
巴菲特的“护城河四要素”Buffett's“Four Elements of Moat”

什么是企业的“护城河” What is a corporate moat?


The moat, also known as the "barrier", is an element that competitors are not easy to imitate and a strategic advantage that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.


When an enterprise can seize the short-term imbalance between supply and demand in the market, it can earn dividends and profits. But the next question is, when everyone sees this cake, how can they stop competitors? How to make profits continuously? The best solution is to dig a moat.


Enterprise management and development must "follow the trend" and have at least two steps to take:

1. 顺应商业进化的方向,抓住“红利”;

Conform to the direction of commercial evolution and seize the "dividend";

2. 尽早开始深挖护城河,守住“利润”。

Start digging deep into the moat as soon as possible to keep "profits".

巴菲特经典的“护城河四要素” Buffett's Classic "Four Elements of Moat"

第一要素:无形资产(Intangible Assets),包括许可和品牌;

The first element: Intangible Assets, including licenses and brands;

第二要素:成本优势(Cost Advantage),包括规模和管理;

The second element: Cost Advantage, including scale and management;

第三要素:网络效应(Network Effects),包括用户和生态;

The third element: Network Effects, including users and ecology;

第四要素:迁移成本(Switching Costs),包括习惯和资产。

The fourth element: Switching Costs, including habits and assets.

无形资产 Intangible Assets


Intangible assets are things that cannot be simply measured by money, mainly "license" and "brand". Licenses and patents is what I can do but you cannot. Brand is the understanding, trust and preference of users.

A. 许可(Licenses and Patents)


Licenses and patents, including special qualifications, special effects management rights, various certifications, etc., are barriers to competitors, which can exclude competitors from the profit zone and reduce competition.


Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, there has been a temporary imbalance between supply and demand of masks. If you find this market opportunity, can you purchase and sell masks immediately? The answer is: no.


Because the sale of masks requires the "Certificate of Record for Operation of Type II Medical Devices", which is a kind of "industry license". Once I get it, I can seize this market opportunity. If you find an opportunity to apply, perhaps once you apply, the supply and demand in the market will again reach a balance and the opportunity will disappear.


In addition to special effects license, patent is also a license. The way iPhone unlocks is a slider that users are very accustomed to. Apple has applied for a patent for this "slider unlock". Huawei and Xiaomi cannot use this unlocking method. Perhaps some users are "locked" by iPhone patent for this small habit.

B. 品牌(Brand)


The value of a brand is to reduce the "comparative cost" of consumers among numerous small brands. Consumers buy big brand products with lower transaction costs and less risks. And buying small brand products may be an adventure.


Good brands can make it easier for users to find you. The most extreme case is that a brand is equated with an industry, such as "Coca Cola" in Coke, "Gillette" in Shaver, and "Google" in Search Engine.


Brand not only reduces the marketing cost of the company, but also helps the company to realize higher pricing of its products. Brand is reputation, which needs money and time to dig up. Brand is trust and gives consumers the power to punish enterprises. Procter & Gamble invests billions of dollars a year and advertises day and night. What will happen if something goes wrong with Procter & Gamble's products? It could cost billions of dollars in advertising. Brand is a knife that the enterprise hands to the consumer. If the product of the enterprise is sorry to the consumer, the consumer will "stab" the enterprise with this knife.


Brand is also "user preference", which needs emotion to dig. Do you prefer Wu Yifan or Cai Xukun? This problem, even in a fight, the fans of both sides can't convince anyone in the end. This is the preference, and it is the result of feelings built up over a long period of time. This preference-based brand value will eventually allow fans to defend you rather than abandon you even if you are slightly inferior to others.


Enterprises, through their own advantages, seize the opportunity of imbalance between supply and demand in the market to obtain dividends and profits, but dividends bring only a first-mover advantage. First-mover advantage can only help you win the time to dig a moat. Only by digging a moat can you make profits continuously.

成本优势 Cost Advantage


Facing the same industrial environment, cost leadership has always been one of the effective means of competition. Cost leadership may come from the company's long-term construction, which strives for perfection step by step. The core of cost advantage is "scale" and "management".


The basic "cost formula" in business: cost = (fixed cost/sales scale)+variable cost.


To reduce costs, there are three basic deep excavation methods:

1. 降低固定成本(比如降低生产线的投入);

Reduce fixed costs (e.g. reduce production line input);

2. 降低变动成本(比如降低原料采购价格);

Reduce variable costs (e.g. reduce the purchase price of raw materials);

3. 提升销售规模。

Increase sales scale.

A. 规模(Scale)


If the fixed cost for making an intelligent bracelet is 10 million yuan (including design fees, mold opening and putting into production lines), and the variable cost is 60 yuan (including chips, batteries, packaging, etc.), if Xiaomi sells 61 yuan, how do other businesses compete? Then why does Xiaomi sell 61 yuan? Because he would gamble that he could sell 10 million smart bracelets


Lei Jun once made a public promise at the conference: "Xiaomi's comprehensive profit margin on hardware will never exceed 5%. If there is excess, all excess will be returned to the user. " Is the profit margin of 5% true? It's true, because Xiaomi wants to play a bigger game of chess, and the hardware can have a profit margin of no more than 5%, but Xiaomi has advertisements, content distribution, membership fees and so on, all of which have extremely high profit margins. Based on the large number of users of hardware, Xiaomi's overall profitability is still very strong.


