护理产品及配件:洗护发产品,梳,日用发刀剪,头饰
  • 护甲用具,护足用具,剃须用品
  • 护齿用品:牙膏,牙刷


  • 洗浴用品:肥皂,沐浴液,漱口水,浴盐,浴油,牙膏,牙刷
  • 洗浴用具:浴室海绵,浴室用垫,浴室用镜,枧液容器,肥皂托盘,塞子,湿毛巾,浴帽,浴帘,毛巾,毛巾架,厕纸及面纸


  • 宠物食品
  • 宠物用品:宠物玩具,宠物训练产品,宠物碗/喂食器,宠物床及配件,宠物笼,宠物颈圈/牵引带,宠物服饰及配件,水族馆用品及配件,宠物清洁美容产品,其他宠物用品

Exhibit Categories

Phase 1 (Oct.15-Oct.19,2023)

Household Electrical Appliances

  • Kitchen Appliances: Microwave Ovens, Electric Heat Pots, Electric Rice Cookers, Electric Ovens, Gas Cookers, Kitchen Ventilators, Exhaust Fans, Dishwashers, Disinfection Cabinets, Food Processors, Juice Extractors, Kitchen Mixers, Cleaning Filters.
  • Refrigerators & Refrigeration Equipment: Refrigerators, Freezers
  • Air Conditioners & Ventilation Equipment: Air Conditioners, Fans, Air Humidifiers, Air Dryers, Air Purifiers.
  • Washing & Drying Machinery: Washing Machines, Drying Machines, Electric Irons.
  • Other Small Electrical Appliances: Calculators, Water Heaters, Hairdryers, Oxygen Machines, Electric Shavers, Electric Power Tools, Torches, Vacuums, Stoves, Mosquito Killers

Consumer Electronics and Information Products

  • Audio-video Products: Home Theaters, VCD,DVD,CD,Microphones, Karaoke Equipment, TV, Set-top Boxes, Video Recorders, Tape Recorders, Re-readers, Radios, Megaphones, Loudspeakers, Car Audio System, TV Stand
  • Digital Entertainment Products: MP3, MP4, MD, Portable Music Players, Digital Cameras, Tablets, Electronic Game Products
  • Communications: Mobiles, Pagers, Interphones, PDA, Telephones, Fax Machines, Communication Cables, Antenna & Receivers, Radio Sets, Rader Navigation equipment, Satellite Communication Equipment, Satellite Receivers, and other Communication Facilities
  • Power Supply Products : Dry Battery, Lithium Battery, Portable Power Source, Power Adapter, USB Charger.
  • Computer Products:

    • Computer & Parts: Large & Medium-sized Computers, Mini Computers, Micro Computers, Desktops, Laptops, CD-drive, Floppy Drive, Memory, Hard Disks, CPU, Sound Cards, Video Cards, Main Boards, Keyboards, Mouse, Monitors, Mobile Hard Disks, U Disks, Computer Spare parts, Word Processors, and other Computers.
    • Computer Peripherals: Printers, Disks, CDs, Tapes, Scanners, Web-cams, CD-writers, UPS, and other Peripherals
    • Computer Network Equipment: Servers, Modems, Routers, Hubs, Network Cards, Work Stations, Switches
    • Computer Software: Operation Software, Office Software, Accounting Software, Management Software, Image Design Software, Computer Security Software, Network Tool Software, Game software, Education Software,Multi-media Software, Developing & Programming Software, Translation & Dictionary Software, Smart Home Software
  • Electronic Security equipment: Monitors, Sirens, Auto Security Products, Detectors, Sensors, Channel Control System,Home Security Products, Office Security Products, Automatic Security Products, Electronic Lock Systems, Smart Cards.
  • Business Automation Equipment: Photocopiers, Electronic Bulletin Boards, Projectors, Shredders, Attendance Machines, Video Conference Meeting Equipment, Electronic Cash Registers, ATM, Card Machines, Bill Counters, Barcode Printers, Barcode Scanners, Data Collectors, IC Cards
  • Smart Life
  • Other ElectronicProducts: Meteorological Monitor, Meteorological Monitoring Device Unit, Meteorological Monitor Accessories.

