





  • 索引字段使用等值或全值匹配(=)的索引优先于使用范围匹配(like <>between)的索引
  • 比较类型相同时,主键索引优先于辅助索引
  • 优先级别相同时,出现在语句中的最左边顺序优先


优先的索引将被用于检索数据,剩下的索引,如果是有效索引,将作为索引下推的索引过滤条件(index filter)对数据进行过滤,否则将作为一般的WHERE条件和其它WHERE条件一起在Server层对数据进行过滤




  • 通配符在最右边时 ,组合索引有效

比如格式<索引字段 like 常量%>前面的索引字段和like本身的索引字段有效,但like后面的索引字段将失效。

  • 通配符在最左边时,索引失效

比如格式<索引字段 like %常量>,将不使用对应的组合索引在结果字段、排序或分组字段形成覆盖索引的情况下,使用<索引字段 like %常量>,执行计划会显示使用index索引,但其实和like无关,显示index是因为覆盖索引的原因,注意区分。


即按照创建顺序使用,从左向右匹配直到遇到范围查询(like、>、<、<>或!=、between) 组合索引失效,即该字段后面的字段即使是组合索引中的字段也同样使用不到索引。





# 用户表create table tuser(id int primary key,loginname varchar(100),name varchar(100),age int,sex char(1),dep int,address varchar(100));# 部门表create table tdep(id int primary key,name varchar(100));# 创建普通索引mysql> alter table tuser add index idx_dep(dep);# 创建唯一索引mysql> alter table tuser add unique index idx_loginname(loginname);# 创建组合索引mysql> alter table tuser add index idx_name_age_sex(name,age,sex);# 非唯一单列索引create index index_name on tdep (name);# 分别新增1条部门和用户数据mysql> insert into tdep values (1,'技术部');mysql> insert into tuser (id,loginname,name,age,sex,dep,address) values(1,'fdcoffee','蕃豆咖啡',36,'M',1,'广东广州市环市中路371号');
  • 全值匹配我最爱


# 主键索引列全值匹配mysql> explain select * from tuser where id = 1 \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: constpossible_keys: PRIMARY          key: PRIMARY      key_len: 4          ref: const         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: NULL        # 唯一辅助索引列全值匹配mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname = 'fdcoffee' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: constpossible_keys: idx_loginname          key: idx_loginname      key_len: 303          ref: const         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: NULL        # 辅助索引列全值匹配,遵循最左前缀原则mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' and age = 36 and sex = 'M' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: refpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 312          ref: const,const,const         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: NULL
  • 最佳左前缀法则


# 正确示例mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' and age = 36 and sex = 'M' \G;mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' and age = 36 \G;mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' \G;# 错误示例# 缺少带头索引name,剩下的age和sex字段都无法使用索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where age = 36 and sex = 'M' \G;# 同上,没有前面的name和age字段一起,sex字段无法使用到索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where sex = 'M' \G;# 缺少中间索引age,只能使用到部分索引:name字段有效,但sex字段无法用到索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' and sex = 'M' \G;
  • 索引列上不计算


# 使用left函数对loginname长度截取,索引失效mysql> explain select * from tuser where left(loginname,4) = 'fdco' \G*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: NULL          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using where        # 上面的示例可以这样优化:使用 like% 或在程序上先对loginname做处理在传入MySQL数据库查询mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname like 'fdco%' \G*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: rangepossible_keys: idx_loginname          key: idx_loginname      key_len: 303          ref: NULL         rows: 2     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using index condition
  • 范围右边列失效


# 由于age使用范围操作符,后面的sex字段索引失效mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'fdcoffee' and age > 20 and sex = 'M' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: rangepossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 308          ref: NULL         rows: 1     filtered: 14.29        Extra: Using index condition
  • 尽量用覆盖索引

尽量使用覆盖索引(select 索引列),也就是查询列和索引列一致,减少使用select *

# 使用select *全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: NULL          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 100.00        Extra: NULL# 使用select 索引列时,扫描索引,不需要回表mysql> explain select name,age,sex from tuser \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: indexpossible_keys: NULL          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 312          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using index
  • 不等判断不要用


mysql> explain select * from tuser where name != 'fdcoffee' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALL           # 全表扫描possible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using where
  • 索引不做空判断

索引字段上使用is null/is not null判断会走全表扫描。允许为null的索引字段呢?看下面分析。

# 主键idmysql> explain select * from tuser where id is not null \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: PRIMARY          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 85.71        Extra: Using where# 由于主键不允许为空,使用is null,执行计划信息Extra列将提示Impossible WHERE信息mysql> explain select * from tuser where id is null \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: NULL   partitions: NULL         type: NULLpossible_keys: NULL          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: NULL     filtered: NULL        Extra: Impossible WHERE# 允许为空的索引# 使用is not null将走全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname is not null \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: idx_loginname          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using where# 而is null则用到了索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname is null \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: refpossible_keys: idx_loginname          key: idx_loginname      key_len: 303          ref: const         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using index condition    
  • 通配符号写最右

索引字段使用like以通配符开头(%字符串)时,会导致索引失效而转向全表扫描 。尽量以(字符串%)方式写语句。如果一定要使用%开头,业务满足的话,可以配合覆盖索引进行一定优化

# 以%开头,索引失效,变成全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where name like '%fdco' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: NULL          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 14.29        Extra: Using where# 以%结尾,可以使用到索引mysql> explain select * from tuser where name like 'fdco%' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: rangepossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 303          ref: NULL         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using index condition# 如果业务上只需要返回索引中的字段,则可以将*改为索引字段,形成覆盖索引,可以提升性能mysql> explain select name,age,sex from tuser where name like '%fdcofd' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: indexpossible_keys: NULL          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 312          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 14.29        Extra: Using where; Using index     
  • 字符要加单引号


# 字符串类型的字段,传入一个数字类型,导致索引失效全表扫描mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 7 \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 14.29        Extra: Using where# 数字类型的age可以传入字符串的数字,索引有效,但不建议这样去使用mysql> explain select * from tuser where name = 'ccc' and age = '7' and sex = 'M' \G;*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: refpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: idx_name_age_sex      key_len: 312          ref: const,const,const         rows: 1     filtered: 100.00        Extra: NULL
  • 索引字段不用or


# 5.7版本测试下,同一个索引字段用or时可以使用到索引的mysql> explain select * from tuser where loginname = 'fd' or loginname = 'coffee' \G*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: rangepossible_keys: idx_loginname          key: idx_loginname      key_len: 303          ref: NULL         rows: 2     filtered: 100.00        Extra: Using index condition        #5.7版本测试下,不同索引字段用or则变成全表扫描        mysql> explain select * from tuser where name='fdcoffee' or age = 7 \G*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 26.53        Extra: Using where  # 同上        mysql> explain select * from tuser where name='fdcoffee' and age = 7 or sex = 'M' \G*************************** 1. row ***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: tuser   partitions: NULL         type: ALLpossible_keys: idx_name_age_sex          key: NULL      key_len: NULL          ref: NULL         rows: 7     filtered: 16.03        Extra: Using where 








