

Serious: do you think MJ would beat KD one on one?


First off lets get a few things established: I do not think KD is a better player than MJ.


I actually think KD is a bit overrated as a 5 on 5 basketball player.


One of the greatest scorers ever no doubt, but was never the best player in the NBA imo.


One on one speaking: KD is a 7 foot tall guard. He’s 7 foot with handles, a little post up game, and a deadly shot.


Defensively MJ wouldn’t be able to do anything... KD would simply shoot the ball over him Pat Bev-like.


He’s not going to hit every shot but nobody 6’6 on earth is going to be able to really contest a KD jumper.


Long story short: MJ is unarguably a top 2 player all time. I’m not sure Durant is top 10. But in a one on one game, it’s simply too much of a mismatch.


<–>PeanutButterRice 637 points 19 hours ago

Kd would join Mj's team for a free win


<–>Warriorsbobsil1 91 points 15 hours ago

The airiest road


<–>WarriorsCharlie_Wax 54 points 15 hours ago

Then after the game ended he'd go to the media complaining that the offense didn't work and his teammates didn't understand him.


<–>WarriorsCharlie_Wax 21 points 15 hours ago

P.S. I actually still <3 you KD, but you just make yourself such an easy target sometimes.

勇士球迷:P.S. KD我依然爱你,但你有时把自己轻松立成了靶子。

<–>HockeyModsBlow 112 points 16 hours ago

Everyone talking about KD's mental weakness, everyone forgetting that Jordan played 80s and 90s ball, survived the Jordan Rules, and turned that shit around on his opponents. He'd be snapping those long, thin KD bones like twigs.


<–>Jjab430 64 points 13 hours ago

lol this sub is delusional. MJ is going to lock down a 7 footer with unlimited range who can just shoot over him any time he wants? What is this based on? His ability to guard Jeff Hornacek and Danny Ainge? I don’t even like KD but this thread is on some serious dick riding shit


<–>Thunderdimeast 31 points 9 hours ago

If Tony Allen can guard KD, MJ could clamp him. KD could barely dribble next to Allen


<–>NBAOMEGA_EXdeath 32 points 19 hours ago

Tony Allen guarded baby KD. Last year KD had no weaknesses offensively.


<–>Warriors Bandwagonsleekcollins 13 points 9 hours ago

MVP KD is not better than current (at least, before the Achilles injury) KD. He is a way better passer, playmaker/facilitator, defender than he used to be. He just doesn't have to go as hard as he did in that year.


<–>GrizzliesWaxStatue 164 points 15 hours ago

KD has a ruptured achilles, I’m taking MJ despite his age.


<–> James Nunnallydnzgn 136 points 19 hours ago

Mj can force KD away from his sweet spots, kinda like Tony Allen used to do. Likewise, KD can use his wingspan to bother MJ but MJ is the better ISO defender.


<–>chad12341296 80 points 19 hours ago

I really don’t think KD has the lateral quickness to utilize his length that much on MJ and doesn’t really have the defensive awareness to handle MJs post game.


<–>Celticsscarystuffdoc 36 points 11 hours ago

Jordan’s gonna post up a 7 footer ?


<–>Lakerskawhitothelakers 55 points 19 hours ago

I'd take peak KD in a 1v1 over every player in league history that's not a big man


<–>Spursaged_monkey 21 points 17 hours ago

Only teams can stop KD, no one man can ever stop KD. And this is coming from a huge KD hater. The ease with which he gets open looks without even needing to create space is literally unfair.


<–>dreamlord666 13 points 19 hours ago

The GOAT wins 21-15


<–>TTPKMF 53 points 18 hours ago

Where in this post did I mention Andrew Wiggins?