Industrial Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

Processing Machinery Equipment

  • Large Machinery: Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Large Woodworking Machinery, Textile Machinery, Pharmaceutical Machines, Plastics Machinery, Packaging Machinery, Tobacco Machinery, Printing Machinery, Food Processing Machinery, Rubber Processing Machinery, Chemical Machinery, Forging Machinery, Foundry Machinery
  • Complete Sets of Equipment: Production Lines of Various Light Industry Products

Power Machinery and Electric Power

  • Power Machinery: Electric Engines, Power-generating Sets, Diesel Engines and etc.
  • Electric Power: Power Generators, Generating Sets, Transmission Facilities, Synchronous Condensers, and etc.
  • General Machinery, Small Processing Machinery and Industrial Accessories

General Machinery and Mechanical Basic Parts

  • General Machinery: Pumps, Valves, Draught Fans, Compressors
  • Small Processing Machinery : Electric Welding Machines, Gas Cutting Machines, Cutting Machines,Machine Tool Accessories, Bench Drills, Grinders, Grinding Materials, Diamond & Diamond Products, Other Small Machinery
  • Industrial Accessories: Bearings, Hard Body, Chains, Spring, General Valves, Casting Products, Forging Products, Moulds, Gears, Powder Metallurgy, Pneumatic Components, Seal Components, Hydraulic Components and Parts, other Spare Parts
  • Instruments: Electronic Instruments, Electric Instruments, Microscopes, Surveying & Mapping Instruments, Observation Instruments, Physical Optical Instruments, Other Optical Instruments, Material Testing Machines, Geological Exploration Equipment and Instruments, Thermodynamic Instruments, Automation Instruments, Construction Test Instruments, Hydrological Instruments & Civil Engineering Instruments, Laboratory Instruments, Special Instruments, Other Physical & Chemical Instruments
  • Camera Instruments: Cinematographic Instruments, Photographic Instruments, Other Photomechanical & Cinematographic Instruments
  • Printing Apparatus
  • Household Sewing Machines & Spare Parts, Weaving Supplies
  • Transport Equipment: Ship Equipment and Spare Parts, Underwater Special Equipment, Aeronautic Equipment and Spare Parts, Railway Vehicles and Related Equipment
  • Vehicle Equipment Maintenance: Oil Nuzzle Washing and Sterilizing Machines, Vehicle Lifts, Used Oil Extraction Machines, Tyre Changers, Balancing Machines, Four Wheel Alignment Equipment, and Car Washing Machine

Construction Machinery

Agriculture Machinery

New Materials and Chemical Products

  • Inorganic Chemicals: Chemical Elements, Inorganic Acids and Inorganic Oxygen Compounds of Non-metals, Halogen or Sulphur Compounds of Non-metals, Inorganic Bases and Oxides, Hydroxides and Peroxides of Metals, Miscellaneous
  • Organic Chemicals: Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives, Acyclic Alcohols and Their Derivatives, Phenols and Phenolalcohols and Their Derivatives, Ethers and Their Derivatives, Aldehyde-function Compounds, Ketone-function Compounds and Quinone-function Compounds, Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives, Esters of Inorganic Acids of Non-metals and Their Salts, Nitrogen-function Compounds, Other Organic Compounds
  • Agricultural Chemicals: Fertilizers, Pesticide and Herbicide
  • Dyes, Pigments and Paints and Their Intermediate Products
  • Plastics and Articles Thereof
  • Rubber and Articles Thereof
  • New Materials

New Energy Vehicles and Smart Mobility


  • Non-construction Vehicles: Cars, Coaches, Off-road Vehicles, Chassis, Trailers, Insulated Vans, Freezer Cars, Fuel Tankers, Buses, Ambulances, Fire Engines, Water Carts, Tool Carts / Pickup, Aircraft Tractors, Special Vehicles of Airport, Trolley Buses & Equipment, Golf Trolleys, All-Terrain Vehicles, Armor Cash Carriers, Vans, Freight Cars, Dumpcarts.

