




翡翠(jadeite), 也称翡翠玉jadites 、翠玉、缅甸玉,是玉的一种。翡翠的正确定义是以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类矿物组成的纤维状集合体 。但是翡翠并不等于硬玉 。翡翠是在地质作用下形成的达到玉级的石质多晶集合体,主要由硬玉或硬玉及钠质(钠铬辉石)和钠钙质辉石(绿辉石)组成,可含有角闪石、长石、铬铁矿、褐铁矿等。

在古代翡翠是一种生活在南方的鸟,毛色十分美丽,通常有蓝、绿、红、棕等颜色。一般这种鸟雄性的为红色,谓之“翡”,雌性的为绿色,谓之“翠”。寸开泰撰写的《腾越乡土志》记载:“ 腾为萃数,玉工满千,制为器皿,发售滇垣各行省。上品良玉,多发往粤东、上海、闽、浙、京都。至清末民初,仅腾冲城内即有翡翠作坊百余家,玉雕工匠三千余人,所琢“器皿发售滇垣各行省上品良玉,多发往粤东、上海、闽、浙、京都《寸开泰《腾越乡土志》产翡翠的缅甸一带,距我国云南边境只有150公里。在明朝万历年间,此地曾属永昌府(今云南省保山市)管辖。由于历史的原因,被称为"东方瑰宝"的翡翠经云南腾冲、瑞丽等边城输入我国,已有四五百年的历史了。



英文名称:Ancient jade warring States Jian Bi




红翡 : 是红色翡翠的简称,是指以红色色调为主的翡翠,包括了黄红色、橙红色、褐红色、鲜红色等各种融有红色的翡翠。













英文名称:Jade pig dragon








人类最早接触的猪,只能是凶猛的野猪,在人类早期与野猪的搏斗中,人类不可能是百分之百的胜利者,野猪的獠牙和健壮的体魄必定成为人类羡慕的对象,这种由羡慕而成的崇拜,使野猪成为人类的崇拜物,成为某个氏族的图腾。这样就会产生以猪为原始形态的艺术品,猪的雕塑品就出现了。在红山文化分布的区域,发现了一些大型的石雕猪,就是最好的证明。 随着人类对猪的认识不断加深,必然会出现豢养猪驾驭猪的能手,而当猪以玉猪龙的形象出现在红山文化玉器上时,人类逐渐把它升华成龙。所以《左传》中说的豢龙职业,应该是早期的豢猪能手。








英文名称:Alum red trace green glaze flower mouth jade pot spring bottle






宋景德镇、磁州、扒村、耀州等窑均有烧造,各窑制品的共同点是细颈微撇,不同点在于器物腹部与足部的变化。景德镇窑青白釉瓷器为腹部长圆,圈足,磁州窑系的白地黑花、三彩,黑釉瓶与耀州窑的制品则为圆腹,喇叭形足。 明、清仍有制作。注释:图为故宫博物院藏“清乾隆青花寿山福海纹花口瓶”。









英文名称:Taihe heavy treasure







英文翻译:The Dry Qing Palace, the third palace behind the Imperial Court, is located in the Middle of the Imperial Court in Beijing. It was first built in the eighteenth year of Yongle (1420) in the Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties after being burned down several times. The existing building was built in the third year of Jiaqing (1798) in the Qing Dynasty. The building area is 1400 square meters.

The Pavilion is a hip roof with yellow glazed tiles and double eaves. The roof is situated on a single-storey white marble platform. The roof is made of nine roofs and five halls with a height of more than 20 meters from the roof to the right ridge. Inside the temple, the east and west interconnect. A screen was set between two golden pillars on the rear eaves, a throne was set in front of the screen, and above the throne hung a plaque of "fair and aboveboard". Two ends of the east and west for the warm pavilion, after the eaves set fairy building.