If you really feel that you have seen the direction of business evolution, you can use a "one-shot" approach to scale up and scare your competitors out of the moat.

B. 管理(Management)


Strategy is a grand decision, but management is the daily homework. When an enterprise formulates its operational policy, it must rely on each operational team to carry out and implement it. If every difficulty encountered by the enterprise during the implementation process is a " game", then the function of management is to continuously "break the game".

管理就是不断地破局,“局 ”就是你身边各种资源之间相互关联和相互作用的状态与关系,或称为“资源”。人是资源,物是资源,名声也是资源,是一种无形的资源。总之,你身边的一切其实都是资源。而且,这些资源都和你有关系。“破局 ”本质上就是调整资源的性质,正的变成负的,负的变成正的,然后变换资源和你之间的相互关系,让自己能够走得通。

Management is the continuous breaking of the game. " Game " is the state and relationship, or "resources", in which various resources around you are interrelated and interact with each other. People are resources, things are resources, reputation is also resources, is an invisible resource. In short, everything around you is actually resources. Moreover, these resources are all related to you. "Break the game" is essentially to adjust the nature of resources, positive to negative, negative to positive, and then transform the relationship between resources and you, so that they can make sense.


Just as many people admire that the management of "Haidilao" is in place. The waiter can always make the customer satisfied, but when should he deliver the napkin to the customer? When will you pack the whole watermelon for your customers? I'm afraid it's difficult to standardize the regulations. Huang Tieying wrote a book called "Can't You Learn at Haidilao", which means that management can't be done without telling you. Management is a science as well as an art. If you can do it and others can't, you have an advantage in cost. The cost reduction brought by management will always be a deep moat.

网络效应 Network Effects


Network effect is the value of a product to a user. It depends on the number of other users who use the product. The more users, the more valuable it is. The more valuable, the more users. The network effect is alive. Once it is successfully dug up, it will grow and become more and more powerful.


There are two main types of network effects:

A. 用户(User)


Users, or "unilateral scale effect", means that the larger the user scale, the higher the efficiency.


Such as shared bicycles, the more bicycles a company has, the more convenient it will be for users. However, it is a unilateral model, which means that the company can only increase production unilaterally to form a scale and win over users.

B. 生态(Ecology)


Ecology, also known as the "multilateral network effect", has "fewer users, more users", and there must be a critical point. After this point, users will increase themselves and become vulnerable to attack, forming a moat.


For example, in the field of taxis and special cars, it has the needs of both drivers and passengers. More drivers will bring more passengers and more passengers will bring more drivers. Like Shijijiayuan or Baihe Net, the more girls there are, the more boys there will be, the more quality boys there will be, and the more girls there will be attracted.


Users are unilateral network effects. Ecology is a multilateral network effect. The moat of the network effect has made many enterprises, such as Microsoft's developers and users, Taobao's buyers and sellers, Xiaomi's interconnected devices and massive users.

迁移成本 Switching Costs


The level of conversion cost determines how stable the first-mover advantage is. If the three elements mentioned above, intangible assets, cost advantage and network effect, prevent competitors from entering, then the cost of migration is to prevent users from running out.

A. 习惯(Habit)


Most users in China use WeChat as a chat tool. Many things of users aredeposited on it and will never be changed easily.


Another example is that white-collar workers are accustomed to this Office software. If they want to replace other new products, they need to learn it again from scratch. The cost of migration is too high. For example, it takes no effort to change a new product for daily-use consumer goods, which is why the lower the conversion cost, the more energy will be put into the channel construction to make up for this deficiency, because this is the "habit lock" that the merchant locks you in its moat.

B. 资产(Assets)


On November 27, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially announced that operators must provide "number portability" service nationwide. However, if you try to do so, you will find that "number portability" is as difficult as climbing up to heaven. There are always some packages that prevent you from switching to the Internet, or because of the contract period of your beautiful number, you cannot switch to the Internet.


Why do all operators deliberately create various barriers to make things difficult for users on the issue of "carrying numbers to switch networks"? Because mobile phone number is the core asset of users, it is an extremely important moat to prevent users from escaping. Mobile phone numbers are registered with all kinds of mobile phone banks and apps. If you can't transfer your number to the Internet, these apps can't be registered. However, once the original mobile phone number is assigned to someone else, the other person may even log in to your account with a verification code.


The mobile phone number is already an important asset that users cannot abandon. The longer you use it, the more you cannot change it. As long as the operator holds the core asset of the user's mobile phone number, the user's migration cost will be very high. Because that is a lock, the "asset lock" that locks you in its moat.


The user's personalized data can be this asset lock. Investment companies can provide more targeted investment plans according to users' personalized data. The hotel can prepare his favorite newspapers and fruits in advance before the user checks in. Social App can store users' chat records in the cloud for free.


The moat of the company is mainly embodied in intangible assets, cost advantage, network effect and transfer cost. The moat theory is very classic. The companies selected according to this theory have been repeatedly verified by Buffett's outstanding investment performance. Without moat, the better products will lead to more intense competition and dividends from short-term imbalance of supply and demand. The moat can make the enterprise continuously earn profits.