Vehicle Spare Parts

  • Vehicle Spare Parts: Engines & Spare Parts, cooling, Lubricants & Fuel Supply Spare Parts, Transmission Parts, Steering & Brake Parts, Vehicle Dashboard & Parts, Auto Electric Equipment and Parts
  • Tires
  • Vehicle Spare Parts & Optimization Equipment
  • Maintenance & Related Products
  • Vehicle Decorations


  • Motorcycles, Beach Cars
  • Motorcycle Parts


  • Bicycles: Bicycles, Electric Bicycles, Electric Scooters
  • Bicycle Parts

Lighting Equipment

  • Application of Illumination System: Industry Lighting, Decorative Lighting, Emergency and Security Lighting, Entertainment and Stage Lighting, Office, Advertising and Exhibition Lighting, Outdoor Lighting.
  • Electric Light Source: Fluorescent Lamps, Energy Saving Lamps, Incandescent Lamps, Neon Lamps, Neon Lights, Iodine Tungsten Lamps, Magnesian Lamps, Bromine Tungsten Lamps
  • Light Fittings: Lamp Shades, Lamp Posts, Optical fiber, Lamp Plates, Lamp Holders, Lamp Caps, Ballasts, Voltage Stabilizers, Voltage Transformers, Starters, Adapters, Converters, Sensors.

Electronic and Electrical Products

  • Electronic & Electrician Products:Optoelectronic Devices,Rectifiers, Inverters, Amplifiers, Transducers, Frequency Dividers, Power Relays, Adapters, Batteries, Voltage Transformers, Voltage Stabilizers, Power Inductors, Reactors, Circuit Breakers, Multimeters, Connectors, Measurement Equipment, Chargers, Electronic Testing Equipment, Electronic Components(Capacitance, Resistance, Transistors, Diode, Dynatron, Piezoelectric, Inductance Components, Loops, Sockets, Switches, Wires, Cables, Circuit Boards )
  • Electric Equipment: Electric Furnaces, Transmission Line Hardware, Electrical Carbon Products, Wires, Cables, Electric Porcelain, Insulating Materials, Electrical Appliances, Batteries, and etc.

New Energy Resources

  • Solar Photovoltaic Products:Solar Cell and Module, photovoltaic accessories, Photovoltaic Application Products, Photovoltaic Engineering and System, Photovoltaic Raw Materials, Photovoltaic Production Equipment
  • Solar-thermal Products:Solar Water Heater, Solar-assisted Heat Pump, Solar Thermal Collector, Solar Air Conditioner, Other Optothermal Products and Accessories
  • Wind Power Products and Accessories
  • Other New Energy Products


  • Hardware:Furniture Hardware, Building Hardware, Decorative Hardware, Doors and Windows Hardware, Bathroom Hardware & Fittings, Iron Craft Products, Locks & Fittings, Wire Meshes, Welding Materials, Low Pressure Valves, Water-heating Equipment, Cast Iron Products, Castings and Forgings, Fasteners, Trolley/Platform Trolley & Fittings, Storage Racks/Brackets & Fittings, Fire-fighting Equipment, and other hardware products


  • Tools: Measuring Tools, Grinding Tools, Cutlery, Manual Tools, Electric Tools, Pneumatic Tools, Hydraulic Tools, Welding Tools, Mechanical Tools, Cutting Tools, Farming Tools

Phase 2 (Oct.23-Oct.27,2023)

General Ceramics

  • Tableware, Kitchenware and Daily Use Ceramics for Family Use
  • Tableware, Kitchenware and Daily Use Ceramics for Hotel Use
  • Other Tableware, Kitchenware and Daily Use Ceramics

