

本文摘要:新老车企神仙对阵,让 2021 上海车展,成为了最具科技感的一届车展。

Abstract: the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show has become the most scientific and technological auto show.

作者 / 张祥威

Author/Cheung Cheung Cheung Wai

编辑 / 王德芙

Editor Wang Defu

出品 / 汽车之心

The heart of a car

4 月 19 日本周一,2021 上海车展正式开幕。

The 2021 Shanghai Auto Show officially opened on Monday, April 19.

这届车展有多款重磅车型亮相,「智能电动」成为全新的主题,豪强新贵同台 PK,场面堪称神仙打架。

This year’s auto show has a number of heavy model debut, “Intelligent Electric”has become a new theme, powerful upstarts with PK, the scene can be called immortal fight.

7 号馆是火力最猛的主战场。

Pavilion 7 is the most heavily armed main battlefield.

蔚来祭出 ET7,极狐联合华为发布阿尔法 S HI 版,领克 ZERO Concept 变身极氪 001,小鹏用 P5 在 53 个小时砍下 1 万台订单,上汽 R 展示转型力作 ES33

Weilai introduced ET7, UAW released an alpha s HI edition, and led KE ZERO Concept to turn itself into Krypton 001, Xiaopeng used the P5 to slash 10,000 orders in 53 hours, and SAIC showed off the turnaround power of the ES33.

此外,4 号馆的奔驰 EQS,3 号馆的智己 L7,也分别承载了奔驰和上汽对于未来智能纯电动车的深刻思考。

In addition, the mercedes-benz EQS in Hall 4 and the Zhiji L7 in Hall 3 also carry the profound thoughts of Mercedes-benz and SAIC on the future intelligent pure electric cars.

无论对于行业和对消费者而言,这 7 款车的意义非凡。

For the industry and for consumers, these seven cars are of great significance.

新老车企神仙对阵的场面,也让 2021 上海车展,成为了最具科技感的一届车展。

The scene of the battle between the old and new cars, also makes the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show, the most scientific sense of a session of the auto show.

1、激光雷达量产第一车,极狐阿尔法 S HI 版 vs 小鹏 P5

1. Lidar is the first car to be mass produced, the Polar Fox Alpha S HI vs the Little Roc P5


Who is “The world’s first smart car to mass-produce lidar”?

在车展前夕,小鹏 P5 和极狐阿尔法 S HI 围绕这一称号的争夺已经打响。

On the eve of the show, the fight for the title has already begun between the P5 and the Alfa Shi.

小鹏 P5 搭载了 2 颗大疆 Livox 的激光雷达量产,极狐阿尔法 S HI 版则搭载了 3 颗激光雷达。

The P5 has two large Livox liradar models in production, and the Alpha Fox S HI version has three.


Both will be delivered this year, and both will be self-driving on city roads, making them the two most competitive cars at this year’s auto show.

作为小鹏的第三款量产车,P5 在上海车展开幕前三天进行了发布。

As Xiaopeng’s third production vehicle, the P5 was unveiled three days before the Shanghai Auto Show.

在车展开幕后,小鹏凭这款车在 53 个小时内砍下了超过 1 万张盲订订单(盲订金额 99 元)

After the show opened, Xiaopeng with this car in 53 hours cut more than 10,000 blind orders (blind orders of 99 Yuan) .

实际上,最早尝试在量产车上搭载激光雷达的是奥迪 A8。

In fact, the first attempt to put lidar on a mass produced car was the Audi A8.

2017 年,奥迪宣布搭载法雷奥 SCALA 激光雷达的全新奥迪 A8 上市。

In 2017, Audi announced a new Audi A8 with a Farrell Scala lidar.


However, the A8 did not achieve the full opening of the L3 autopilot after delivery, due to regulations that have not yet fully opened it up and the limited availability of the autopilot system in the Audi model.


Nearly four years later, Xiaopeng and Polar Fox (Huawei) took over the baton, toward the high-level auto-driving racing.

