东南汽车ox 合家庭使用吗?,


赵孟頫(1254年10月20日 -1322年7月30日 ),字子昂,汉族,号松雪道人 ,又号水晶宫道人(一说水精宫道人)、鸥波,中年曾署孟俯,吴兴(今浙江省湖州市)人,原籍婺州兰溪 <4> 。南宋晚期至元朝初期官员、书法家、画家、诗人,宋太祖赵匡胤十一世孙、秦王赵德芳嫡派子孙。





英文名称:Zhao Meng fu qingming festival





















英文翻译:Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ (October 20, 1254 - July 30, 1322), the word child, han nationality, the loose ski runs, and the crystal palace theater (say water palace theater), gulls, middle-aged have agency prone, meng Wu Xing (now, huzhou city, zhejiang province), originally from WuZhou lanxi <4> From the late Southern Song to the early Yuan Dynasty, he was an official, calligrapher, painter and poet. He was the descendant of Zhao Kuangyin, the 11th grandson of Taizu and the direct descendant of Zhao Defang, king of Qin.

To yuan twenty-three years (1286 years), Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ line by Taiwan shi empire cheng major recommendations, to Beijing, by the back, since, ren-zong, four in British ancestors He served successively as ji Xian Zhi Bachelor, Ji 'nan Road head office, Jiangsu and Zhejiang department of Confucianism promotion, the academician reading, etc., the official academician bachelor is committed to, Ronglu Doctor. In his later years, he retired gradually, and took six years (1319) to beg back from illness. To put two years (1322 years), Zhao Meng ð « – ¯, died six years He was awarded the posthumous title of Pingzhang Governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, duke of Wei and posthumous title of "Wen Min", hence "Zhao Wenmin". The author of "Songxue Zhai anthology" and so on.

Can Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ well-read, poetry shanwen, through the knowledge of economic, calligraphy, fine HuiYi, good stone, temperament, appreciation, especially with the achievement of the calligraphy and painting In painting, he created a new style of painting in the Yuan Dynasty, known as the "Crown of The Yuan People"; Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ also good, nationalities, true, the line and cursive, especially in the script and running script Its calligraphy wind kui Mei, Xiuyi, the conclusion of the neat, mature writing, created the "Zhao style", and Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan called "kai script four people".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ qingming festival

English name: Zhao Meng Fu Qingming Festival

Category: Calligraphy and Painting

Specification: one piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Riverside scene at Qingming Festival, one of the ten most famous Chinese paintings. As a style painting of the Northern Song Dynasty, zhang Zeduan, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty, is one of the only outstanding works in the world. It is a national treasure and is now stored in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

Tomb-sweeping Day riverside map silk coloring book. The long volume and scattered perspective composition vividly record the urban appearance of Tokyo (also known as Bianjing, today's Kaifeng in Henan Province), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty in the 12th century and the living conditions of the people of all social classes at that time. It testifies to the prosperity of bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and reflects the economic conditions of the northern Song Dynasty.

This is unique in The history of Painting in China and even in the world. In the five-meter-long scroll, there are a large number of different kinds of figures, cattle, mules, donkeys and other livestock, cars, cars, boats and ships, houses, Bridges, city towers and other features, reflecting the characteristics of song Dynasty architecture. It has high historical value and artistic value.

"Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" depicts the situation of Tokyo (present-day Kaifeng, Henan Province), the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, mainly the natural scenery and prosperity of the bianjing and the two sides of the river.

Qingming River is the folk customs at that time, like today's festival assembly, people to participate in business activities. The whole map is divided into three parts: the spring scene in the outskirts of Bianjing, the scene of Bianhe River and the market in the city.

