大众商务车有哪些价格?核心词:大众商务车 优化标准:疑问词+用户搜索需求,







Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共25分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分)

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)(5分)

6. A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. D. Windy.

7. A. Helpful. B. Careless. C. Humorous. D. Independent.

8. A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. At a bank. D. At a cinema.

9. A. Weather. B. A novel. C. A disaster. D. A film.

10. A. The woman has much business. B. The woman used to enjoy train trips.

C. The man is travelling by plane. D. The man is always on a business trip.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(5分)

11. Akane hopes to get some advice on her future from her best friend Mari.

12. Akane is soon going to visit Finland (芬兰) for the first time.

13. Akane thinks it’s unfair for her parents to decide where she should live.

14. Akane thinks that staying in Paris is the best solution.

15. Akane is truly in love and she wants to marry Lukas as soon as possible

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)

16. Amanda Gorman delivered _______ _______ at a president’s inauguration (就职典礼).

17. She will be performing at the Super Bowl a _______ _______ for the National Football League (NFL).

18. She will show respect to teachers, nurses and _______ _______.

19. It appears that people are _______ _______hear more from Amanda Gorman.

20. Amanda Gorman’s books are set to be released _______ _______ this year.

【答案】1-5 BCDAF 6-10 CBADD 11-15 TFTFF

16. her poem 17. special event 18. retired soldiers 19. keen to 20.in September

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)

21. The impression you make at _______ beginning of an interview is very important.

A. a B. an C. the D. /



a,an,the三者都是冠词,a,an 是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前面,表示某类人或事物中的"一个、一名",表泛指,a用于以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前、an用于以元音音素开头的字母或单词前.the 是定冠词,表特指,意为"这、那、这些、那些".放在可数名词和不可数名词前.由题干"你在面试开始时给人的印象很重要."可知,"面试开始"表特指,用定冠词,因此空格用the,所以答案应是the.故选:C。


22. Victor dreamed _______ becoming a lawyer when he was a schoolboy.

A. of B. at C. to D. for



A.of ……的;B.at在;C.to 至;D.for 为了。根据句子"Victor dreamed of becoming a lawyer when he was a schoolboy."可知句意为维克托上学时梦想成为一名律师。dreamed of becoming 梦想成为。其余三项均不符句意。故选:A。


23. The general manager introduced _______ to his other workmates.

A. we B. us C. ours D. ourselves



根据introduce sb. to sb.可知此空需要"某人",可排除C选项。根据选项此空的人称和主语manager不是一个人,不用反身代词,故排除D选项。introduce为动词,其后需要用人称代词的宾格形式。故选:B。


24. Hot winds add _______ the possibility of forest fires.

A. for B. by C. with D. to



A.for为了;B.by由;通过;C.with与;和;D.to 至。根据句子"Hot winds add to the possibility of forest fires."可知句意为热风增加了发生森林火灾的可能性。add to增加,固定短语。其余三项均不符句意。故选:D。


25. Charles Dickens wrote a lot of novels, but I’ve only read _______ of them.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little



a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法.few:用于可数名词,否定用法.little/a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意思,没有,几乎没有.a little 表示肯定意思,有一点儿.根据句意作者是讲仅仅只读过几本小说,表示肯定.novels小说 是复数可数名词故选:B。

【点评】a few、few、a little、little的区别与用法.

26. I don’t quite understand what you said. Would you please give us _______ example?

A. other B. another C. the other D. others



other其他的,后面跟可是名词复数形式;another(无范围)另一个,后面跟名词单数形式;the other(两者)中的另一个;others其他的,other的复数形式.从example是单数形式,用another.故选:B。


27. _______ enjoyable music! They both lost themselves in it.

A. What B. What a C. What an D. How



感叹句可以是what(a/an)+形容词+名词+(主语+谓语)! 这里形容词是beautiful美丽的.名词是music音乐.省略主语和谓语,music 是不可数名词,不填a/an.用what.故选:A。


28. The sooner you start, the _______ you’ll finish doing your work.

A. quick B. quicker C. quickly D. more quickly



考查形容词的比较级.根据你越早开始,就越快完成你的工作.可知考查固定用法的"越…就越…"即the+形容词/副词比较级,the+形容词/副词比较级."更快地"修饰 finish doing your work."完成你的工作"这个动词短语.副词修饰动词,形容词,副词或句子,因此应选择quick的副词形式quickly;quickly 的比较级是more quickly.故选:D。


29. The patient had to have the operation, _______ she would die.

A. or B. and C. so D. but



or否则;and和;so所以;but但是。根据The patient had to have the operation,_______she would die"病人不得不动手术,_______她会死的"可知,应该是"否则"or。故选:A。


30. _______ the government has promised to improve road safety, little has been achieved so far.