小鹏 P5 搭载的激光雷达位于车辆前脸底部左右雾灯的位置,传感器针对低反射率物体(@10%) 最远探测距离可达 150 米,横向视场角最大 120 度,角分辨率0.16°*0.2°,点云密度等效于 144 线激光雷达。

The lidar on the Xiaopeng P5 is located at the bottom of the front face of the vehicle. The sensor can detect the low reflectivity object (@10%) up to 150 meters away, with a maximum horizontal field of view (FOV) of 120 degrees and an angular resolution of 0.16 ° * 0.2 ° , point cloud density is equivalent to that of a 144-line lidar.

2 颗激光雷达与 13 个高清摄像头、5 个毫米波雷达、12 个超声波传感器等共 32 个传感器,再加上英伟达 Xavier 计算平台,构成了 XPILOT 3.5 的硬件。

The XPILOT 3.5 consists of 32 sensors, including 2 lidar, 13 high definition cameras, 5 millimeter wave radars, 12 ultrasonic sensors, and the Nvidia Xavier computing platform.

P5 将可以实现城市道路内的 NGP,也就是城市道路内的领航辅助驾驶功能。

The P5 will be able to implement the NGP in urban roads, that is, the pilot-assisted driving function in urban roads.

除了自动驾驶系统,P5 的另一大亮点是对空间的思考。

In addition to the autopilot system, the P5’s other bright spot is its ability to think about space.

虽然是一款 A 级轿车,但 P5 车长 4808mm,轴距 2768mm,达到了 B 级车的水平,尤其是后排空间设计得相当宽敞。

Although a Class A car, but the p 5 length 4808 mm, wheelbase 2768 mm, reached the level of class B, especially the rear space design is quite spacious.

其中一个数据是,P5 的后排膝部空间 167mm,比特斯拉 Model 3 的 36mm 以及奔驰 C 级的 19mm,和宝马 3 系的 90mm,都要更大。

For one thing, the P5’s rear knee space is 167 mm, larger than the 36 mm of the Tesla Model 3, the 19 mm of the Mercedes C class, and the 90 mm of the BMW 3 series.

有了超大空间,P5 推出了影院模式、睡眠模式等具有智能化体验的座舱服务,主打「23 小时智能第三空间」概念。

With ultra-large space, the P5 launched cinema mode, sleep mode and other cabin services with an intelligent experience, the main “23-hour intelligent third space”concept.


The car will be delivered in the fourth quarter of this year.

4 月 17 日,极狐阿尔法 S 紧接着小鹏 P5 发布,两天后登陆上海车展。

On April 17, the Alfa was followed by the P5, which arrived at the Shanghai Auto Show two days later.

极狐本身在阿尔法 S 上提供了 4 款车型版本,售价区间从 25.19 万 - 34.49 万元。

The Fox itself offers four models on the Alfa S, ranging in price from 251,900 yuan to 344,900 yuan.

除此之外,极狐与华为深度合作,推出了 2 款更高阶的 HI 版车型

In addition, the company has teamed up with Huawei to launch two more advanced HI models:

  • 38.89 万元的极狐阿尔法 S 华为 HI 版基础版 388,900 yuan polar Fox Alpha S Huawei HI basic edition
  • 以及 42.99 万元的极狐阿尔法 S 华为 HI 版高阶版 And the $429,900 Polar Fox Alpha S Huawei HI edition premium edition

极狐阿尔法 S 华为 HI 版,是北汽与华为深度合作量产的第一款车,第一款搭载华为高阶智能驾驶解决方案 ADS 的第一款车,以及第一款在车身上打上「HI」标志的量产车。

Polar Fox Alpha S Huawei Hi version, is the first car produced by BAIC in deep cooperation with Huawei, the first car to carry Huawei advanced intelligent driving solutions ADS, and the first mass-produced car with a “Hi”on the body.

当然,最重要的是阿尔法 S 上,华为高阶智能驾驶方案 ADS 的能力怎么样?