Kitchenware and Tableware

  • Stainless Steel Containers, Enamel Containers, Containers of Other Materials
  • Dining Table Items and Decorations: Dishes, Knives and Forks, Table Candles, Table Decorations
  • Kitchenware: Bottle Openers, Corkscrews, Can Openers, Hot Pot Implements, Kettles, Knives for Kitchen and Professional, Kitchen Paper, Peeler, Aluminum Foil, Scales, Knife Sharpeners, Knife cleaners, Pots, Spades, Spoons, Nutcrackers

Household Items

  • Cleaning Products: Washing Products and Laundry Appliances; Detergents, Pot Cleaning Products, Refrigerator Deodorants, Window Washing, Brooms, Brushes, Rags, Mops, Polish Appliances, Garbage Buckets, Garbage Spades
  • General Houseware: Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas, Gloves for Civil Use, Gloves for Labor Protection, Basins, Buckets, Clothe Pins, Coat Hangers and Clothe Racks, Clothe Baskets, Clothe Forks, Hooks, Ironing Board, Shoe Racks, Shoe Boxes, Shoe Cabinets, Smoking Gears, Lighters, Thermometers, CD Racks, Paper Bins, Cabinets for Storage, Wine Racks, Trolleys, Other Houseware Products

Glass Artware

  • Glassware
  • Glass Decorations
  • Other Glass Artware

Home Decorations

  • Decorative Candles, Candles Holders and Related Products
  • Paintings, Painting Frames, Photo Frames, Mirrors: Chinese Calligraphies and Paintings, Oil Paintings, Carving Paintings, Albums, Frames, Artistic Mirror Frames, Picture Frames, Foldable Supports, Decoration Mirrors
  • Desktop Supplies
  • Door and Window Decorations, Wall Decorations
  • Artificial Flowers

Gardening Products

  • Flowers and Nursery Stocks
  • Dry/Artificial Flowers
  • Potted Landscapes
  • Horticultural Tools
  • Outdoor Supplies
  • Horticultural Supplies:Plant Accessories, Necessary Supplies(flower pots or planters, pesticide), Horticultural Decorations
  • Fishes, Birds and Animals for Display and Decoration
  • Other Horticultural Supplies

Festival Products

  • Party Supplies & Decorations: Balloons, Party Supplies, Party Decorations
  • Holidays Supplies and Decorations: Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Other Specialized Supplies and Decorations,Fireworks and Firecrackers

Gifts and Premiums

  • Polyresen Crafts
  • Traditional Chinese Art Crafts: Cloisonne, Lacquerware & Lacquer Engraving, Craft Fans, Craft Lights, Four Treasures of Study (Writing Brushes, Inksticks, Inkslabs and Paper), Hair and Hair Products, Embroidery, Vases, Tea Sets, Wine Sets, Carving Handicrafts, Clay Sculptures, Ethnic Handicrafts, Natural Crafts, Other Art Crafts
  • Jewellery, Bone Carvings and Jade Sculptures: Jewelry (Gemstones, Pearls, Jewellery Raw Materials, Gold & Silver); Bone Carvings and Jade Sculptures (Yak and Buffalo Bones, Horse Bones, Camel Bones, Hawksbill Turtle Shells, Deer Horns, Corals, Mother-of-Pearls and Other Carvings and Sculpture Products of Animal Origin), Jade Carvings
  • Marketing Gifts and Premiums: Marketing Premiums, Medals and Badges, Souvenirs, Key Rings, Key Cases, Notebooks
  • Paper and Wrappings: Calendars, Wall Calendars, Desktop Calendars, Cards, Gift Boxes, Gift Packages, Handicraft Paper, Paper Bags, Ribbons, Gift Wrapping Papers