There are bronze turtle, bronze crane, sundial and Jialu in front of the hall. There are four gilt incense burners in front of the hall. In the middle of the hall, Danbi starts from Gaotai Yonglu and connects with Ganqing Gate. The Building scale of the Dry Qing Palace is the first of the inner court, as the Ming Dynasty 14 emperors' residence. The Dry Qing Palace in the Ming Dynasty also served as a place for the emperor's wake. Before Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty followed the Ming system. Since Yongzheng emperor moved to the Hall of Mental Health, it was an important place for the emperor to summon court officials, review and read papers to deal with daily affairs, meet foreign vassal states and accompany officials, and be congratulated and hold banquets when he was old. Some everyday structures, including the upper study where the prince reads, are also made more hip and powerful.

Jadeite, also known as jadites, jade and Burmese jade, is a kind of jade. The correct definition of jadeite is a fibrous aggregate composed of jadeite minerals. But jadeite is not jadeite. Jadeite is formed under geological action to reach the level of stony polycrystalline aggregate, mainly composed of jadeite or jadeite and sodium (sodium chromate pyroxene) and sodium calcium pyroxene (chlorite), can contain amphibole, feldspar, chromite, limonite and so on.

In ancient times, jadeite was a kind of bird living in the south. Its fur color is very beautiful. It usually has blue, green, red, brown and other colors. Generally this kind of bird male for red, that "fei", female for green, that "Cui". It is recorded in the Local Chronicles of Tengyue written by Cun Kaitai that "Teng is the most beautiful number, with thousands of jade works, made into utensils and sold to every province in Yunnan. Top quality jade, mostly to the east of Guangdong, Shanghai, Fujian, Zhejiang, Kyoto. To the qing dynasty, tengchong city only has a jade workshop more than hundred, jade craftsmen more than three thousand people, have cut "on sale vessel walls in yunnan province top grade LiangYu, happens to guangdong, Shanghai, fujian, zhejiang, Kyoto" inch kaitai, local tzu chi "Banks" produced in Burma jade, is only 150 kilometers from China's yunnan border. In the Ming wanli years, here had under yongchang house (now baoshan city of yunnan province) jurisdiction. Due to historical reasons, known as the "Oriental gem" by yunnan tengchong jadeite, ruili, such as border town enter our country, has a history of four thousand five hundred years.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Dry qing Palace collection of red philippe bracelets

Ancient Jade Warring States Jian Bi

Specification: One pair

Category: Jade

Appearance: Beautiful

Red philippe: it is the abbreviation of red jadeite, it is to point to the jadeite that gives priority to with red tone, included yellow red, orange red, maroon red, bright red and so on all sorts of melt have red jadeite.

The color of red philippe is not the color of jadeite mineral crystal itself, it is foreign iron mineral element enters the gap between jadeite crystal and form, belong to the secondary color of jadeite, so if jadeite has red, its red is usually located in the relatively shallow position below the epidermis of jadeite raw material or epidermis.

Ice kind: point to ice kind emerald, it is flesh qualitative second to glass kind emerald a kind of emerald, its flesh qualitative characteristic, transparency, exterior and the ice cube in freezer close, belong to translucent emerald. Ice jade meat translucent in with a kind of ice texture, give a person with the feeling of ice clear jade, three minutes warm embellish, seven minutes cold, the appearance of ice like water, relaxed and comfortable, ice through the heart, but also showing a faint subtle beauty.

Jade come in red is fei green is green, the red fei bracelet, color is pure, is a red fei the holy, and to have the luck, the moral of thriving, belongs to the closing of guan yu, liu called jade guan Sir Zhong, a town house, exorcism, seek efficacy, is seen as "loyalty" and "letter", "righteousness" and "yong".

Guan Er Ye: He is the symbol of loyalty, respected by the people as the god of protection and wealth.

Guan Yu's heroic and legendary life was chosen as a moral model of "loyalty", "faithfulness", "righteousness" and "courage".

In the celebrity that emerges in endlessly in Chinese ancient times, be worn by aftertime dazzle aureola and respect it to be "sage" person, have two people only however, they are by folk respect to be called "the Confucius of" text sage "and" martial saint "...

In the home put guan Gong is mostly for town house, exorcism, seek wealth.

