

1. an amount of +不可数名词 许多

2. a flock of (sheep) 一群(羊)

3. a handful of 一把,少量的,少数(修饰(不)可数名词)

4. a large(great/ huge) number of 大量的,许多

5. a large quantity of 许多(修饰(不)可数名词)
large quantities of

6. a large sum of money 一大笔钱

注意:a large sum of后通常跟money

7. a mass of 大量,许多(修饰(不)可数名词)
= masses of 大量,许多(修饰(不)可数名词)

8. a packet of 一盒,一捆,一包

9. a series of 一系列的,一连串,一套

10. a variety of 种种的,种类繁多的

11. account for 解释(说明/是)…的原因

12. accuse sb of sth 指控某人为…
accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人 做某事

13. act as 担任,充当

14. act for 代理,代表

15. act in 在…中表演

16. act on/upon 根据…行事;对…有作用,有影响

17. act out 把…表演出来

18. act up 调皮,捣乱;(机器等)出毛病

19. adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth.
adjust (oneself) to (doing) sth.

20. add to 增加,增添

21. add up to 加起来共计,总计达;意味着

22. add up 把...加起来

23. add… to… 把…增加到…中,给…增加/添…

24. admit of 容许,有…的可能

25. after that 于是.然后

26. agree on sth 就…取得一致意见

27. agree to do sth 同意做某事 如:

agree to sth 赞同某人的建议

agree to a plan 同意某个计划

agree to the decision 同意这个决定

agree to their proposal 同意他们的提议

agree to suggestion 同意我的建议

28. agree with 同意某人的意见

29. allow for sb/sth 将…计算在内,考虑到

30. allow of sth 容许…,使有可能

31. amount to 共计,总计;等于,相当于

32. answer back 顶嘴,还嘴;答辩

33. answer for 对…负责;担保,保证

34. answer to sb(for sth)向某人(为某事)负责

35. apart from 除…都,除…以外

36. apologise to sb for (doing) sth

37. appeal to sb 对… 有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣

38. apply for 申请,请求

比较:apply to 应用,适用

39. appoint sb as… 任命某人当…

40. aprove of sth 批准,通过;赞成,同意

41. argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事
argue sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事

43. argue with sb about/over sth

44. arise from…/ out of… 由…引起,因…产生

45. arm sb/oneself with sth 用某物武装某人(自己)

46. arrive at sth 达成(协议等,做出(决定等),得出(结论等)= reach
arrive at an agreement 达成协议
arrive at a decision 做出决定
arrive at a conclusion 得出结论

47. as aconsequence (result) of

48. as aconsequence 结果,因此

= as a result.(作为)结果

49. ask about 询问,打听

50. ask after sb 问候,问好

51. assist sb in/with sth

52. assist sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事
assist sb in doing sth

53. associate A with B 把A和B联系起来

54. at one’s own charge (expense) 自费

55. at random 随便地,随意地

56. at the opening (closing)ceremony of ...

57. at the rate of 以……的比率

58. attach to 加在…之上,使喜爱,使依恋,参加,附着

59. attempt to do sth 试图做某事

60. attend a wedding 参加婚礼
attend a funeral 参加葬礼
attend the lecture 参加讲座
attend a class 上课

attend school (university) 上学,读书(上大学)

attend the meeting 出席会议

61. attend to 注意,专心于;处理,对付;照料

62. awake to sth 觉察到,意识到,醒悟到

63. back out (of sth) 退出,食言

比较:break one’s appointment 违约

cry off 食言,毁约
break one’s appointment 违约

64. back up 后退,倒车;支持,支援

65. base(build)sth on/upon sth

66. be (have) to do with sb/sth 关于;与…有关系

67. be addicted to 沉溺于

68. be aimed at 目的是,旨在;针对,对象是

69. be amazed at 为……感到惊讶

70. be anxious about … 为…而忧虑/着急/担心

71. be anxious for … 渴望,非常希望

72. be armed with 以…武装

73. be ashamed of 为 …感到羞愧/惭愧

74. be associated with …与…有联系

75. be awarded a Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖

76. be aware of 意识到,知道

77. be based(built) on/upon… 以…为根据(基础)