A. Although B. If C. Unless D. Because





31. As Chinese citizens, we _______ be proud of who we are and take our responsibility.

A. can B. may C. need D. should



can能;may可以;need需要;should应该。根据we_______be proud of who we are and take our responsibility



32. _______ do you think this fine weather will last?

Hard to say.

A. How long B. How fast C. How far D. How often

【分析】﹣﹣你认为这样的好天气会持续多久? ﹣﹣很难说.




33. By ten o’clock yesterday morning, we _______ the job.

A. completed B. has completed C. had completed D. would complete



A.completed 完成;B.has completed 已完成;C.had completed已完成;D.would complete 将完成。根据句子"By ten o'clock yesterday morning, we had completed the job."可知句意为到昨天上午十点,我们已经完成了这项工作。A.是过去时态。B.是现在完成时态。C.是过去完成时态。D.是过去将来时态。根据时间状语By ten o’clock yesterday morning,句子应用过去完成时态。C.had completed 已完成。符合。其余三项均不符合。故选:C。


34. Please make sure all the mobile phones _______ off during the performance.

A. turn B. are turned C. turned D. were turned



根据the mobile phones ______ off during the performance.可知这句话的主语是the mobile phones,是动作的承受者,它和动词turn构成被动关系,所以应该用被动语态.请确保在演出过程中,所有的手机都要关机.可知是说现在的情况,应该用一般现在时.一般现在时的被动语态的构成:am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词.主语the mobile phones,是复数,所以应该是are turned,故选:B.


35. Once you make a decision, you’d better _______ your mind.

A. don’t change B. not change C. not to change D. not changing



根据You'd better可知其后接动词原形,其否定形式为You’d better not do sth. 故选B.

【点评】本题考查You’d better的用法.他的否定句为You’d better not do sth.

III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)

Real-Life Marvel (漫威) Heroes

A) feed B) characters C) horrible D) afford E) neighborhood

Marvel’s Hero Project is a show about teens and tweens with big hearts and big ideas. They re determined to make the world a better place. Let’s met two of these young superheroes on the show and their comic book (36) _______.

Surprising Austin

Austin’s superhuman comic book hero has the power to create a rain shower to irrigate (灌溉) thirsty crops. Austin doesn’t command the weather in real life, of course. But he does have a history of growing gardens-and helping his community. When Austin was younger, he didn’t always have enough to eat. His family found it hard to (37) _______ food and clothes. And stores didn’t sell a lot of fresh foods. Austin found a creative way to solve the problem. He planted some dried beans he had in his cupboard. Later, he added other crops. Soon he had a thriving garden full of fruits and veggies. Austin wasn’t satisfied to just (38) _______ his own family, though. So he started a big (39) _______ garden that brought in a healthy harvest for the whole community. Now his mission has grown. He’s dedicated to ending world hunger.


【解答】36-39 BDAE

36. B. 考查名词。根据Let’s meet two of these young superheroes on the showand their comic book…,可知是指:让我们来认识一下剧中的两位年轻超级英雄﹣﹣以及他们在漫画书中的角色。故选B。

37. D. 考查动词。根据前一句When Austin was younger, he didn’t always have enough to eat. 奥斯丁年轻的时候,他总是吃不饱。可知,他的家人发现很难买得起衣食。故选D。

38. A. 考查动词。根据Austin wasn’t satisfied to just feed his own family, though,可知是指:不过,奥斯汀并不满足于只养活自己的家人。故选A。

39. E. 考查形容词。根据So he started a big neighbourhood garden that brought in a healthy harvest for the whole community,可知是指:所以他建了了一个大的社区花园,为整个社区带来了健康的收成。故选E。


A) spread B) influence C) amazing D) prove E) fan

Marvelous Sidney

Sidney’s comic book hero is sent to magic lands to fight against an alien and a dragon. What’s his doorway to these (40) _______ adventures? It’s (spoiler alert (剧透警告)!)...a book.