Clocks, Watches and Optical Instruments

  • Clocks: Quartz Clocks, Mechanical Clocks, Jumping Figure Clocks , Radio Clocks, Cabinet Clocks, Wall Clocks, Table Clocks
  • Watches: Quartz Watches, Mechanical Watches, Jumping Figure Watches, LCD Display Watches, Timers, Sport Watches, Fashion Watches, Pocket Watches, Pendant Watches
  • Clock & Watch Parts: Dials, Movements, Cases, Dials, Handles, Chains, Straps, Watch Glass, Water Resistant Rings
  • Spectacles: Glasses for Short-sight, Presbyopic Glasses, Contact Lens, Sunglasses
  • Spectacle Accessories: Frames, Lens, Glasses Boxes

Art Ceramics

  • Artistic Ceramics
  • Craft Ceramics
  • Horticultural and Gardening Ceramics

Weaving, Rattan and Iron products

  • Bamboo Crafts, Wood Crafts, Grass Crafts, Wickerwork
  • Rattan and Iron Artworks

Building and Decorative Materials

  • Building Materials

    • General Building Materials, Metal Building Materials, Chemical Building Materials, Glass Building Materials, Cement Products, Fireproof Materials, Heat Preservation Materials, Thermal Insulation Materials, HVAC/Cooling Equipment and Accessories
    • Coatings/Chemistry: Wall Surface/Waterproof/Floor Coatings, Coating Auxiliary, Coating Packaging Materials, Dry-mixed Mortar, Adhesives, Admixture, Auxiliary, Building Adhesive, Adhesive Tapes, joint Mixture, Rust-resisting Materials, Waterproof Building Materials, Waterproof Additives, Seepage prevention Materials, Waterproof Technologies and Related Equipment
    • Pipe Fittings
  • Decoration Materials

    • Tiles: Furring Tiles, Ground Tiles, and tiles for other decoration purposes
    • Wood Flooring: Solid Wood Flooring, Engineered Wood Flooring, Laminated Flooring, Cork Flooring, Bamboo Flooring
    • Ceiling/Curtain Wall/Wallpaper and Interior Decorations: Ceiling, Drop Ceiling, Wallpaper, Aluminum Sheets/Lead Sheets/Point-supported/Unit/Metal Curtain Wall, Curtain Wall Fittings and Processing Equipment, Sunshine Board, Gypsum Products, Steel Structures
    • Doors & Windows: Wood Doors, Plastic Steel/Aluminum Alloy/Steel Doors &Windows; Various Auto-Doors, Gating Hardware Systems and Fittings, Entrance Guard Electronic Systems
    • Stone Materials: Stone Flooring, Stones for Horticulture, Special-shaped Stones, Building Stones, Stones; Man-made Stone Decoration Materials
    • Glass: Art Glass, Building/Decorative Glass
  • Kitchen Equipment: Kitchen Units, Cabinets, Washing Basins, Kitchen Accessories

Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment

  • Sanitary Ceramics, Bathtubs, Bathroom Units, Steam Rooms, Showers, Taps, Bathroom Hanging Accessories, Bathroom Mirrors, Bathroom Furniture, Water Heaters, Bathroom Heaters, Bathroom Cabinets, Partitions, Swimming Pool Equipment


  • Furniture of Traditional Chinese Style
  • Furniture for Domestic Indoor: Furniture for Sitting Room, Restaurant, Bedroom, Study, Kitchen and Bathroom
  • Hotel Furniture
  • Office Furniture
  • School Furniture
  • Hospital Furniture
  • Outdoor Furniture: Garden, Patio, Beach, and Camping Furniture
  • Furniture for Public Places
  • Other Furniture
  • Semi-finished and Spare Parts

Stone/Iron Decoration and Outdoor Spa Equipment

  • Stone Decorations, Stones, Iron Craft, and other Outdoor Decorations
  • Outdoor Spa and Fittings, Swimming Pool Facilities

Phase 3 (Oct.31-Nov.4,2023)