Most important, of course, is the capabilities of Huawei’s advanced smart driving solution ADS on the Alpha S?

这款车上的感知硬件,包括 3 颗激光雷达,6 个毫米波雷达,12 个超声波雷达,9 颗 ADS 摄像头,4 颗环视摄像头,是目前量产车中感知硬件数量最多的一款车。

The car’s sensing hardware, which includes three laser radars, six millimeter wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, nine ADS cameras and four circle view cameras, is the largest quantity of sensing hardware currently in production.

计算平台,搭载了华为的中央超算平台 ADCSC ,目前的算力水平是 400 TOPS,后续将升级到 800 TOPS 算力水平。

Computing platform, with Huawei’s central supercomputing platform ADCSC, the current level of computing power is 400 TOPS, the subsequent upgrade to 800 TOPS computing power level.

即使是 400 TOPS 的算力水平,也大幅超过了小鹏 P7 目前 30TOPS 的算力,特斯拉 Model 3 144 TOPS 的算力。

Even at 400 TOPS, that’s a lot more than the current 30 TOPS of the P 7, the Tesla Model 3144 TOPS.

华为方面表示,ADS 方案已经可以实现在上海市区内 1000 公里无干预的自动驾驶。

Huawei says the ADS solution already allows it to drive 1,000 km without interference in the city.

小鹏 P5 和华为阿尔法 S HI 版,都将在今年年内交付,两款车型在城区道路自动驾驶能力的对决将是它们交付后的又一大看点。

Both the P5 and Huawei’s alpha s HI will be delivered this year, and a battle over autonomous driving capabilities on city streets will be another highlight of their deliveries.

2、谁是更强的智能电动豪华车?,奔驰 EQS PK 蔚来 ET7

2. Who is the better smart electric luxury car? , Mercedes Benz EQS PK Celeste ET7


“Intelligence is the new luxury.”


This new concept of luxury, has become the consensus of old and new car companies.

在这届车展上,蔚来 ET7 和奔驰 EQS 下到了同一竞技场。

At this year’s Auto Show, Weilai ET7 and mercedes-benz EQS descend into the same arena.

蔚来 ET7 最早在今年 1 月份的 NIO Day 2020 上发布,在上海车展上,蔚来首秀了这款车的实车内饰。

Weilai ET7 was first unveiled at the NIO Day 2020 in January, and at the Shanghai Auto Show, Weilai debuted the car’s actual interior.

蔚来 ET7 直指宝马 7 系和奔驰 S 级:

The Celeste ET7 goes straight to the BMW 7 Series and the Mercedes S class:

  • 蔚来 ET7 长宽高分别是 5098mm、1987mm、1505mm,轴距 3060mm。 Weilai ET7 is 5098 mm in length, 1987 mm in width, 1505 mm in height and 3060 mm in wheelbase
  • 宝马 7 系长宽高 5223mm、1902mm、1498mm,轴距是 3210mm。 The length, width and height of BMW 7 series are 5223mm, 1902mm, 1498mm, and the wheelbase is 3210mm
  • 奔驰 S 级的长宽高 5250mm、1899mm、1494mm,轴距 3165mm。 Mercedes-benz S Class 5250mm, 1899mm, 1494mm, wheelbase 3165mm

从空间看,蔚来 ET7 与宝马 7 系、奔驰 S 级相比略逊一筹。

In terms of space, the Celeste ET7 is inferior to the BMW 7 Series and Mercedes S class.

但在电动化和智能化上,蔚来 ET7 毫不逊色,甚至领先了不少。

But in the electrification and the intellectualization, Wei Lai ET7 is not inferior, even has led many.

蔚来 ET7 搭载 150 度固态电池的版本,NEDC 续航可达 1000 公里。

The Celeste ET7 has a 150-degree solid-state battery version, and the NEDC has a range of 1,000 kilometers.