The real Sidney also knows that books can open doors. As a lifelong (41) _______ of reading, he started a club called Books N Bros for African American boys. It has more than 250 members across the U.S. The club manages to (42) _______ the joy of reading. But it gives members more than that. Reading is important in school and in life. So joining Sidney’s crew of booklovers sets kids up for future success.

Austin and Sidney are just a few of the many inspiring young people seen in Marvel’s Hero Project. Their stories (43) _______ you don’t have to be a superhuman. As Marvel puts it, they’re all “real kids making a real difference”.


【解答】40-43 CEAD

40. C. 考查形容词。句意:他通往这些奇妙冒险的大门是什么?分析句子结构,空处需填一个形容词修饰名词adventures,amazing"奇妙的",故选C。

41. E. 考查名词。句意:作为一个终生的阅读爱好者,他为非裔美国男孩创立了一个名为Books N Bros的俱乐部。fan"粉丝,爱好者",故选E。

42. A. 考查动词。句意:该俱乐部设法传播阅读的乐趣。spread"传播",故选A。

43. D. 考查动词。句意:他们的故事证明你不一定要成为超人。prove"证明",故选D。


IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)

44. Do you know that twelve _______ is equal to one foot? (inch)





45. The 800-meter race is the _______ event in the afternoon. (four)





46. Catherine made _______ a cup of coffee and then enjoyed the music in the sofa. (she)





47. Keep the rules for the public. Be a polite _______. (visit)





48. All these interesting experiments can _______ our knowledge. (wide)



根据All these interesting experiments can _______ our knowledge,可知这里放在情态动词can后面跟动词原形,wide的动词是widen.故填widen.


49. Mum laid the baby down _______ on the bed. (gentle)





50. He would rather be poor than get money in such a(n) _______ way. (honest)



根据He would rather be poor than get money in such a(n) _______ way. (honest) 可知他宁愿穷也不愿靠这种不诚实获得金钱.本题考的是形容词的词义转换的用法;根据句意结构,需要反向形容词修饰名词way,“dis-” 是一个否定缀,放在形容词的前面,变成反向形容词,dishonest表达不诚实的;故填dishonest.


51. Always remember that no one can _______ without working hard. (success)





V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。第52-57题。每空格限填一词,第58题注意句首大写)(共14分)

52. The low temperature froze my flowers last night.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ the low temperature _______ your flowers last night?



【解答】答案:Did, freeze



53. The girl beside me is a volunteer for our community.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ is a volunteer for our community?



【解答】答案:Which girl

此题考查特殊疑问句的用法,划线部分beside me是介词短语做定语,限定修饰名词the girl,所以要用Which

来提问,故答案为Which girl。


54. He has hardly touched the bal1 all game.(改为反意疑问句)

He has hardly touched the ball all game, _______ _______?



【解答】答案:has he

反意疑问句的结构是前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定,陈述部分hardly是表否定意义,所以附加疑问部分用肯定句式,疑问部分的助动词要与陈述部分的助动词has保持一致,所以空格是has he。故填:has he.


55. Could you tell me? Where can I change paper money into coins?(合并为一句)

Could you tell me where _______ _______ change paper money into coins?



【解答】答案:I can

根据题目要求改为宾语从句,那就要符合宾语从句的语法要求,要用陈述语序,即连接词后紧跟主语,若主句是现在时,从句时态不变.从句的主语是I,故答案为:I can.

【点评】本题旨在考查宾语从句这一语法,做这类题时,要从三方面考虑:一、选准连接词 二、连接词后紧跟从句的主语 三、若主句是过去时,从句要改为相对应的过去.

56. He put the used batteries into the green bin just now.(改为被动语态)

The used batteries _______ _______ into the green bin just now.



【解答】答案:were put

根据just now"刚才"可知,用一般过去时态的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词的过去分词。主语batteries

"电池"复数,用were。put的过去分词是put"放"。故答案为:were put。


57. My father will leave for Beijing to attend an important conference.(保持句意基本不变)

My father will _______ _______ for Beijing to attend an important conference.


【解答】答案:set out/off

leave for=set out/off "动身去…"固定搭配,情态动词will后跟动词原形set。故答案为:set out/off。


58. a big dinner, last weekend, at home, eating out, we, instead of, cooked(连词成句)


【分析】We cooked a big dinner at home instead of eating out last weekend. 上周末,我们在家做了一顿丰盛的晚餐,而不是在外面吃。

【解答】答案:We cooked a big dinner at home instead of eating out last weekend.