  • Baby Toys
  • Electromotive, Remote Controlling and Clockwork Toys
  • Action Toys
  • Educational Games & Toys
  • Plush and Cloth Toys
  • Dolls
  • Riding Toys
  • Musical Toys
  • Inflatable Toys
  • Other Toys and Toys Accessories

Children, Baby and Maternity Products

Kids’ Wear

  • Tops, Skirts, Trousers, Ensembles, Coats
  • Infant and Maternity Wear

Men and Women’s Clothing

  • Women’s Blouses, Skirts, Trousers, Waistcoats, Suits, Jacket, Coats, Sweaters
  • Men’s Suit Jackets, Trousers, Shirts, Waistcoats, Jacket, Suits, Sweaters
  • Wedding Dresses, Cocktail Dresses, Evening Gowns
  • Other: Uniform, Work Clothing and etc.


  • Underwear and Sets, Pajamas, Bathrobes, Loungewear, Swimwear

Sports and Casual Wear

  • Sportswear, Casual Wear, Wind Cheaters, T-Shirts, Jeanswear, Costumes, Dance Dress, Cosplay Costumes, Other Sports & Casual Wear

Furs, Leather, Downs and Related Products

  • Fur & Fur Products:Fur Raw Materials, Fur Products (fur clothes/hats/gloves/cushions/mattresses)
  • Leather & Leather Products:Leather Raw Material, Leather Clothes and other kinds of products
  • Down & Down Products:Down and Feather Raw Materials (goose down, duck down, chicken feathers, etc), Feather Products(feather dusts, feather flowers, feather articles, etc), Down Products(down garments, bedding, sleeping bags)
  • Cashmere & Cashmere Products
  • Other Furs, Leather, Downs & Related Products

Fashion Accessories and Fittings

  • Fashion Accessories: Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Handkerchiefs, shawls, Socks, Ties
  • Garment Fittings: Shoulder Pads, Labels, Zippers

Textile Raw Materials and Fabrics

  • Fabric: Cotton/Blends, Polyester/Blends, Linen/Blends, Silk/Nitrocellulose Silk, Wool/Artificial Wool, Special Woven Fabric, Non Woven Fabric, Industrial Fabric
  • Fiber and Yarns
    • Fiber: Plant Fiber,Animal Fiber, Artificial Fiber, Synthetic Fiber, Inorganic/Mineral Fiber, Chemical Fiber
    • Yarns: Cotton /Blends, Linen /Blends, Wool/ Blends, Polyester/Blends
  • Other: Garments Accessories


  • Fashion Shoes: Men's Shoes, Women's Shoes
  • Sports Shoes: Various Sneakers, Running Shoes, Hiking Shoes, Gym Shoes, Training Shoes, and Others
  • Kids' Shoes
  • Sandals, Slippers
  • Shoes & Boots for Other Special Use and Semi-finished Products

Cases and Bags

  • Cases of Daily Use: Leather Cases, PVC Leather Cases, Plastic Woven Cases
  • Briefcases: Leather Briefcases, Plastic Woven Briefcases, PVC Leather Briefcases
  • Bags: Leather Bags, PVC Leather Bags, Cotton Bags, Plastic Woven Bags
  • Other Cases, Bags and Accessories

Home Textiles

  • Blankets, Bedding, Bed Sheets, Bed Covers, Mattresses, Towel Quilts, Pillows, Pillow Cases, Cushions, Mosquito Nets
  • Upholstery Textiles: Decoration Cloth, Wall Cloth, Curtain Cloth, Sun Protective Cloth, Furniture Cloth, Sofa Covers
  • Bathroom Textiles: Shower Curtains, Towels, Facial Towels, Bath Towels, Beach Towels, Closestool Lid Covers
  • Table & Kitchen Textiles: Tablecloths, Table Mats, Napkins,Aprons, Rags, Microwave Oven Gloves, Other Kitchen Textiles
  • Other Textiles: Mats, Cleaning Textiles, Flags, Macrame

