

文 | 季益广


1. Susan has changed a lot ___ I last saw her.自从我上次见到苏珊之后,她变了许多。

2. Changing your eating habits is the best way to ___ weight.改变饮食习惯是减肥的最佳办法。

3. The leaves ___ trees change color in the autumn.树叶在秋天改变颜色。

4. He changed from being a nice lad to ___ rude and unhelpful.他从一个和气的小伙子变得粗鲁无礼、不肯帮助人。

5. The hissing sound gradually changed into a low ___.嘶嘶声逐渐变成了低沉的嗡嗡声。

6. A witch had changed him ___ a mouse.女巫把他变成了一只老鼠。

7. Mueller changed his name to Miller when he became a US ___.穆勒成为美国公民后,就把自己的名字改为米勒了。

8. She changed ___ in May.她在5月份换了工作。

9. The company has recently changed to a more ___ computer system.公司最近换了一套功能更强大的计算机系统。

10. The ship changed ___ and headed south.船改变了航向,朝南驶去。

11. The company has had to change ___ because of developments in technology.由于技术的发展,这家公司不得不改变方向。

12. Piper awkwardly tried to change the ___.派珀笨拙地想转变话题。

13. Three boys were changing a tire ___ the side of the road.三个男孩在路边换轮胎。

14. When I lost my keys, we ___ to change all the locks.我丢了钥匙以后,我们只好把所有的锁都换了。

15. The time of the meeting has ___ changed from 11 a.m. to 10:30.开会时间从上午11点改到10点半。

16. How ___ do you change cars?你多久换一辆汽车?

17. Her father tried to ___ her to change her mind.她父亲试图让她改变主意。

18. If you change your mind about the job, just ___ me a call.如果你对这份工作改变主意,就打电话给我。

19. It’s quite rare for politicians to change ___.政客不大会改变阵营。

20. Francis came in ___ Jay was changing.杰伊正在换衣服,弗朗西斯进来了。

21. Change your dress — ___ one looks dirty.把你身上那件连衣裙换掉,看上去很脏。

22. Sara changed into her swimsuit and ran out for a ___ swim.萨拉换上泳装,跑出去游会儿泳。

23. You’d better go and get ___.你最好去换一下衣服。

24. I ___ him and changed his diaper.我给他洗了澡,换了尿布。

25. Can you change ___ baby?你给宝宝换衣服好吗?

26. I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they’re too large. Can I change them for a smaller ___?我给女儿买的这副手套太大了,能换副小一点的吗?

27. I’m sure the shop will change them ___ you.我想商店肯定会给你换的。

28. Can you change ___ $20 note?你能把这20美元换成零钱吗?

29. I want to change my dollars ___ pesos, please.我想把美元换成比索,谢谢。

30. Passengers for Liverpool should change ___ Crewe前往利物浦的乘客要在克鲁中转。

31. I had to change planes ___ Denver.我得在丹佛转机。

32. The house has changed ___ three times in the last two years.在过去的两年中,这座房子已转手三次了。

33. Would you mind changing ___ with me so I can sit next to my friend?你能和我换一下座位,让我坐在朋友旁边吗?

34. She may be rich, but I wouldn’t want to change places ___ her.她也许很有钱,但我不愿意和她交换身份。

35. Change into second gear as you ___ the corner.快要转弯的时候换成二挡。

36. Change ___ before you get to the hill.上坡之前要减档。

37. The question is, will the president change his ___ on taxes?问题在于,总统在税收问题上是否会改变态度?

38. US business has changed its ___ in recent years.美国的商业风貌近年来发生了翻天覆地的变化。

39. Unfortunately, there’s ___ we can do to change the situation.遗憾的是,我们无法改变这种状况。

40. Being at college has changed her — she’s ___ more confident now.上大学改变了她 — 她现在自信多了。

41. When we’d changed the furniture ___, the room looked bigger.我们把家具掉换个位置后,房间看上去大些了。

42. Complete all the exercises on one leg, then change ___.完成一条腿的全部练习后,再换另一条腿做。

43. We hope to change over ___ the new software by next month.我们希望下个月能够用新的软件。

44. This changed the ___ of U.S. foreign policy.这改变了美国外交政策的方向。

45. They should change the law to make ___ illegal to own replica weapons.他们应该修改法律,使拥有仿制武器不再合法。

46. It was his doctor who ___ him to change his job.是医生建议他换工作的。

47. If you want to change your teacher there are two ways of ___ it.如果你想换老师,有两种做法。

48. They can ___ used to change uranium into plutonium.它们可以用来把铀转变成钚。

49. You can expect to pay the bank a ___ of around 1% to 2% every time you change money.每次兑换货币你都要付给银行1%到2%的手续费。

50. If you travel frequently, find an ___ that will change one foreign currency directly into another.如果你经常旅行,就找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。

51. A changing world has put ___ on the corporation.一个变化的世界给这家大公司带来了压力。

52. In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to ___.在工会办公室,人们的情绪逐步由无奈变成愤怒。

53. He changes into a maniac when he gets behind the steering ___.他一坐到方向盘后面就变成一个疯子。

54. You’d better take him ___ on the offer quickly before he changed his mind.在他变卦之前,你最好尽快接受他的报价。

55. Government ministers are now changing their tune and ___ the virtues of saving for the future.政府部长们此刻都变了态度,极力颂扬这种为未来储蓄的美德。

