

Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu


this anime is weird they're not shouting the names of their attacks
Yoogs D
They dont know the name of the Zanpakutos yet!
not everything in japan is about anime
and it seems not everyone get the joke either huh? really dude?
Andre king
You can't hear him screaming? There's Just nooo subtitles
你听不到他叫吗? 只是没字幕而已。0
Shine star
The stick guy is wearing a +10 magical hair of warding.
Why you sad
3:10 After defeating the final boss, he found 3 loot chests, broke them but they dropped nothing. How sad.
I laughed my ass off when he hit him in the head with the ball and he stood completely still as the ball bounced
Luis penaloza
One guy is playing with a yo-yo and the other guy has a stick
What a weird jutsu, no hand signs at all.
The sword guy didn’t flinch because there was no 10 minute monologue about how he can’t win
A ton of retards in this chain. A "real" one wouldn't work you morons. You can't spin a steel chain and a heavy spiked ball like a yo-yo, it would tear your hand clean off. This is bullshido it's not real. If such a weapon actually existed, which I doubt, it wouldn't be used like this.




Jack odinsson
dude, there’s literally so much evidence on how they were used in real life. it’s called a kusarigama, and there are feudal-era Japanese illustrations of the thing, not to mention actual preserved ones from Okinawa and Japan. there are a lot of inaccuracies about Japanese combat in modern media, but you’re barking up the wrong tree here.



Flails were not particularly effective weapons and quite rare. And real historical flails had a short chain, in fact shorter than the handle. No weapon of war similar to what is shown in this video ever existed. The kusarigama was a "ninja weapon", a weird contraption meant maybe for assassination or just for showing off. If you want to use a stone, throw it. Or tie it to the end of a stick and make a mace. A rope with a rock at the end is a ineffective weapon. This kusarigama is the japanese equivalent of the roman retiarius net. A gladiator weapon. No one used a net in battle because it's actually stupid.
(译注:retiarius 是古罗马持网和三叉戟的角斗士)0

Coyote trickster
Dude, even swords didn't get a lot of use, it was often status more than an important sidearm weapon. It was the spear and bow in nearly every war until guns, that was the weapons of war. However the kusarigama was came into use during a long warring period(Muromachi Period) where warriors with peasant backgrounds were used, as such the kusarigama(basically a modified sickle) became used and to notable effect with grappling and controlling and getting around weapons. The tradition of it's use is kept alive though martial arts and while it is mostly show now, not something to just simply dismiss man. Nobody said they were widely used and were better than other weapons in every way, but in Japan, steel was not common and modified farm tools found their way on the battle field, and when they worked, schools and martial arts formed around it's use
If you scroll up you'll see I mentioned in a previous post that swords were not the main weapon of warriors but spears and bows while the sword was a backup. That being said the sword was the sidearm of choice for anyone who could afford one, by far. Because it worked really, really well. Peasants used what they could get of course and I don't contest they probably used this weird sickle as well. But it wasn't effective, not nearly as it is shown in this video because a real chain and ball is much heavier than a string with a yo-yo at the end and such moves are impossible with it. That's my point.
Ivan ow
do you know why people call the westerners or americans as dumb, insensitive, cultureless, and arrogant? You are a prime example. You can speak nicely and respectfully you know. It's fine if you disagree, just don't be a dick unless you are telling me the values your people/country/nation hold is that of disrespect others and expecting others to respect you? This is just a friendly sparring match where they are just enjoying their passion. Be civil.
Do you know why western culture and Americans in particular are so successful? Because we respect what works not make belief fantasies. Fairy tales about Ying Yang, Chi and flying masters of martial arts are of little use in real life. We in the west study what works and we conquered the world and put a man on the moon. Oh and by the way Ivan, your nation is part of our culture too. Your people put the first man in space using a rocket not levitation.
This isn''t a friendly sparring match. This is a theater show and if you take it as such fine, I have no problem with that. But many people take it seriously and I find that dumb.
Ivan ow
ah yes what works and not make belief. Tell that to the leader of your country (assuming you are american). Imagine being the "best country in the world" and doing a piss poor job in keeping a pandemic contained. Imagine losing more people than in the vietnam war. If you can't be respectful to others, don't expect others to give respect to you. Your race has no culture besides colonisation and racism so it is not surprising why you can't respect the culture of others because your forefathers were the same.
thanks for the slow mo, his attack was too quick for me to see
Staff: So what should we recommend?
YouTube: anything, they''ll watch anything these days .
Jedah jedah
I was very worried that the scythe would fly away.
If this was an actual fight that they're really out to kill each other and not a demonstration, it would definitely look very different.
in a real '''duel'' that flail(?) is going to have a heavy metal weight on the end that'll bust open your head like a egg if he gets a hit in. It's longer, unpredictable and fucking scary - and he can definitely move faster than he is in this video. I personally wouldn't want to be within 5 metres of him, sword in my hands or not.
Kc rain
after doing martial arts for years, I would take the sword, that's just my choice. I'm not for sure what weapon the guy is using, looks like kusarigama, or double bladed battler ax, or double bladed kamas with what would be a chain with steal ball (if it where real, this is just rope with ball on end attached to some kind of ax style weapon). Deflect swing chain into ground, engage at close range to render chain ineffective and do what you can to not let opponent get chain moving again, while inflicting as much damage as possible. Just the way I would try to do it, maybe wrong, but would adapt quickly or die..lol
Sbcontt YT
In real fight, just rush it. Even if the weapon has a heavy metal ball, that is a very small lethal contact area. If you rush it, there is small chance of being hit by the ball. It will wrap around and hit you anyway, but that will no more be lethal. Unless it wraps around your both arms, you are good to go. Also, a metal ball would be heavier and therefore harder to redirect. Sword is easier to control. Once you are in, cut the rope. There is no way those will be made of chain. Too heavy.
Sbcontt YT
Also, this swordsman here was most definitely acting. The disarm made that clear. There is no way that younger guy can not overpower one hand of that old guy using his two. It was a technique drill.
The funniest part was that they were already slow in real time and the video was then put to slow mo mode
Judson wilcox
That swingy ball thing is the ultimate social distancing weapon