The red fei bracelets, considered a lucky color is pure, without cracking, roundness neat, round bracelet let people have a look at is s, and dry the bracelet receive a case, qing prove expensive, belong to the imperial city, located in the jade, jade value often see value $jade news, is the so-called people raise jade, jade, or life is of great benefit to the body after wearing, from the historical data record, in the Ming dynasty great medical scientist li shizhen in his masterpiece which recorded in compendium of materia medica, jade is "in addition to the heat, boredom, embellish lung, throat, zi hair, raise five zang-organs, thin veins, bright eyes and ears" etc. After thousands of years of scientific research and people's practical time proved that jade does have a certain medical or health care role. According to the results of modern mineral medicine, physics, chemistry and biology comprehensive research, jade has certain medical care effect, especially the jade contains trace elements beneficial to human body, such as zinc, magnesium, iron, selenium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper and so on. Often wear jade jewelry, can make these trace elements through the human body's skin, acupoints into the human body, by the meridians and blood circulation and throughout the body, so as to a certain extent to supplement the lack of trace elements in the human body, balance physiological functions, health care role.

China's ancient found in hongshan and other places of a jade ring, also known as a jade animal ring. Thought to be the earliest form of dragon. However, due to its unusual shape, there has been much debate among archaeologists as to whether the jade was a pig or a dragon, with some suggesting it was a bear. Its use is not clear, most believe it is religious ritual ware.

The shape of a large number of red mountain jade objects reflects many animals such as cicadas and birds. Platypus, fish, turtles, and quadrupeds all appear together with yuzhinosaurus, thus expressing that yuzhinosaurus is the earliest embryo of a variety of animals, including humans, namely, the earliest embryo of animals. That is to say, it was an embryo and not a particular animal.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Jade pig dragon

English name: Jade Pig Dragon

Specification: one piece

Category: Jade

Appearance: Beautiful

Jue also known as jade animal, hongshan and other places found jue. The back of jade pig dragon all has one or two to drill round hole, may make decorations to tie the rope to hang. According to the pair of unearthed on the chest of the deceased, it is highly likely to be used as a decoration. But the height reaches 15 centimeters above large jade pig dragon, in terms of its weight is not suitable to wear. Therefore, many scholars believe that jade pig dragon is not only an ornament, but also an artifact, a totem worshiped by the hongshan ancestors on behalf of their ancestral gods. The jade dragon of Hongshan culture unearthed in Samsuntala Village, Wengniute Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is exquisitely carved and has a simple and vigorous shape. It is the earliest jade dragon known so far and is extremely precious. It has the laudatory name of "the first Jade dragon in China".

As the saying goes, the stone is jade, it is a made of local jade, you can see this very apparent on the surface of the soil, and the eyes bulging parts due to easy touch to make it smooth, outside through the opening round hole is the typical artificial punch, ancient jade artifacts that make is very difficult, often requires a lot of time, the forming of a jade often already has a layer of wrapped slurry, the patina of gu yu, can well protect the jade, that thousands of years preserved, show in front of our eyes.

Generally speaking, the totem of primitive people mostly comes from some objective animals and plants in nature, while the primitive art is mostly an imitation of natural objects. Since the head of the jade porcine dragon is clearly characteristic of a pig, most people think that the jade porcine dragon probably originated from a pig. And because its curled body is particularly worm-like, it has also been suggested that the original grubs came from the beetle's larval grubs. According to the research, the hongshan culture jade pig dragon prototype is probably the early embryo of the pig.

Small jade pig dragon, the most powerful words, as the ears when to wear, it's a narrow gap on the ear edge is used for card, to fixed, due to the thick earlobe meat, caused by thick thin, can be very good to wear, not drop, so the love of beauty is human nature, from ancient tribal era has begun.

The earliest human contact with pigs, but only to a fierce wild boar, in the struggle of human early and wild boar, human can't be one hundred percent winners, wild boar tusks and strong will be the envy of the human, the admiration of the composed of envy, made a wild boar human fetishes, become a clan totem. The result is art in the original form of the pig, and pig sculpture emerges. This is evidenced by the discovery of some large stone pigs in the region of the Hongshan culture. As humans learned more about pigs, there were bound to be people who could manage them, and when pigs appeared on hongshan cultural jades in the form of jade pigs, humans gradually turned them into dragons. So the strength of the dragon's career, as described in The Legend of the Left, should have been the earlier strength of the pigs.