ET7 的内饰主打第二起居室概念,这个概念源自于蔚来在 2017 年发布的概念车型 EVE,是指在车里是一种放松、舒适的状态。

ET7’s interior features the concept of a second living room, derived from Weilai’s concept car, Eve, released in 2017, which refers to a relaxed and comfortable state of being in the car.

在豪华配置上,ET7 用料讲究,比如:

ET7 is built in a luxurious setting, such as:

  • 车顶全系标配了翻毛皮 The roof is fully fitted with flip furs
  • 内饰上半圈深色部分采用了 Microfiber Microfiber is used in the dark part of the top half of the interior纤云 Fibrous cloud材质 Material Quality
  • 中控台中间用的是木饰板 The center console has a wood trim panel in the middle
  • 内饰的下半部分则用的是 NAPPA 真皮 The lower half of the interior is made of Nappa leather

一名蔚来 ET7 的产品经理告诉我们:ET7 在内饰设计上,没有很花哨的东西,虽然用了很多高级的材质,但「重精致而非堆砌」。

Et7, a product manager at ULAI ET7, told us, doesn’t have anything fancy in its interior design. It uses a lot of high-end materials, but is “More refined than stacked.”.

智能座舱部分,ET7 用了 10.2 寸的 HDR 仪表,中控屏为 AMOLED 屏,和奔驰 S 级是一样。

In the smart cockpit section, the ET7 uses a 10.2 inch HDR instrument with a central control screen of AMOLED, the same as the Mercedes s-class.


There is also a small control panel in the middle of the back seat of the vehicle, where passengers can control the music playing and air conditioning.

车内分割了四个音区,蔚来的车载人工智能助手 NOMI 可以根据四个音区和用户进行对话。

Inside the car is divided into four sound zones, according to which Ulai AI assistant NOMI can talk to the user.

ET7 的自动驾驶更加值得关注。

The ET7’s autopilot is even more interesting.

基于 NIO Aquila 超感系统和 NIO Adam 超算平台,蔚来将在 ET7 上实现 NAD(NIO Autonomous Driving)的自研。

Based on the Aquila super-sensing system and NIO Adam super-computing platform, Weilai will realize the self-research of NAD (NIO Autonomous Driving) on ET7.

ET7 的车辆顶部搭载的是蔚来 Aquila(天鹰座,代表看得远)超感系统,这套系统包括 3 个前向传感器,车顶中央是 1 颗来自 Innovusion 激光雷达。

The top of the ET7’s vehicle is an ulai Aquila (Aquila, Aquila) telekinesis system with three forward sensors and a central roof from the Innovusion lidar.

实际上,ET7 在业内最早宣布将搭载量产激光雷达,只不过这款车的量产交付时间要晚于小鹏 P5,所以错失「全球首款量产激光雷达智能汽车」的称号。

In fact, the ET7 was the first in the industry to announce a mass-produced lidar, but the car was delivered later than the MIRP 5, missing out on the title of “The world’s first mass-produced lidar smart car.”.

除了搭载激光雷达之外,ET7 全车还搭载了 11 个 800 万像素高清摄像头。

In addition to the lidar, the ET7 also features 118 megapixel HD cameras.

算力方面,ET7 的计算平台采用 4 颗英伟达的 Orin 芯片,算力达到 1016 TOPS,称为 Adam 超算。

In terms of computing power, ET7’s platform uses four Nvidia Orin chips and has a power of 1016 TOPS, known as Adam Supercomputing.

在上述自动驾驶硬件支持下,ET7 将逐步实现高速、城区、停车、加电等场景下的自动驾驶体验。

With the above autopilot hardware support, ET7 will gradually achieve high-speed, urban, parking, power-up and other scenarios of the autopilot experience.

ET7 将在 2022 年一季度交付。

ET7 will be delivered in the first quarter of 2022.