By the side of the small bridge, a small sampan was hitched to the tree stump, a few farmers' courtyards were scattered in the trees in an orderly way, and there were four crow finch nests on several tall branches, which seemed to be no different from the way and height of crow finch nest building. There were a few stone millers on the threshing ground, which were used for threshing in the autumn harvest and were still lying idle. There were a few sheep in the sheepfold, and there seemed to be a chicken and duck pen next to the sheepfold, as if there were a large group of chickens and ducks raised in the sheepfold. It was such a tranquil picture of the countryside that I could not help marveling at the developed agriculture and breeding industry in the Song Dynasty more than a thousand years ago.

Come back to see again picture is agriculture and commerce of the joints, the team is a group of ridiculous marry above right, slowly turn from the north, the back of the groom all riding a horse mare, behind the horse is a carrying the bride a dowry to market, before a person holding the bride's dress and make up items box, to sit in front of a passenger sedan chair should be the bride, because of the sedan chair at sides in all kinds of vegetation are decorated with flowers, this is a "sedan"; The term bridal sedan chair is derived from this folk custom. A porter behind the sedan chair carries a load of fish, indicating that the bride's family wishes her husband and husband fish (more than).

From the period of Zhu Yuanzhang, tomb sweeping day began to be popular. Therefore, only with the word qingming, it is not appropriate to say that this team is the return of the tomb, should be a team of the activities of marriage and marriage.

Two cows are kept in a farmhouse next to the teahouse. Although there is such an earth-shaking event happening nearby, the two cows are indifferent. They are still idle and ruminating, while the seedlings in the distant field are growing vigorously and the farmer is fertilizing them.

A southern family of two journeymen hired two animals and a packman, and a porter carried them slowly southeast.

Tea house is a hotel across the street before, as a result of not operating early so we can hold up to attract customers processional banners, hotel opening in bulk cargo wharf, nature of business is very prosperous, but the guest is busy business, also less than to eat drink, you see the dock owners are counting to goods to somewhere, the dockers are stacking up of the goods shipped, prepared according to delivery location near and far, timely arrangements for loading and unloading, is the so-called is the prominent slope before him by ship. The other ship was also discharging, and in the gaps between the branches and leaves of the two hundred year old trees, the great sails and ropes could be seen, which would have been a ship with a displacement of about six or seventy tons. In the middle of the street between the hotel and the teahouse, a fortune-teller was calling to him, perhaps, to make an inquiry as to whether it was marriage, family, or business. When the fortune-teller heard about the business, his brisk pace showed his delight. Looking into the street, a man and a seller were talking about something, as if they could hear each other, and the next day they would order something like oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and the time to pay the bill, and then there were several shops, and a road stretching far away and pedestrians walking.

Over the past several shops is the capital of song dynasty the main avenue, on both sides of the main road traffic, home, surrounded by the feng shui treasure-house, cargo terminal and stack the freight, the freight stack is extremely advantageous geographical location, convenient around the street, the south close to deep water harbor, there are several ships moored in the harbor, in turn, loading and unloading of cargo, the ship is unloading a wharf, several dockers are added as a food sacks carry a boat, like someone is reloaded and loading in the cabin, seems to be the cabin can be heard coming from the goods to the person sacks HaoZiSheng shoulder of labor. Close to the warehouse wharf berthing for unloading and loading of the ship, such as wild eat after sail a boat, wild just finished knot in front of warehouse account is about to aboard, halfway met an acquaintance, even in the heart has a road sail, but can't neglect the acquaintances or friends, with poor homely in urgent, salute fuels take leave in the end. By this time the pace had shifted, and the rush to the ship seemed detached.