结合提示词和标点可知这是个肯定句;根据所给词语,主语是we,根据时间状语可知,谓语动词是cooked;instead of为介词短语,后面跟动名词形式,意为"而不是",前后之间形成对比,由此可知eating out放在instead of后面;时间状语last weekend放于句末。由此连成句子:We cooked a big dinner at home instead of eating out last weekend. 句意:上周末,我们在家做了一顿丰盛的晚餐,而不是在外面吃。故答案是:We cooked a big dinner at home instead of eating out last weekend.


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)

Mapping out the future

Last summer, my parents and I took a drive to another state. Before we started on our road trip, we packed up the car with snacks, water, and music. Thankfully, we also packed our GPS. A few hours into the trip, we took a wrong turn. But our trusty GPS pulled up a map of the area and got us back on track in no time. It made me wonder: Who creates maps in the first place? After some searching online, I learned that the people responsible for mapping out roads, mountains, oceans, and other places around the world are called cartographers. I did some reading about the career. Here’s what I found:

What does a cartographer do?

Cartographers, also called mapmakers, study and interpret (诠释) geographic information. They use this information to make detailed maps of places around the globe. Some of these maps are digital. They are often used in GPS systems. Other maps are printed in books. To do their work, cartographers put together information from many different places. They also use ground surveys. Some do ground surveys themselves. Most cartographers, however, rely on surveyors for this important information. Surveyors collect information for mapmaking. They measure land, air space, and water areas.

What does it take to be a cartographer?

Most cartographers have a bachelor’s (学士) degree. The degree might be in cartography, geography, or something similar. Students who are interested in becoming cartographers should learn as much as they can about geography. It also helps to take courses in maths and computer science.

With the rise of computer-based tools such as GPS systems, cartographers need stronger computer skills than they did in the past.

How much do cartographers make?

The average yearly salary for cartographers is $54,000. The lowest 10 percent earns less than $32,000. The top 10 percent earns more than $92,000.


In the U.S., job opportunities for cartographers are expected to grow. This is due to the increasing use of maps in the armed forces. Also, digital maps have increasingly become a main part of many GPS systems and Web sites.

Based on what I’ve read about cartographers, I’d say that their work is very important to a lot of people. Next time a map keeps me from getting lost, I’ll be sure to thank a cartographer!

59. In Para 1, the author included his experience in order to _______________.

A. prove that a GPS is only needed when driving to another place

B. show that it is important to pack snacks for a trip

C. provide a reason why a mapmaker’s work is important

D. show that the GPS is not always reliable

60. The author talked about cartographers from ____________ aspects.

A. three B. four C. five D. six

61. Surveyors can do all these following things except ______________.

A. do ground surveys B. collect information

C. do some mapping D. do some measuring

62. Elizabeth begins working as a cartographer with a starting salary of $34,000. Every year, her salary increases by $1,500. If she continues in this position, her salary will be ______________ for her 12th year of work.

A. of the lowest 10 percent B. of the top 10 percent

C. of average D. below average

63. What best fits the blank?

A. Will more cartographers be needed? B. Will the cartographers be replaced by robots?

C. Why is it hard for cartographers to find jobs? D. Why do cartographers make different maps?

64. The article would be most useful as a source for a student research project on _______________.

A. influential jobs for computermen B. career possibilities for people who dislike maths

C. famous explorers and mapmakers D. career choosing for people interested in geography


【解答】59-64 CBCDAD

59. C. 考查细节理解题。根据第一段But our trusty GPS pulled up a map of the area and got us back on track in no time. 可靠的全球定位系统调出了该地区的地图,让我们很快回到轨道。以及后面 After some searching online. I learned that the people responsible for mapping out roads, mountains, oceans, and other places around the world are called cartographers. 我了解到负责绘制道路、山脉、海洋和世界其他地方地图的人被称为制图员。由此可知,作者将自己的经验包括在内,以便说明为什么地图绘制者的工作很重要。故选C。

60. B. 细节理解题。根据四个问题What does a cartographer do? What does it take to be a cartographer? How much do cartographers make? 以及第四个空缺部分,可知,作者从四方面谈论了制图员的工作。故选B。

61. C. 细节理解题。根据第二段They also use ground surveys. Some do ground surveys themselves. Most cartographers, however, rely on surveyors for this important information. Surveyors collect information for mapmaking. They measure land, air space, and water areas. 制图员还使用地面测量。有些人自己做地面勘测。然而,大多数制图员依靠测量员来获取这些重要信息。测量员为制图收集信息。他们测量陆地、空中和水域。由此可知,测量员做地面勘测、收集信息、测量三项工作,故选C.