奔驰 EQS 是基于 EVA 平台打造的首款车型,与过去奔驰的新能源汽车不同,它真正开启了奔驰的纯电动时代,而不再是「油改电」的渐进式变革。

Mercedes-benz EQS is the first vehicle built on the EVA platform. Unlike the old mercedes-benz new energy vehicles, it really started the mercedes-benz electric era, rather than the “Oil-to-electricity”gradual transformation.

EQS 搭载的是宁德时代的 811 三元锂电池,配备 90kWh、108.7kWh 两种电池包。WLTP 标准下,EQS 的最大续航里程可超过 770 公里。

The EQS comes with an 811-volt Ningde-era lithium-ion battery pack of 90 kwh and 108.7 kwh. Under WLTP standards, EQS can have a maximum range of more than 770 km.

在 CLTC(China Automotive Test Cycle)工况下续航里程达 800 公里。这一续航水平,可以直接进入目前纯电动车第一梯队。

Under the working condition of CLTC (China Automotive Test Cycle) , the range reaches 800 kilometers. This level of endurance can be directly entered into the first echelon of current pure electric vehicles.

在动力方面,这款车提供了 245kW 和 385kW 两个版本。

On the power side, it comes in 245KW and 385kW versions.

作为开启奔驰纯电动时代的重要车型,EQS 的内外饰设计也有许多惊艳之笔。

As the start of the Mercedes-benz pure electric era of an important model, EQS interior and exterior design also has many amazing pen.

比如,风阻系数 0.20cd,在量产车中处于领先水平。

For example, the wind resistance factor of 0.20 cd is the leading factor in mass production vehicles.

前脸采用了奔驰 EQ 家族的全新设计,封闭式格栅内部点缀了很多小型的「星辉标」,与奔驰的车标相映。

The front face features a new design from the Mercedes EQ family. The closed grille is interspersed with a number of small “Starglow logos”to match the Mercedes logo.


It’s a bit of a shame that in the autopilot dimension, the Mercedes seems to be a step behind.

目前来看,EQS 同样会搭载激光雷达、毫米波雷达等感知硬件。

At present, EQS will also carry lidar, millimeter-wave radar and other sensing hardware.

借助这些感知硬件,EQS 将可以实现更高阶的领航辅助、自动泊车功能。

With the help of these sensing hardware, EQS will be able to achieve higher-level navigation assistance, automatic parking functions.

EQS 将在 2022 年发布带有高级驾驶辅助功能的版本。

EQS will release a version with advanced driver assistance in 2022.

3、自主品牌转型先锋,极氪 001、智己 L7、上汽 R ES33

3, own brand transformation pioneer, extremely Krypton 001, Zhiji L7, SAIC R ES33

智能电动车时代,自主品牌的转型也交出了答卷,吉利的极氪 001、上汽的智己 L7以及上汽 R 品牌的 ES33。

In the era of smart electric cars, the transformation of the home brand has also given way to Jilly’s extreme Krypton 001, SAIC’s Zhiji L7 and SAIC’s R brand ES33.


Even against the strongest models from foreign brands and the new power of car-making, these cars are no less impressive.

7 号馆内神仙打架,自主品牌一哥绝非看客。

No. 7 Hall Fairy fight, self-brand brother is not a spectator.

吉利在这届上海车展前发布高端纯电品牌极氪,它的首款车型极氪 001 可堪惊艳。

Before the Shanghai Auto Show, Jilly unveiled the high end pure electric brand Krypton, whose first model, the Krypton 001, was stunning.

极氪 001 是基于吉利 SEA 浩瀚架构打造的首款车型。

The Polar Krypton 001 is the first car based on the vast architecture of the Geely Sea.

向前追溯,极氪 001 实际上是领克 ZERO 概念车的量产车型。

Back in time, the Krypton 001 was actually a mass-produced version of the ZERO concept Lingk.


Far behind the Krypton, is the story of the electric transformation of Geely Automobile.


The launch of the Polar Krypton brand means that Geely has reorganized its high-end smart electric product line, with the Linke focus on developing plug-in hybrid cars in the future.