Humans created "home" from pigs as a "underroofed ragout," suggesting that our ancestors lived on rags-to-earth. When the hongshan culture appeared religious sacrifice and god worship, the pig would naturally become the original people's spiritual objects and symbols of power, so that the image of the pig would gradually evolve into the image of Jackie Chan. It can be said that the appearance of the dragon image is a sign of the development of primitive agriculture, as well as the need of religious life. When ancient Chinese civilization began to bid farewell to the benighted ages, the image of the dragon appeared. Jade Dragon, it is the symbol of culture, but also the product of the primitive society etiquette, hierarchy and power gradually strengthened.

This jade pig dragon, quality perfect, no cracking, surface soil seeps naturally, the obvious effect of the manual, to open the door of the old thing, you know, hongshan culture has thousands of it, like the treasure, only can be seen in the museum collection to pay attention to content with rare for expensive, jade pig dragon now only a few, has a very high collection value, value, historical research and economic value.

The jade pot spring bottle, also known as the jade pot appreciation bottle, is a typical shape of Chinese porcelain. Popular area wide, used for a long time, after the Song dynasty around the kiln firing. Its shape evolved from the pure water bottles in the tang Dynasty temples. The basic shape is the skimming mouth, thin neck, pendent abdomen, and circular foot. It is a kind of bottle with a soft curve as the contour line. The unique features of its shape are: the neck is relatively thin, the center of the neck is slightly bunched, and the neck gradually widens down to a drooping belly in the shape of an apricot circle, and the curve changes slowly and roundly. The hoop foot is relatively large, or inward or outward. The shape of the bottle was finalized in the Song Dynasty and went through the Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republican and modern dynasties.

Alum red glaze is a kind of low temperature red glaze, which is mainly used to produce ceramics.

Alum red glaze is also called "iron red glaze". It is a low temperature red glaze made by adding lead powder and beef gum after calcination with alum. Its color often with an orange-like red, opaque, copper red is not pure and bright, but the color is relatively stable, in the firing process than high temperature copper red much easier. As early as the primitive society on the color pottery has appeared. The song Dynasty began to appear on porcelain, after the middle Ming Dynasty, a large number of sacrificial vessels and porcelain. In The Ming Jiajing imperial appliance factory, copperred was replaced by vanadium red. The glaze was applied with brush glaze method, which was called "red glaze". In the early Qing Dynasty, the glaze was applied with blow glaze method, which was also called "coral red glaze". Alum red is widely used, generally used in multicolor, fighting the red color.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: alum red trace green glaze flower mouth jade pot spring bottle

Alum Red Trace Green glaze Flower Mouth Jade Pot Spring Bottle

Specification: one piece

Category: Porcelain

Appearance: Beautiful

The diffuse reflection appears under the natural light, and one can tell that this porcelain is old at a glance. The dragon claw is a three-claw dragon, a typical dragon of the Yuan Dynasty. Longan is prominent and fierce, with ears like the tail of the dragon.

One of a type of porcelain vase named for its open petals, with a narrow neck, round belly, and skimmed feet. First seen in the Tang dynasty, to the Song Dynasty more popular.

There are kilns in Jingdezhen, Cizhou, Jiacun and Yaozhou, etc. The common feature of the products in each kiln is the thin neck and the small neck, while the difference lies in the changes of abdomen and feet. The green white glaze porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln has a long round belly with round feet; the white ground black flowers and tricolor of Cizhou kiln; the black glaze vase and the products of Yazhou kiln have a round belly with trumpet feet. It was still made in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Note: The picture shows the Palace Museum's collection of "Qing Qianlong Blue and white Shoushan Fu Haiwen vase".

The soil bite at the bottom of the porcelain is very obvious. Soil bite is stained by underground soil, soil and sundry objects, which is generally affected by obvious ooze qualitative change. The soil ooze flavor is strong.