Carpets and Tapestries

  • Machine-made Carpets
  • Handmade Carpets
  • Tapestries
  • Other Flooring Materials: Straw&Bamboo Plaited Carpets

Office Supplies

  • Pens: Pencils, Ball Pens, Rolling Ball Pens, High-lighters, Fountain Pens, Pens, Oil Pens, Painting Pens, Refills, Ink
  • File Storage: Hardback File Folders, Paper File Folders, Transparent File Covers, Conference File Covers, Computer-printed File Folders, Hanging File Folders, Ring Binders, Board Clips, Pages' Folders, File Plates, File Holders, Name Card Holders, Report Folders, Identification Card Folders.
  • Office Supplies: Staplers, Staples, Binders, Staple Removers, Punches, Scissors, Paper Knives, Pen Containers, Paper Clip Containers, Adhesive Tape Holders, Rulers, Tape Lines, Pencil Sharpeners, Correction Fluid, Erasers, Glue, Transparent Adhesive Tapes, Double-Sided Adhesive Tapes, Buckles, Seals & Stamps, Calculators, Table Pads, Name Card Holders, Newspaper Holders
  • Paper Products: Notebooks, Memo Pads, Fax Paper, Computer Paper, Color Ink-jet Printing Paper, Copy Paper, Photo Paper, Writing Paper, Financial Paper, Paper for Financial usage
  • Label: Hand-written Labels, Badges, Laminating Pouch Films, Mark Labels
  • Desk Decorations
  • Office Automation Products & Equipment, Consumable Office Supplies

Medicines, Health Products and Medical Devices

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine:Chinese Herbs, Plant Extracts
  • Chemical Medicines and Biopharmaceuticals: Medicines, Medicine Raw Materials, Medicine Intermediates, Biopharmaceuticals
  • Health Products: Health Medicines, Natural Health Products, Chinese Medicated Alcohol, Health Alcohol, Drinks, Tonics,
  • Hairdressing and Beauty Care Products: Cosmeceuticals, Body-care Products, Wigs and Artificial Limb, Body-shaping Products, Beauty Care Materials
  • Home Medical Care Products:Household Body Scales, Medicine Cabinets, Hot-water Bags, Crutches
  • Reproductive Health Products and Equipment: Sexual Health Products and Equipment, Family-planning Products and Equipment
  • Health Care and Rehabilitation Equipment:Rehabilitation Equipment, Massage Equipment, Physiotherapeutic Instruments, Fitness Equipment
  • Medical Dressings and Disposables
  • Diagnostic and Therapeutic Equipment

    • Various Surgical Instruments
    • Medical Electronic Instruments
    • Clinical Laboratory Instruments: In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents and Instruments, Medical Optical Instruments, Medical Laser Instruments, Physiotherapeutic Instruments
    • Lesions-minimally Invasive Diagnoses System
    • Biochip and Related Devices
    • Integrative Devices of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
    • Heart Monitoring Facilities
    • Medical Image Facilities
    • Biochemical Detection Facilities
    • Blood Pressure Monitor、Blood Glucose Meter、Thermometer
    • Endoscope Systems
    • Low-temperature Freezing Facilities
    • Dialysis Therapy Facilities
    • Medical X-ray and MRI Equipment
    • Ultrasonic Medical Diagnostic Devices, Linear Accelerator
    • ENT & Eye & Dental and Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Facilities
    • Dental Clinical Equipment: Dental Diagnosis Medical Equipment, Dental Surgery Equipment, Dental Laboratory Equipment, and Dental Materials
  • Hospital Auxiliary Devices

    • Disinfection and Sterilization Products, Oxygen Making and Supply Equipment, Blood Bank Facilities, Water Treatment Equipment, Low-temperature Freezing Facilities
    • Disabled Only Equipment
    • Telemedicine System, Hospital Information System, Hospital Office Automation System
    • Protection Devices and Protection Devices on Nuclear Radiation
    • Hospital General Devices: Aseptic Wards, Ward Monitoring System, Various Hospital Beds, Hospital Ambulances, Stretchers, and other First Aid Articles
    • Hospital Application Software: Hospital Data and Image Processing System
    • Various Operating tables and Specialized Equipment
    • Medicine Monitoring and Analysis Devices
    • Laboratory Biological Instruments
    • Medical Furniture
  • Detection and Protective Equipment
  • Silver Economy