In other words, Krypton represents the cutting edge of new technologies like Geely’s pure electric, autopilot, and smart cockpit.

极氪 001 定位中大型猎装轿跑,这款车型的 NEDC 续航最大 712 公里,最快百公里加速 3.8 秒,在同级车中处于第一梯队。

The Krypton 001 positioning medium and large hunting coupe, the NEDC has a maximum range of 712km and a top speed of 100km in 3.8 seconds, placing it in the first echelon of its class.

续航里程也体现了,SEA 纯电专属架构对吉利电动化的意义。

Range also reflects the significance of the exclusive SEA pure electric architecture to Geely electrification.

由于极氪与领克的复杂关系,极氪 001 身上还带着不少领克上的设计元素,比如分体式大灯组、折线状前包围、「能量晶体」尾灯等设计。

Due to the complicated relationship between the polar krypton and the collar, the Polar Krypton 001 also carries many design elements on the collar, such as split-style headlamps, front-fold-line enclosures, “Energy crystal”taillights and so on.

智能化方面,极氪 001 也进行了大胆变革。

In terms of intelligence, Extreme Krypton 001 also made bold changes.

14.7 英寸的飞机舱抬头显示(W-HUD)、8.8 英寸的全液晶显示屏、15.4 英寸的悬浮式中控显示屏,这些智能座舱硬件一应俱全。

The 14.7-inch W-hud, the 8.8-inch full liquid crystal display, and the 15.4-inch floating central control display are all available.

极氪 001 标配 ZAD 自动驾驶辅助系统。

Extreme Krypton 001, Standard Zad Système d’aide à la conduite, à l’exploitation et à la maintenance.

它的传感器硬件包括 15 个高清摄像头,其中 7 个为 800 万像素,1 个 250m 超长距离毫米波雷达、12 个短距超声波雷达。

Its sensor hardware includes 15 high definition cameras, seven of which are 8 megapixels, a 250 m ultra long range millimeter wave radar, and 12 short range ultrasonic radars.

算力方面,采用 2 颗 24 Tops/10 W 的 Eye Q5H。

For computing power, 224tops/10W Eye Q5h were used.

基于这套硬件,极氪 001 将首搭 Mobileye 的高阶智能驾驶系统 SuperVision。

Based on this hardware, the Krypton 001 will be the first to feature Mobileye’s advanced intelligent driving system, SuperVision.

极氪 001 要在 2023 年逐步实现高速 NOA 或城市 NOA。

Extreme Krypton 001 will gradually realize high speed NOA or city Noa in the 2023.

加上今年的官方优惠政策,极氪 001 目前综合补贴后售价相当于 26.6 - 34.5 万元,预计今年三季度正式交付。

With this year’s official preferential policies, the current price of extreme Krypton 001 combined subsidies equivalent to 266-345,000 yuan, is expected to be officially delivered in the third quarter of this year.

最先进的造车架构,Mobileye 的智能化技术,加上传统车企吉利的制造功底,是极氪的卖点。

State-of-the-art vehicle architecture, Mobileye’s intelligent technology, and the manufacturing prowess of Geely, a traditional car company, are the selling points of Krypton.

R 汽车这次参展的主角是 ES33。

The star of R Motors’show is the ES33.

据上汽 R 汽车的工作人士透露,R ES33 目前是只是一个车型代号,量产后会公布名称。

The R ES33 is currently just a model number and will be announced after mass production, according to a SAIC R employee.

上汽 R ES33 大概率将成为上汽第一台搭载激光雷达的量产车。

SAIC’s R ES33 is likely to be the first mass-produced car to carry a lidar.

ES33 搭载了上汽自研的高阶智驾方案,叫做 PP-CEM,硬件方案包括:

The ES33 is equipped with SAIC’s own advanced driver solution, called PP-CEM, and the hardware solution includes:

1 颗 Luminar Iris 激光雷达、2 个 4D 成像雷达、6 个毫米波雷达、12 个摄像头、12 个超声波雷达,此外车辆还配有 5G V2X、高精地图等全套的感知体系。

One Luminar IRIS LIDAR, two 4D imaging radars, six millimeter wave radars, 12 cameras, 12 ultrasonic radars, and a full range of sensing systems including 5G V2X and high precision maps.