62. D. 计算分析题。根据题目,"伊丽莎白开始从事制图工作,起薪34000美元。她的薪水每年增加1500美元。如果她继续担任这个职位,12年后她的薪水会怎么样?1500*12=18,000美元,这是12年增加的部分,34,000+18,000=52,000美元,这是她12年后的年薪,根据第四段The average yearly salary for cartographers is $54,000. 制图员的平均年薪是54000美元。由此可知,伊丽莎白的年薪在平均数以下,故选D。

63. A. 细节推理题。根据下文 In the U.S., job opportunities for cartographers are expected to grow. 在美国,制图员的工作机会有望增加。This is due to the increasing use of maps in the armed forces. Also, digital maps have increasingly become a main part of many GPS systems and Web sites. 这是由于武装部队越来越多地使用地图。此外,数字地图已日益成为许多GPS系统和网站的主要组成部分。由此可知这里介绍制图员的工作前景,未来将需要更我的制图员吗?故选A。

64. D. 主旨题。根据全篇文章,这篇文章将是最有用的资料来源,为哪方面的学生研究项目?全篇都在讲关于cartographers的内容,包括制图者的工作内容、怎么成为制图者、制图者的薪资及工作机会。所以对于地理感兴趣的人的职业选择是最用帮助的。故答案是D。


B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)

Bored No More

Most people are spending their time at home these days. Are you (65) _________ things to do? Well, we’ve put together a guide to some fun, at-home activities. Check it out!

Checking in with your friends and family. A lot of people are separated (分开的) from friends and family right now. But there are plenty of ways to stay (66) _________. You can text, call, or instant message. If you’re able to, you can even have a video chat.

Taking a (67) _________. You don’t have to go anywhere to travel the globe. Want to see the Great Wall of China or some Alaskan glaciers? How about the Louvre Museum in Paris? You can find virtual (虚拟的) tours of all these locales and many more. And for a full menu of travel, adventure, science, and art, check out Google Arts&Culture. I’ll give you virtual experiences from around the world.

Cooking. One of the most (68) _________ parts of cooking is the preparation of ingredients. That’s why so many people stay away from cooking. But there are basic cooking skills that you need to know to cut down the preparation time. When it comes lo cooking, whatever you need to know can be found on the Internet. The result of mastering these skills? Healthy home cooked meals in a fraction of the time.

Baking. Compared to cooking, baking cakes and cookies do not usually have the time pressure of having to be ready for a meal time. It is a great activity that you can do at your own time and even involve the kids at home. Get the kids to join in by tasking them to create their own cookie shapes and it is a great way to use up some of the unlimited (69) _________ they have.

Writing a letter. Today, most of us get in touch by texting or sending e-mails. But letter writing used to be a big thing. Why not give it a try? If you have friends and family members that you’re not able to see in person, surprise them by writing a letter. Put it in the mail. You may even get a letter (70) _________!

Have you come up with interesting ways to spend your time at home? Why not share your ideas with your friends?

65. A. complaining about B. dealing with C. taking charge of D. running out of

66. A. connected B. noticed C. focused D. organized

67. A. shower B. seat C. trip D. photo

68. A. frightening B. surprising C. satisfying D. amusing

69. A. luck B. energy C. resources D. chances

70. A. after all B. above all C. in return D. for free


【解答】65-70 DACABC

65. D. 考查动词短语。complain about抱怨,deal with处理,take charge of负责,照管,run out of耗尽,结合上文,Most people are spending their time at home these days.可知最近大多人在家,因此判断问句是询问是否在无事可做,因此判断空格处词义为耗尽,故选D。

66. A. 考查形容词。connected联系的,noticed注意的,focused专注的,organized有组织的,结合上文,Checking in with your friends and family.可知要和家人和朋友联系,与上文相对应,故选A。