This porcelain is perfect, with obvious soil at the bottom, diffuse reflection on the glaze, obvious dragon pattern in the Yuan Dynasty. This porcelain is red and green, with plastic molding on the surface. The dragon pattern is very beautiful. "The Dragon Chart is a totem of the Chinese people. The emperors and their descendants in the past dynasties were called dragon sons and Dragon sons. The image of the dragon was used exclusively for royal use. According to historical records, as early as in the Period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, "Platinum three products ", there is" dragon "cast graphics; Later in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, a small number of circulating COINS were cast with dragon patterns. These dragon lines, auspicious clouds around, give people a sense of flying, the emperor and the world. In ancient times, only the royal family could call themselves the real dragon, the son of Heaven, the dragon is also a symbol of the king.

Taihe Treasure, one of the COINS in ancient China.

"Taihe Treasure" is a bronze coin made by Jin Zhangzong in the fourth year of Taihe (204). According to the Annals of Food and Commodities in the History of Gold, "In August of the fourth year of Taihe, the seal character says" Taihe Treasures "and banknotes.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1115 AD by Wanyan Aguda, the Emperor of The Jin Dynasty, for more than 40 years, there was no local currency and the old money of the Liao and Song dynasties was continuously used. The "Taihe" money was minted to facilitate currency exchange and promote commodity circulation. "Taihe treasure" in terms of qian zhongshu, YuZhuZhuan and ShouJinTi, Jude XuanZheng afterwinds of northern song dynasty. "Taihe" means peace and auspiciously, peace and harmony, peace and security. Used to send good wishes to people.

Taihe Treasure was forged by Wanyan Jing, the sixth emperor of the Jin Dynasty. After the Jin conquered the Central Plains, they had their own writing, but due to the influence of advanced han culture, the degree of Sinization had been greatly improved. In addition, the Jin and Song dynasties had frequent trade, so all the COINS and COINS in the Jin Dynasty were in Chinese. These COINS are exquisite, highly technical, of good copper quality, with a strong body, and beautifully made. The typeface is of seal character, refined and elegant, and is located between the four stripes respectively. The layout rules are coordinated. There is no word between the four stripes on the back. The coin side circle outline is straight, the ground zhang Tan is flat, the currency surface character outline, four lines are deeply decorated like the knife carving, without adhesion, consistent with the book. The four - sided hole vertical, dignified standard, beautiful. No less than the same period of the two Song dynasty.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Tai He Chong Bao

English name: Taihe Heavy Treasure

Specification: one piece

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

Taihe Treasure, one of the COINS in ancient China. It was cast in the fourth year (AD 1204) by Wanyan Jingtai, the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty. Qian Wen seal script, straight read, when the top ten, small two. Qian Wen is the master of literature and calligraphy, Dang Huaiying calligraphy, the font is pure and elegant, exquisite and unusual, plain for the past generations of collectors treasure. Genuflecting read jade beams. Fold ten money have light back, close back of the points. Qian Wen's deep and steep edge is neat and beautifully shaped as the crown of money. In addition, there is "Tai He Tong Bao" money.

Since the founding of emperor Wanyan Aguda in 1115 AD, the Jin Dynasty had no money of its own for more than 40 years. The old money "Taihe" was used all the time in the Liao and Song dynasties, which alleviated the contradictions in currency circulation. The increase of copper COINS facilitated the exchange of money and promoted the circulation of commodities. "Taihe treasure" in terms of qian zhongshu, YuZhuZhuan and ShouJinTi, Jude XuanZheng afterwinds of northern song dynasty. "Taihe" means peace and auspiciousness and people use it to consign good wishes. Tai He wen means good luck and happiness, an tai and shun, is a symbol of national peace and security.

Taihe Heavy treasure, back to the moon and the stars, wrapped paste warm, good copper, plump body, made of exquisite; Face text "Taihe heavy treasure" four characters for jade jin zhuan, read directly, from literature, calligraphy master Party Huaiying book, font pure and elegant, beautiful. Taiji's writing style is round, gentle and thick, shaped like jade (chopsticks), hence his name. It began in the Qin Dynasty, and Tang Qi had written the jade tendon seal script of Master Xie Tancheng: "Jade tendon real text long not xing, Li Si spread to Li Yangbing." Posterity on the book, will use the pen round and vigorous other fonts also known as "jade jin", and the Party Huaiying is the French two Li shufeng. The seal characters of Tai and Zhong Bao have been passed down from generation to generation, but they are still favored by collectors for they belong to the great beauty spring.