算力方面,这款车将搭载了英伟达 Orin 计算平台,算力可以达到 500 到 1000 TOPS。

In terms of computing power, the car will carry the Nvidia Orin computing platform, which can reach 500 to 1,000 TOPS.

智能座舱方面,ES33 搭载上汽零束「银河全栈解决方案」。

For the smart cabin, the ES33 carries the zero beam “Galaxy full stack solution”.

简单来说,零束「银河全栈解决方案」类似于一套乐高玩具,上汽将其比喻为像玩「汽车版 Minecraft」一样,一键拖拽、定制个性化场景与订阅式软件服务。

Simply put, the zero-bundle galaxy stack solution is similar to a set of Lego toys, which SAIC likens to playing “Minecraft on wheels”with one-click drag-and-drop, custom scenarios and subscription software services.

日前,ES33 已开启全球盲订,并将于 2022 年下半年交付。

Recently, ES33 has opened global blind subscription, and will be delivered in the second half of 2022.

同样肩负上汽转型使命,智己品牌与上汽 R 品牌交相呼应。

The same shoulder SAIC transformation mission, Zhiji brand and SAIC R brand echo each other.


Zhiji is a car brand created by a joint venture between SAIC Motor, Zhang Jiang gaoke and Alibaba.

智己 L7 是智己旗下的首款纯电轿车,长宽高分别为 5098、1960、1482mm,轴距 3100mm,整体比蔚来 ET7 略小。

Zhiji L7 is the first pure electric car under Zhiji. Its length, width and height are 5098,1960 and 1482 mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 3100 mm.

在智能座舱方面,L7 采用 39 英寸一体屏幕,搭载上善若水 IMOS 操作系统。

For the Smart Cabin, the L7 features a 39 inch all in one screen with a water friendly IMOS operating system.

自动驾驶方面,这款车搭载了英伟达的 Xavier 计算平台,以及 12 颗摄像头、5 颗毫米波雷达、12 颗超声波雷达、高精度 IMU、高精地图,可以实现城市、高速领航驾驶辅助,自动泊车及泊出等功能。

In terms of autonomous driving, the car is equipped with Nvidia’s Xavier computing platform, as well as 12 cameras, 5 millimeter wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, a high precision IMU, and a high precision map that can assist with navigation and driving at City and high speed, automatic parking and parking and other functions.

值得注意的是,智己 L7 兼容激光雷达软硬件架构冗余方案,支持 2 个激光雷达的升级能力。

Notably, the Zhiji L7 is compatible with the lidar hardware and software architecture redundancy scheme, supporting the upgrade capability of two lidar.

待激光雷达进入商业化量产成熟期,智己 L7 具备立即升级激光雷达系统能力。

When the lidar is ready for commercial production, Zhiji L7 has the capability to upgrade the lidar system immediately.

上海车展期间,智己 L7 的预售车型「天使轮版」正式接受预订,预售价为 40.88 万元,预计将于 2022 年第一季度交付。

During the Shanghai Auto Show, the pre-sold version of the Zhiji L7, the angel wheel, will be available for pre-order for 408,800 yuan and is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2022.


It is not difficult to see that this auto show, the world and China’s mainstream car companies to take these seven models as a masterpiece, the industry on the creation of “Intelligent pure electric”car has no objection.


After competing for battery life and smart cockpits for the past few years, car companies are entering the race for the top slot. Whoever achieves urban autopilot first will have enough say in the next phase.


So, who can take control of the next stage of development? Is it the new power of car-building that cut into the track early, or the latecomers who are making cars across the border from technology companies, or the traditional car companies that are rooted in Zhengmiaohong, i’m afraid we’ll have to find out when we deliver the production car next year.