67. C. 考查名词。shower淋浴,seat座位,trip旅行,photo照片,根据You can find virtual (虚拟的) tours of all these locales and many more.您可以找到这些地方或者更多地方的虚拟旅行,因此判断本段的建议是去旅行,故选C。

68. A. 考查形容词。frightening令人害怕的,surprising令人惊讶的,satisfying令人满意的,amusing供人消遣的,结合下文,That's why so many people stay away from cooking.可知那是为什么很多人远离做饭,据此判断准备食材是让人害怕的,故选A。

69. B. 考查名词。luck运气,energy精力,resources资源,chance机会,结合句意,让孩子们加入进来,给他们分配任务,让他们自己做形状的饼干,这是一个很好的方法来利用他们拥有的无限_____,结合选项,判断空格处词义为精力,故选B。

70. C. 考查介词短语。after all毕竟,above all综上所述,in return回应,for free免费,根据surprise them by writing a letter.可知通过写一封信让他们惊讶,因此判断可能会收到回信,因此判断空格处词义为回应,故选C。


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)

Tourism has become a huge industry. Tourists make millions of foreign trips a year, twice as (71)m__________ as 20 years ago. It’s now the largest employer on Earth. Clearly, it can do great good, but it can also do great damage.

It’s true that tourism has brought benefits to many areas of the world that were very poor. However, mass tourism also has some bad (72)e__________. Local culture and customs change as more tourists arrive. Too much tourism damages the environment. And more and more tourists are behaving badly.

Complaints from local people are growing. In cities such as Barcelona or Venice residents say that too many tourists arrive on cruise ships (游轮). As a result, town centres are overcrowded. They tell stories about (72)n__________ parties that keep people awake all night. In famous beauty spots, where tourist money was welcomed, people are now worried about the damage tourists do to the environment.

Of course, many tourists enjoy the benefits of tourism in a responsible way. They choose holidays that support the local economy and they respect the local culture and the environment. Environmentally friendly tourism, or eco-tourism, is becoming more (74)p__________.

Responsible tourist behaviour is necessary, but it isn’t enough to solve the problem. Many people now believe that governments should control how many visitors enter their country. They believe they should (75)l__________ the number of cruise ships that use their ports and should not allow too many hotel developments.

(76)U__________, governments are in a difficult situation. Tourism brings in a lot of money and this helps them (77)i__________ life for the local people. However, some governments are beginning to understand that too much tourism can be bad for the local population and the environment. They’ve taken some measures to promote environmentally friendly tourism. There may still be hope.


【解答】71. many 72. effects 73. noisy 74. popular 75. limit 76. Unluckily/Unfortunately 77. improve

71. many. 考查形容词。根据语境可知句意是,游客一年到国外旅行达到数百万人次,是20年前的两倍。as many as和……一样多。故填many.

72. effects. 考查名词。根据语境可知句意是,然而,大众旅游也有某些坏的影响。此处用可数名词effect的复数,表示"影响"这个整体概念。故填effects.

73. noisy. 考查名词。根据语境可知句意是,他们讲述了一些故事,说的一些吵闹的聚会整晚吵得人们不能入睡的事情。noisy吵闹的。故填noisy.

74. popular. 考查形容词。根据上文"They choose holidays that support the local economy and they respect the local culture and the environment"可知,他们选择支持地方经济的节日旅行,他们尊重地方文化和环境。环境友好型旅游,或者叫生态旅游正越来越受欢迎。popular受欢迎的。故填popular.

75. limit. 考查动词。根据上文"Many people now believe that governments should control how many visitors enter their country"可知,很多人现在认为,政府应该控制进入自己国家的游客人数。他们相信,他们应该限制使用其港口的游轮的数量,应该不准许发展太多宾馆。limit限制。故填limit.

76. Unfortunately/ Unluckily. 考查副词。根据语境可知句意是,遗憾的是(不幸的是),政府处在一个困难的境地。unfortunately/ unluckily遗憾的是(不幸的是)。故填 Unfortunately/ Unluckily.

77. improve. 考查动词。旅游带来了很多钱,这有助于他们改善当地人民的时候。improve改善。本句是help sb. do sth. 句型,意思是"帮助某人做某事",故填improve的原形。故填improve.


D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)

Eat Your Schoolwork!

At a farmers’ market in Las Vegas, the tables have been turned. Here, the students do the teaching.

“This is a summer squash,” one student explained to a shopper. “This is an Armenian cucumber.”

