



和田玉中的名品,是珍藏于陕西历史博物馆的西汉国宝级文物“皇后之玺”,其质地为新疆和田羊脂玉,是迄今唯一的汉代皇后玉玺,为首批禁止出国(境)展览文物 。2008年北京奥运会会徽徽宝“中国印”,也是采用新疆和田玉作为材料。



作为本届青奥会特许商品中标志性的徽宝藏品,也是青奥会首款会徽宝玺藏品《青奥宝玺》将青奥会核心特征——“青奥会徽”以中国传统玉玺形式完美体现,首次将2014南京青奥会玉传统玉文化相结合 “气势磅礴,霸气天成”,彰显帝王无限高贵与威严!




大约在明万历(1573年-1620年)年间银元流入中国。清乾隆五十八年(1793年),清政府首次在西藏铸行“乾隆宝藏”银币。道光(1821年-1850年)年间,台湾福建等地也曾仿制银圆,称为银饼。光绪十六年(1890年)清廷开始正式铸造银元“光绪元宝”(即龙洋),各省纷起效尤。 民国时期建立银本位货币制度以后,也以银元作为主要流通币。银元是近代币收藏的重要币种之一。






英文翻译:Hetian jade, one of the "four famous jade in China" (three are shaanxi Lantian jade, Liaoning xiuyu and Henan Dushan jade). The traditional narrow sense refers to the jade produced in Hetian, Xinjiang, which is famous for its "sub-material". Broad hetian jade refers to nephrite (true jade). Hetian jade although named because of Xinjiang Hetian, but its itself is not a regional concept, not specifically refers to xinjiang Hetian region produced jade, but the name of a class of products. In China, stones containing more than 98% tremolite are named Hetian jade, which falls within the national standard.

When Qin Shihuang unified China, Hetian jade was called "the jade of Kunshan" because it was produced in the Kunlun Mountains. Later, it was called "Yutian Jade" because it was located in the "Kingdom of Khotan". It was not until the ninth year of The Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1883) when The Zhili Prefecture of Hetian was established that it was officially named "Hetian Jade".

Hetian jade in the famous products, is the collection in shaanxi history museum of the Western Han dynasty national treasure level cultural relics "queen's seal", its quality is Xinjiang Hetian suet jade, is the only Han Dynasty queen's seal, the first batch of forbidden to go abroad (border) exhibition cultural relics. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games emblem treasure "China seal", also uses Xinjiang Hetian jade as material.

Hetian Jade is a metamorphic rock formed by contact metasomatism of magnesian marble and intermediate-acid magmatic rocks. It contains tremolite, hornblende, actinite and other multi-mineral aggregates. Its chemical composition is hydrated calcium magnesium silicate, chemical formula is Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)5(OH)2, density is 2.95 -- 3.17. The mohs hardness is between 6.0 and 6.5.

2014 Nanjing Green Aobao Seal

As the youth Olympic Games licensed products in the iconic emblem treasure collection, is also a youth Olympic Games first treasure seal collection "Chinese seal" youth Olympic emblem will youth Olympic core characteristics - "youth Olympic emblem" perfectly embodied in the form of Chinese traditional decree, 2014 nanjing youth Olympic Games for the first time combining traditional jade jade culture ", great momentums, domineering tiancheng ", reveals the imperial infinite nobility and dignity!

Seal is the seal of Chinese civilization, is the treasure of Chinese civilization, is the symbol of the country, is the credence of the authority of the state, has the supreme power and majesty, condenses the spirit and strength of the emperor and even the whole nation, so the treasure seal handed down from generation to generation, all valuable. Since ancient times in China, there has been a tradition of "hiding jade and seals". Because treasure seals have always been expensive treasures that can't be bought with money, these unique Elements in China are all lucky! In ancient times, "treasure seal wins the world", in modern times, treasure seal is the highest value of any commemorative collection.

Collection value: Since ancient times, "gold is valuable, jade is priceless". The hotan jade Jin Longxi, with oily luster color is green, the overall oil foot feeling, with warm, with the long storage temperature, and the temperature loss is slow, hetian jade investment be attention all the time, reported a "crazy stone" hetian jade ten years or one thousand times, staggering, xinjiang local now also could not find good hetian jade, coupled with a government ban on drilling, Formed ten jade nine Tibetan situation, making the price of Hetian jade rising, this hetian Qianlong treasure seal, not only precious material, superb process, appearance is also very perfect, and auspicious meaning, in order to qixi jade Tibetan, has a high collection value.

Silver dollar commonly known as "ocean", "foreign money" or "lace money". Silver dollar originated in Europe in the 15th century and is the main currency of countries on silver standard.

Around the wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1573-1620), silver yuan entered China. In the 58th year of The Reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1793), the Qing government cast "Qianlong Treasure" silver coin in Tibet for the first time. Daoguang (1821-1850) years, Taiwan, Fujian and other places have imitation silver yuan, known as silver cake. In the 16th year of Guangxu (1890), the Qing Court began to formally cast silver yuan "Guangxu Yuanbao" (i.e. Longyang), and various provinces began to follow their example. After the establishment of the silver standard currency system in the Period of the Republic of China, silver dollar was also used as the main currency in circulation. Silver dollar is one of the important currencies in modern currency collection.

In the qing dynasty COINS

This set of silver coins comes with certificates, fine pieces, perfect appearance, bound into a book, authoritative identification, issued a certificate, can rest assured collection.

Silver is the metallic color of silver. The silvery white of true silver circle is worn moist, burnish is downy, color gives a kind of natural ooze color fully. Fake silver is made of silver, but because of the formula of metal composition, its silver and old silver are different. It is generally white with green, strong luster, hard and dazzling color. In jargon, it is with "thief light". This point is easy to grasp through too much observation.

Flat Dragon: Chinese dragons are worshipped as gods. "Dragon tu is a totem of the Chinese people. The emperors and their descendants in the past dynasties were called Dragon Zi and Dragon Sun. The dragon image was used exclusively on royal articles. According to historical records, as early as in the Period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, "platinum three products" was cast with "dragon" graphics; In the song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, dragon patterns were cast on a few circulating coins. Especially in the past dynasties, the figure of the dragon is more. During the guangxu and Xuantong periods of the Qing Dynasty, the official cast gold, silver and copper yuan, and most of its back is cast with dragon figures. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 1,000 versions of the "dragon" coin patterns on the qing dynasty silver coins. These dragons are ever-changing. This coin is sitting dragon, surrounded by auspicious clouds, giving people the feeling of flying clouds and dominating the world. In ancient times, only the royal family can claim to be the real dragon and the son of heaven, and the dragon also symbolizes the king.

These silver coins are carefully made of high-quality silver materials, clever design, exquisite shape, elegant decoration, reasonable layout, exquisite workmanship, lifelike decoration, smooth and elegant lines, deep lines, a strong sense of float and sculpture, caress, fingertips can feel the money on the surface scattered decoration, feel very good! Collection of positive visible fusion of Manchu and Han culture, the back shows the great fusion of Chinese and Western culture, with distinct and strong historical charm, is the true portrayal of the social background of the historical period, because of the profound historical value, great significance, investment collection significance.