56. I find it hard to ___ with change.我觉得很难适应变化。

57. Scientists are worried ___ climate change.科学家们为气候变化感到担忧。

58. A change in ___ may mean your teenager has a drug problem.十几岁的孩子如果性格上发生了变化,可能意味着有吸毒问题。

59. No major changes were made ___ the book.这本书没有大的修改。

60. There was a change ___ the better in the patient’s condition.病人的情况有所好转。

61. The ___ political changes took place after the First World War.第一次世界大战后,政治形势发生了彻底变化。

62. She had a change of ___ and decided to stay.她改变主意,决定留下来。

63. Family life has ___ dramatic change in recent years.近年来家庭生活发生了巨大的变化。

64. The car needs an ___ change.这辆车需要换机油。

65. We have seen the ___ change from desert to true grasslands.我们看到了从沙漠到真正变成草原的逐渐改变。

66. The government has made some ___ policy changes.政府作了一些重大的政策变动。

67. The morning was cool; a ___ change from the heat of the day before.早晨凉快了,和前一天的炎热相比好多了。

68. How about dinner out ___ a change?换换口味出去吃晚饭如何?

69. ‘Ron’s buying the drinks.’ ‘That ___ a change.’“罗恩在买饮料。”“这倒是新鲜事。”

70. The patients ___ greatly from a change of scenery.换个环境对病人大有好处。

71. A change is as ___ as a rest.换件事情做就等于休息。

72. ___ your change, sir.先生,这是你的找零。

73. I have about a dollar ___ change.我要大约一美元的零钱。

74. Matt emptied the ___ change from his pockets.马特把口袋里所有的零钱都掏了出来。

75. A beggar asked for some ___ change.一个乞丐讨要几个零钱。

76. Excuse me, have you got change ___ a pound?请问你有一英镑的零钱吗?

77. Can you ___ change for $20?你能帮忙换20美元的零钱吗?

78. I only had about a pound in ___ change.我只有大约一英镑的硬币。

79. The program costs $20 million a year, small change by Washington ___.该计划一年耗资2,000万美元,按华盛顿的标准来看是个小数目。

80. Even with a change of ___, the subway is quicker than a cab at rush hour.繁忙时段坐地铁即使要换乘也比出租车快。

81. I won’t ___ asking Richard — you’ll get no change out of him.我才不会去问理查德,从他那儿不会得到任何帮助。

82. ___ to a new school is a big change for children.转校对于孩子来说是个大的变动。

83. The proposed changes were relatively ___.提议的都是些相对较小的变革。

84. The Industrial Revolution was a period of ___ change.工业革命是大变革的时期。

85. The change in blood ___ was not significant.血压的变化并不明显。

86. There was a ___ change in his behavior.他的行为有明显的变化。

87. Reducing waste requires a ___ change in attitude.减少垃圾需要在观念上有根本性的转变。

88. Demands ___ political and social change are growing.要求实行政治和社会变革的呼声越来越强烈。

89. There are ___ to be sweeping changes in company.公司内部可能出现翻天覆地的变化。

90. The Internet has brought about ___-reaching changes in the way we work.因特网使我们的工作方式产生了影响深远的变化。

91. We’ve had to make some changes ___ the design.我们不得不在设计上做了些修改。

92. A number of changes were introduced ___ the curriculum.课程引进了多项改革。

93. The war brought about ___ social changes.战争引起了彻底的社会变革。

94. I saw a big change ___ her when I met her again.我再次见到她的时候,看到她有很大的变化。

95. The body undergoes a number of changes ___ this time.人体在这个时候会经历一些变化。

96. People sometimes feel ___ by the pace of technological change.人体有时对科技变化的速度感到忧虑。

97. What is needed is a change of attitude on the ___ of architects.目前需要的是建筑师们改变态度。

98. I think I’ve noticed a change of tune in ___ pronouncements on the subject.我觉得我注意到官方公告对这个问题的语气变了。

99. The ambassador ___ for a change in U.S. policy.大使呼吁美国在政策上作出改变。

100. ___ me know if there is any change in the situation.如情况有变请告诉我。

101. You’re going to have to make some basic changes to your lifestyle if you want to live a ___ age.如果想要活到一个像样的岁数,你得对你的生活方式作一些根本的改变。

102. Her parents had a change of heart and decided to let her go ___ all.她父母改了主意,最终还是决定让她去了。

103. They were glad to leave their cars ___ and walk for a change.他们很乐意停好车子,换成步行前往。

104. We try to ___ the changes in the way we allocate tasks so that people don’t get bored.我们试图变换一下分配任务的方式,这样大家就不会厌烦了。


朗文当代高级英语词典. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 since 2 lose 3 on 4 being 5 hum 6 into 7 citizen 8 jobs 9 powerful 10 course 11 direction 12 subject 13 by 14 had 15 been 16 often 17 get 18 give 19 sides 20 while 21 that 22 quick 23 changed 24 bathed 25 the 26 size 27 for 28 a 29 into 30 at 21 in 32 hands 33 places 34 with 35 approach 36 down 37 tune 38 spots 39 nothing 40 much 41 around 42 over 43 to 44 direction 45 it 46 advised 47 doing 48 be 49 fee 50 agency 51 pressures 52 rage 53 wheel 54 up 55 extolling 56 cope 57 about 58 personality 59 to 60 for 61 sweeping 62 heart 63 undergone 64 oil 65 gradual 66 major 67 welcome 68 for 69 make 70 benefit 71 good 72 Here’s 73 in 74 loose 75 spare 76 for 77 make 78 small 79 standards 80 trains 81 bother 82 Going 83 minor 84 dramatic 85 pressure 86 marked 87 fundamental 88 for 89 likely 90 far 91 to 92 to 93 radical 94 in 95 during 96 alarmed 97 part 98 official 99 appealed 100 Let 101 decent 102 after 103 parked 104 ring