“It’s technically a melon,” his classmate said.

All the students were working at the outdoor market in 2019. They were selling food they grew themselves. The pride they felt was clear.

All these young gardeners are part of their school district’s Outdoor Garden Classroom Program. Students from more than 100 schools around Las Vegas have their own gardens. There they get their hands dirty while they learn. Twice a year, they also harvest and sell their “schoolwork” at the Giant Student Farmers’ Market. It is known to be the largest student-run farmers’ market in the country.

The program has grown since it began in 2013. Students work in teams with the support of their teachers. They take responsibility for all the different steps. Team members research what can grow in their climate. Then they discuss and plan their garden beds. They plant seeds, pluck weeds (除草), and water their crops. Some schools also have small orchards of fruit trees.

When the time is ripe, students harvest the fruits (and vegetables) of their labors. The produce is then prepared for eating or selling. Students manage the business end, too. They handle the money at the farmers’ market. They also plan how to spend the money they make. All earnings are plowed back (再投资) into the gardening program. Sometimes students carry some of the harvest home to share with their families.

School gardens also provide food for thought in classrooms. Science lessons may cover the biology of plants. Students study the nutrition of the foods they grow. Maths and measurements become tools for planning garden fields. In fact, studies have shown that garden programs help improve student achievement.

The Outdoor Garden Classroom Program has also built relationships with the surrounding community. Local volunteers visit schools to share their expert knowledge. Business leaders teach students about managing a business. Schools even invite area chefs (厨师) to show simple recipes made with school-grown ingredients.

From planning and planting to harvest and market, school gardens offer valuable learning experiences as well as fun. Young gardeners get a chance to practice skills that will serve them all their lives.

78. The Giant Student Farmers’ Market is the largest student-run farmers’ market in the country, isn’t it?

79. When was the Outdoor Garden Classroom Program created?

80. How did the students feel when they worked at the outdoor market?

81. What’s the first step students do in this program?

82. Who helps the students in this program?

83. What can the students learn from Outdoor Garden Classroom Program? (List at least 3 points)



78. Yes, it is.

细节判断题。根据 It is known to be the largest student-run farmers’ market in the country. 可知据悉,这是全国最大的学生办农贸市场。故答案为:Yes, it is.

79. In 2003.

细节理解题。根据The program has grown since it began in 2013. 可知该项目自2013年启动以来一直在增长。因此可知该项目在2013年启动。故答案为:In 2003.

80. They felt proud.

细节理解题。根据All the students were working at the outdoor market in 2019. They were selling food they grew themselves. The pride they felt was clear. 可知2019年,所有学生都在户外市场工作。他们在卖自己种的食物。他们感到的自豪是显而易见的。因此可知他们感到自豪,故答案为:They felt proud.

81. It’s to research what can grow in their climate.

细节理解题。根据They take responsibility for all the different steps. Team members research what can grow in their climate. Then they discuss and plan their garden beds. 可知他们负责所有不同的步骤。团队成员研究什么能在他们的气候中生长。然后他们讨论和规划他们的花园床。因此可知第一步是研究什么能在他们的气候中生长。故答案为:It’s to research what can grow in their climate.

82. Teachers, local volunteers, business leaders and chefs.

总结归纳题。根据Students work in teams with the support of their teachers. 以及Local volunteers visit schools to share their expert knowledge. Business leaders teach students about managing a business. Schools even invite area chefs (厨师) to show simple recipes made with school-grown ingredients.可知学生在老师的支持下以小组形式工作。以及当地志愿者参观学校,分享他们的专业知识。商界领袖教学生如何做生意。学校甚至邀请当地厨师(厨师)展示用学校种植的食材制作的简单食谱。因此可知当地志愿者、商界领袖和当地厨师都在帮助学生。故答案为:Teachers, local volunteers, business leaders and chefs.

83. They can learn to plant seeds, pluck weeds, and water crops.

细节理解题。根据Team members research what can grow in their climate. Then they discuss and plan their garden beds. They plant seeds, pluck weeds (除草), and water their crops. Some schools also have small orchards of fruit trees. 可知团队成员研究什么能在他们的气候中生长。然后他们讨论和规划他们的花园床。他们播种,拔除杂草,给庄稼浇水。一些学校也有小果园的果树。因此可知在这个项目中学生可以学会播种、拔除杂草和给庄稼浇水等知识。故答案为:They can learn to plant seeds, pluck weeds, and water crops.