Bianhe River was an important transportation hub and commercial road in the Northern Song Dynasty. It can be seen from the picture that the population is dense and merchant ships gather together. Some people take a rest in the tea house, some read fortune-telling, and some have dinner in the restaurant. There is also the "Wangjia Paper Horse Shop", which sells sacrificial offerings to the tomb. Boats ply the river, touching each other end to end, or are pulled by boat tappers, or rowed by boatmen. Some are carrying loads upstream, while others are berthed at shore and are nervously discharging their cargo. Across the Bianhe River is a large wooden arch bridge with exquisite structure and graceful form. Like a flying rainbow, hence the name Hongqiao. There is a big ship waiting to cross the bridge. The boatmen were supported with bamboo poles; To hook a bridge with a long rod; Holding the ship with a hemp rope; A few others were busy lowering the mast so that the ships could pass. The people on the neighboring boats were also pointing and Shouting something. Both inside and outside the boat were busy crossing the bridge for the boat. The people on the bridge were sweating over the tense scene of crossing the ship. Here is the famous Hongqiao Dockside area, where two vendors are vying for a passer-by to see their goods. This is a veritable confluence of land and water transport, which can be called the climax of the picture.

The sailors on the starboard side of the ship were keeping a close watch to avoid collisions with the berthed ships. In the river walk safety work is very important, the bow in front of a ship docked at the dock, we advance has left out a sailor, attention to sail, to eliminate the ships collision between moving ships mooring shore, seems to be the ship's "fine" (the first pull against team) has turned back to say hello friends fiber. Looking further up the river, there were eight oarsmen in a boat, and it was evident that the current was moving rapidly, and that a helmsman was keeping a close watch on the direction of the water and the boat. Shore in front of a passenger ferry is busy, here is the ferry terminal, have more than two dozen people in the intense work, passenger ship several waterman is reefer to put on the top of the mast, some boaters is thrown on the receiving from hongqiao cable, ready to tow the boat to the dock, then toggle on the shore of bolt ship pillars, to increase the stability of passenger ships, port sailor on the ship by boat artemisia brace to the terminal, in order to add to the pier near the power, the bow with two sailors side the ship hold to the right, one side turned to pay attention to the wharf, to make the adjustment passenger ship to align the wharf punting, another boater hand hold artemisia right hand forward wave, command terminal waterman, He seemed to be the boatswain of the passenger. Passenger ship shape stability is quite good, waterman cooperatively work very skilled, action is very harmonious, appears to be a bunch of very high quality waterman, hull and deck there are closed and cut off, and a door is convenient for the guest out into, ship to a complete stop before the door will not open, security is quite serious, can be concluded that is a long-distance passenger ship safety performance good ship.

Docks there are many people greeted on the boat, they are to meet your family or friends and family, some even went to hongqiao, borrow the height of the hongqiao, in order to see relatives, early next to a small boat on others waved and shouted, that is to solicit business in calling upon the need to the points of river channel, can want to see how developed near the river traffic at that time, province.with each make up the large passenger freight transport network.

On both sides of the high tower as the center, there are tea Lane, restaurants, foot shops, butcher's shops, temples, Gong Xie and so on. Store where, jewelry, perfume, incense ZhiMa specializes in, such as, in addition there are medical clinic cart repair, visit fortune-teller fortune-telling, shaving facial plastic surgery, from all walks of life, to find, first big shop and "colour LouHuan door", under the flag of a signboard, solicit business, street pedestrian, heads, flow and do business with merchants, see a street gentry, equestrian officers, have the hawkers of, have a ride on a palanquin all's well, there are lines monks who basket have to ask the way outside for tourists, street children have heard books, drinking in the wine shop giants' children, begging edge of disabled elderly, men and women, old or young, People of agriculture, industry and commerce, from all walks of life, nothing unprepared. Transportation means: sedan chair, camel, ox cart, rickshaw, too flat car, flat car, all kinds, everything is available, the bustling scene of a school of commercial city painted color painted shape to show in front of people.

Qingming shanghe quiet the picture shows China's national treasure, one of the original as later, this picture is Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ copy version qingming scroll, because Zhao Meng ð « – ¯ beginning is leading figures in word, as a translation student, the copy version of calligraphy and painting has a very high economic value, winter auction in Hong Kong in 2014 days, for example, a qing dynasty imitation qingming scroll to auction 48.6 million HongKong dollar clinch a deal, enough to see

