
高温下的劳动者 高温下的劳动者应享有哪些权利




Labourers in high temperatures What rights should workers enjoy under high temperature? 1. Reasonably arrange the work and rest time, avoid the high temperature period, and take advantage of the cooler time in the morning and evening to grasp the construction. 2. Safety helmet shall be worn in strict accordance with the requirements when working in the open air at high temperature in summer. 3. Employees should learn the knowledge of safe construction in summer and master relevant prevention and protection skills. 4. In high-temperature workplaces in closed (semi-closed) spaces, appropriate measures should be taken to do a good job of ventilation and cooling to avoid heatstroke. 5. Pressure vessels shall be protected from high temperature and sunscreen in high temperature weather. 6. Pay attention to personal hygiene at high temperature in summer, and do not eat unclean food; prevent mosquito bites. ? Prevent seasonal diseases. 7. In summer, the construction weather is hot, and there are many cases of wearing slippers and going to work naked. In these cases, it should be strictly prohibited and the inspection of the correct use and wearing of labor protection articles should be strengthened. 8. Fire prevention measures shall be taken for construction in summer. Oxygen and acetylene cylinders shall be used in strict accordance with the safety operation procedures and shall be protected against insolation. II. Precautions for rebar construction 1. It is strictly prohibited to stack rebars at will, and transportation and stacking shall be arranged uniformly. 2. Waterproof and rust-proof measures shall be taken at the reinforcement processing plant and the stacking place of semi-finished products on the construction site. 3. During stacking, protective wood shall be padded at the bottom to prevent water from rusting the reinforcement. 4. In rainy weather, cover the reinforcement with geomembrane and check whether the geomembrane leaks. 5. It is strictly prohibited to stack on the excavated plain soil, which is easy to make the square timber sink into the soil, so that the reinforcement and the soil are in direct contact, resulting in corrosion of the reinforcement. 6. During outdoor construction in summer, it is strictly prohibited for workers to directly contact the reinforcement with bare hands when handling the reinforcement, so as to avoid scalding. 7. Protective measures shall be taken during rebar binding. 3. Construction formwork 1. When the construction formwork is stacked in a centralized way in summer, fire fighting equipment should be placed in the site to avoid fire caused by dry temperature. 2. When the materials are stacked in a centralized manner, special personnel shall be arranged for patrol inspection, and no open fire is allowed on the site. 3. The construction formwork, beam and wall formwork must be provided with a cleaning port or water outlet, and the formwork shall be covered with plastic cloth in case of rain after the release agent is applied, so as to prevent the isolation layer from being washed away by the rain. 4. If the steel pipe frame material is supported on the backfill, it shall be padded with sleepers and base plates. After the rain, the firmness and stability of the formwork and support and the section size of the formwork shall be checked in time for any change. 5. The wooden formwork used in rainy days shall be removed and laid flat to avoid deformation and cleaned in time. The release agent shall be brushed again after heavy rain. 6. Concrete shall be poured as soon as possible after formwork assembly to prevent deformation of formwork in the sun and rain. If the formwork cannot be poured in time after assembly and is drenched by rain, re-check and reinforce the formwork and support before pouring concrete. 7. Formwork and components: the stacking yard shall be hardened, and the insertion shall be firm. Formwork erected in rainy days shall be carefully checked before concrete pouring after rain to prevent formwork support from loosening. 8. When the large formwork falls to the ground, the ground shall be solid and firmly supported. 9. The formwork and square timber used for the main structure shall be lifted to the designated material yard in time after being removed to prevent the formwork and square timber from being exposed to the sun and rain. 4. Concrete construction 1. Adjustment of mix proportion The loss of slump should be fully considered in order to reduce the loss of concrete slump and avoid the concentration of hydration heat. The raw materials can be adjusted to select the cement with lower hydration heat, and the setting time of the concrete can also be delayed by adjusting the mixing amount of the composite admixture so as to meet the construction requirements. 2. Mixing and transportation of concrete In hot seasons, effective measures shall be taken to control the mixing temperature of concrete. The concrete mixing temperature is reduced by mixing with low temperature water, washing the aggregate with cold water, and taking measures to control the temperature of cement entering the machine. ① Pour cold water on the concrete transport body in summer to prevent the heat of the steel tank from being transferred into the concrete and causing the temperature of the concrete to rise. Before each concrete construction, it is required that each concrete delivery vehicle shall be wetted with water to prevent the water in the concrete from evaporating due to high humidity and reducing the construction quality of the concrete. ② During the transportation of concrete, the road shall be kept flat and smooth, and the concrete shall be kept homogeneous during the transportation. When the concrete is transported to the pouring site, it shall not be layered or segregated, and it shall have the required slump and air content. ③ For concrete constructed by pumping, the pump pipe shall be wrapped with felt, and the surface of the pump pipe shall be sprinkled with water regularly to reduce the temperature rise of the pump pipe due to sunlight and concrete friction, so as to avoid the loss of concrete slump and the occurrence of pipe blockage. ④ When pouring concrete, pay attention to watering and mortar wetting the pump pipe. The transportation capacity of concrete transportation equipment shall meet the needs of concrete setting speed and pouring speed to ensure the continuous pouring process. 3. Concrete pouring ① Temperature observation during construction shall be strengthened to avoid temperature cracks. ② Take appropriate temperature control measures: reduce the pouring temperature, pay attention to the sunscreen of aggregate in the specific construction, add ice chips or ice water to mix the concrete, cover the container during transportation to prevent sunshine; reduce the temperature rise of hydration heat, select reasonable raw materials, and adopt good mix proportion to reduce the cement consumption; In order to prevent surface cracks, measures can be taken to increase the surface temperature of concrete, such as covering the exposed surface of concrete structure with insulation, setting up insulation shed and covering with plastic film. ③ When pouring mass concrete, cooling water pipes (serpentine pipes) can be buried in the structure and cooled by circulating water. 4. Curing of concrete If the concrete poured in summer is not cured properly, the concrete strength will be reduced or plastic shrinkage cracks will appear on the surface. ① Curing shall be carried out immediately after finishing or initial setting of concrete, and the watering curing method shall be adopted for continuous curing. The concrete shall be kept sufficiently wet for the first 7 days after it is placed. ② After completing the specified curing, it is better to provide a wet covering layer on the surface when removing the film. ③ Water for concrete curing must be tap water or qualified water source, and sewage or acidic water shall not be used. The frequency of sprinkling shall be based on the wet state of the concrete surface. ④ If artificial watering and spraying are used for curing, the concrete surface can be covered (wrapped) tightly with water-absorbing materials such as geotextile, gunny bags and cotton felts, with no exposed edges and corners, and the interval between watering and spraying is short. Moisture should be kept inside and outside the cover from beginning to end to prevent wet and dry cycles. Generally speaking, the curing water temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃, and the difference between the curing water temperature and the surface temperature of concrete should not be higher than 15 ℃ to prevent cracks on the surface of concrete.