VII. Writing(作文)(共20分)

84. Write at least 60 words on the given situation.(根据所给情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


请以“Making learning fun (乐中学)”为题,分享你的经历或感想。

(注意:1. 短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。

2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分。)



Let me tell you my school activity --- Learning Lei Feng.


let sb. do sth. 表示让某人做某事.


If I have another chance to go there, I will take it.




Making learning fun

Let me tell you my school activity --- Learning Lei Feng. 【高分句型一】(引出话题)We, the volunteers, went to the Nursing Home and did many things for the old people there. When the old people saw us, they were very happy. We gave them lots of flowers and fruits. We did cleaning for them. After that we chatted with them. We talked very happily. Some of us sang great songs for them. And others danced. The old people told us stories. We wished them good luck. All of us had a wonderful time there.(具体的活动)

I felt happy that I cared for the old people and showed our respect to them. If I have another chance to go there, I will take it.【高分句型二】(感想)



A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分)

1. Joe went over his lessons till midnight. (B)

2. Jenny likes cooking delicious food for her family. (C)

3. Are you sure that playing chess can develop the mind? (D)

4. Tony is helping the blind man to cross the street. (A)

5. What fun it is to go rock-climbing in the beautiful season! (F)

B. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each question your hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(5分)

6. W: I left my umbrella in my house. I have to go back to get it.

M: I’m afraid you don’t need to do that. The weather report said we would see the sun in the afternoon.

Q: What will the weather be like in the afternoon? (C)

7. W: I will never go with Harry again. He could never remember where he parked his car.

M: That certainly sounds like Harry.

Q: What does the man think of Harry? (B)

8. M: This place is so crowded and noisy! How long on earth shall I have to wait?

W: I’m sorry, sir. Just a minute, there will be a table available. You can order the dishes first.

Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (A)

9. W: I can’t believe that the whole city just disappeared over night! What a terrible storm!

M: Don’t take it for real. Directors always need surprising stories to make films.

Q: What are the two speakers talking about? (D)

10. W: It seems that you enjoy this long trip. I guess you’re used to it.

M: You’re right. My company has business in many cities and I spend most of my time on the train.

Q: What can we learn from the dialogue? (D)

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(5分)

Akane is writing an email from Paris to her best friend Mari back in Japan. She’s in love and enjoys what she’s doing, but doesn’t know what to do about her future! Listen to her email.

Dear Mari,

I feel so much pressure. My course at the Arts College here is almost over. My life has changed so much. Now I’m sure I want to be an artist. But where? Lukas wants me to move to Finland. He’s amazing! It feels so natural to be with him. I’m so glad he’s in my life! But live in Finland?

I would be so alone in Finland, and I don’t have connections in the art world like I do back home.

My conversation with Mom was so hard. She and Dad are totally against the idea of me living in Europe. Dad seems to think that since they paid for my studies they can tell me how to live my life. And they are definitely against me marrying a foreigner. That’s not fair!

We talked about trying to live in Paris. I’d love that, but how could we make a living? There are thousands of starving artists here. And I can’t even get a working visa…unless we got married! But I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m so confused.

What should I do? I feel that all of my dreams may be about to come true. Or maybe none of them!

I look forward to hearing from you.



(11. T 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. F)

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,用听到的单词完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分)

Amanda Gorman, America’s first National Youth Poet winner, has made quite an impression it would seem.

Since Gorman delivered her poem ‘The Hill We Climb’ at a president’s inauguration (就职典礼), the sky appears to be the limit for the 22-year-old!

And now, it has been revealed that Gorman will be performing once again. This time, at the Super Bowl. This is a special event for the National Football League (NFL) in America and takes place each year.

It’s unusual for a poet to perform at this sort of event. After organizers heard her poem at the inauguration, they invited her to perform!

She will be writing and performing a poem that will show respect to teachers, nurses and retired soldiers. The poem will celebrate three individuals chosen by the NFL for their efforts during the pandemic.

It appears that people are keen to hear more from Amanda Gorman. Her books, which are set to be released in September this year, are already topping the lists.

Taking to her social media, Gorman said, “I AM ON THE FLOOR” and “Thank you so much everyone for supporting me and my words.”

(16. her poem 17. special event 18. retired soldiers 19. keen to 20. in September)