  • Food: Cereals and Oils, Poultry and Meat, Eggs and Dairy Products, Aquatic and Sea Products, Fresh and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Condiment, Candies, Cakes, Candied Fruits, Canned Foods, Food Additives, Bee Products
  • Drinks

    • Alcoholic Drinks:Beer, Spirits, Wines, Special Wines
    • Coffee
    • Fruit Juice
    • Drinking Water
    • Other Beverages
  • Tea: Black Tea, Green Tea, White Tea, Yellow Tea, Dark Tea, Oolong Tea, Scented Tea, Health Tea, Teabag Filter Paper/Fragrant Flowers and other Related Products
  • Food packaging and other Related products

Sports, Travel and Recreation Products

  • Sports Products

    • Indoor & Outdoor Sports Products: Balls and Accessories, Boxing Equipment, Skateboards, Roller Skates, Skates, Fitness Equipment, Household Training Equipment, Sports Nets, Trampoline, Archery, Bicycle and its Accessories, Billiards, Shooting, Hunting, Climbing, Ropes, Track & Field Equipment, Equestrian Equipment, Beach Sports Equipment, Sports Glasses, Sports Cases and Bags
    • Water Sports & Diving Equipment: Goggles, Diving Masks, Diving Suits, Flappers, Snorkels, Diving Accessories, Paddleboard and its Accessories, Swimming Equipment and its Accessories, Water-Skiing Equipment
    • Sports Souvenirs: Trophy Cups, Certificates of Rewards, Medals, Flags, Emblems
  • Travel and Recreation Products

    • Fishing Tools: Fishhooks, Fish Twines, Fishing Nets, Fishing Rods, Fish Bag, Fishing Bobbins, Fishing Tools and its Accessories
    • Barbeque Tools: Electric Barbeque, Gas Barbeque, Carbon Brick Barbeque, Grills, Ignition Instrument, Barbeque Accessories
    • Outdoor Casual Products: Swings, Hammocks, Sun Umbrellas
    • Musical Instruments
    • Chesses and Pokers
    • Outdoor Tour Articles: Backpacks, Protected Coverings, Air Cushions, Sleeping Bags, Blankets, Tents and Accessories, Camping Articles and Accessories

Personal Care Products

  • Cosmetics and Accessories: Cosmetics, Lipsticks, Make-Up Bags, Make-Up Brushes, Make-Up Mirrors
  • Skin-Care Products: Beauty Creams, Skin-Care Creams, Hand Creams, Sun Creams, Massage Suppliers, Perfumes
  • Hair-care Products and Accessories: Shampoo and Conditioners, Combs, Scissors, Trimmers and Clippers, Headwear
  • Nail Beauty Supplies, Foot Care Supplies, Shaving Supplies
  • Tooth Care Products: Tooth Paste/Tooth Brush


  • Bathroom Products: Soaps, Shower Gels, Mouthwashes, Bath Salt/Bath Oil, Toothpastes/Toothbrushes
  • Bath Appliances: Bath Sponges, Bath Mats, Bathroom Mirrors, Liquid Soap Containers, Soap Trays, Stopper, Wet Towels, Shower Caps, Shower Curtains, Towels, Towels Racks, Toilet Paper and Facial Paper

Pet Products and Food

  • Pet Food
  • Pet Products:Pet Toys, Pet Training Products, Pet Bowls/Feeders, Pet Beds and Replacement Parts, Pet Cages, Pet Collars and Leashes, Pet Clothes and Accessories, Aquarium Products and Accessories, Pet Grooming and Cleaning Products, Other Pet Products

