
Sorano酒店,东京 / CURIOSITY



SORANO HOTEL with interior designed by Curiosity is newly born in the area adjacent to Showa Kinen Park, one of the leading national parks in Japan, situated in Tachikawa city, just 30 minutes from Shinjuku, Tokyo.

With the concept of “well-being”, the hotel suggests us a new holiday style, “Well-being short trip”, offering health conscious activities including dining, spa and workout casually. This concept meets the essence of our updated life-styles, in these circumstances of requiring more accessible destinations to enjoy extraordinary experiences.

▼酒店大堂外观,hotel lobby exterior view ©SATOSHI SHIGETA


The memorable space is designed with a “tent” shape that connects the entrance to the lobby evoking a journey in nature even while you are indoor. The lobby opens directly to the outside garden, creating a surprising effect as you move from an urban environment to a lush green garden. The circular sofas welcome the visitor in a comfortable setting around the garden.

▼入口空间被设计为“帐篷”的形状,the tent-shaped space connects the entrance to the lobby ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼空间细部,interior detailed view ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


The ambiance of the lobby changes dramatically during the night with a warm atmosphere, the lighting shines through the louvers in a play of light and shadows. The “IMA LOUNGE” welcomes the visitor to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere in an intimate space around the counter.

▼晚上的大堂休息区,night view of the lobby ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼咖啡吧,coffee bar ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


The lush Showa Kinen Park is directly in front of the 81-guest rooms- all park views with private balconies and space of 52 square meters. Contemporary Japanese rooms with standard size have unusual black tatami and futons, which provides unique comfortable setting. The futon faces the outside terrace; from the entrance of the room is discovered through a transparent screen creating a surprising and welcoming effect. The mini bar and other functions are composed into a sculptural furniture like a cabinet of curiosity with small openings where amenities can be discovered.

▼现代日式客房,Wa Modern Room ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼日式屏风,the Japanese styled screen ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


The Spa Suite with 86 square meters includes a spa treatment for the guests performed by an experienced therapist. The bedroom and living room is divided by a large sliding door with impressive washi screen with a landscape motif, reminiscent of Japanese shoji in modern style.

▼Spa套房,Spa Suite ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


The entrance of SORANO SPA on 10th and 11th floor is the entrance for the well-being place, symbolized with the water drop-like lighting feature of the reception.

▼水疗接待区,Spa reception area ©SATOSHI SHIGETA


The Hot Bathing Facility/Indoor Spa features SORANO HOTEL’s own hot spring water pumped up from this area. In addition to 20-meter-long spa largely open to the outside garden, the visitor can also immerse himself in the whirlpool Jacuzzi spa and Nano-mist Sauna.

▼室内水疗区,indoor spa ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


The most iconic feature of SORANO HOTEL is the 4 meters wide and extending an impressive 60 meters long Infinity Pool. It appears as you climb the stairs from the 10th floor through the pool itself, the view suddenly opens up before your eyes. The guests feel united with nature as they look upon the greenery and cityscape that spread into the distance and see Mt.Fuji in the scenery.

▼无边界泳池,Infinity Pool ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.


Located facing the Infinity Pool, SORANO ROOFTOP BAR, a long, curved bar welcomes the customers day and night. The space extends with a rest and dining area with an infinite view towards the park, reflected in the mirror wall.

▼空中酒吧,Rooftop Bar ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼镜面墙壁反射出朝向公园的视野,an infinite view towards the park reflected in the mirror wall ©SATOSHI SHIGETA


The diner based on the concept of “well-being”, serves Japanese Crossover food menus combining Japanese food and other cultures culinary.

The three cellars invite the customer to discover high-quality ingredients selected from local production in Tachikawa and neighboring regions. Freshness and quality of those ingredients are visualized in a vegetable and fish cellars in the center, in addition to wine cellars, which attract your sights and raise curiosity for dining.The “Chef’s Table” a hidden venue dedicated to special gathering for unique meals prepared directly in front of the customer under the iconic bronze kitchen.

▼Daichino餐厅,Daichino Restaurant ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼三个储藏室,the three cellars ©NACASA & PARTNERS INC.

▼隐藏的“大厨餐桌”,the hidden “Chef’s Table” ©SATOSHI SHIGETA


The terrace of the restaurant opens to the garden with a large seating area surrounded by the greenery of the park. Tent-like louver of the entrance is visible outside from the park.

▼餐厅露台,restaurant terrace ©SATOSHI SHIGETA

▼酒店客房立面,guest room facade ©SATOSHI SHIGETA

▼2层平面图,plan 2F ©CURIOSIRY