78. be bent on sth/doing sth 一心想做某事

79. be bored to tears/death 非常厌烦

80. be burdened with sth 负担着…,担负着…

81. be caught in 突然/偶然遇到

be caught in a rain 突然遇到雨

be caught in a traffic jam 突然遇到交通堵塞

be caught in the earthquake 突然地震

82. be charged with 承担,被控告

83. be composed of 由…组成/构成

对比:be composed of 由…组成/构成

consist of 由…组成/构成

84. be concerned about / for/ with…

85. be confident in 在…方面自信

86. be connected to 与…有关系

87. be content to do sth 愿意做某事

比较:be delighted to do sth 高兴做某事

88. be content with 对…感到满意,满足于…

89. be curious about 对…感到好奇

= have the curiosity about 对…感到好奇

90. be determined to do 决心做…

= determine / decide to do sth 决心做…

91. be devoted to (doing) sth 投身于

92. be devoted to sb 喜欢某人

93. be diagnosed with 被诊断为

94. be divided by…被…除

95. be divided on…对于…有分歧

96. be due todo sth 预定/到期应该做某事

97. be dying for sth./be dying to do sth 渴望,极想

比较:be eager for … = long for…
be dying for… 渴望得到……

98. be eager for … 渴望得到……

= long for… 渴望得到……

= be dying for… 渴望得到……

99. be eager to do sth 急着想做某事

100. be eager to do sth 急着想做某事

101. be effective in 在……方面有效

102. be equipped with

103. be familiar with 对…很熟悉

104. be in(the) charge of

105. be incontact with 与…有交往

106. be inpossession of 持有,拥有,占有,占领

107. be in sb’s possession 被某人占有/拥有

= be in the possession of sb

108. be intended for 为了

109. be jealous of 嫉妒

110. be judged by 靠…来判断

111. be my guest 请便,随便

112. be not oneself 感觉身体不舒服

113. be open to

114. be opposed to 反对

115. be out for sth 试图得到某物
be out to do sth 试图做某事

116. be related to 与…有关/联系;与…有亲戚关系

117. be remembered for/as…

118. be set in 以…为背景

119. be supposed to do sth应当,应该做某事

120. be sure to do sth 一定,必定(会做或发生)

121. be to blame (for sth) 该负责任,应受责备

122. be trapped by 被……所困

123. be uncertain of / about 对……没把握

124. be willing to do = like to do 愿意做某事

125. be/get bored with (doing) sth 对…感到厌烦

126. bear/keep in mind that… 记住,把…记在心中

127. bear/keep sth in mind 记住,把…记在心中

128. become of sb/sth (某人、物)遭遇如何

129. begin as sth 起初是,本来是

130. begin with 以…开始

131. be have oneself 表现得体,举止规矩

132. believe in sb/sth 信任,信赖;信仰

133. believe it or not 信不信由你

134. belong to 属于

135. bend one’s mind/efforts to sth

比较:bend over 弯腰,俯身;

bury oneself in sth 专心致志于某事

136. benefit from 从…吸取教训,从…中获益
profit by / from

137. beyond(without) compare 无与伦比

138. blame sb for sth 为某事而责备某人

139. blame sth on sb/sth 把…归咎于…

140. block off(用路障)封锁,堵住

141. block one’s way/exit 挡住某人的路
block one’s view 挡住某人的视线

142. block out 挡住,遮住(光线或声音)

143. block sth up 塞住,封住(孔、洞)

144. blow out 吹灭,熄灭

145. blow up 爆炸,炸毁;给…充气

146. break away (from sb/sth) 挣脱;脱离;背叛

147. break down(机器等)出故障,坏掉

148. break into 强行进入,闯入;突然开始

149. break in 强行进入,破门而入
break on sth 打断,搅扰

150. break off 断开,折断,停顿,中断,突然终止

151. break out of sth 逃离(某地),摆脱(某状况)

152. break out(战争,瘟疫等)突然爆发,发生

153. break through 突破;克服

154. break up with sb 与…绝交、断绝关系

155. break up 破碎,打碎; 散开,解散,驱散

156. bring back 把…送回,归还;使回忆起

157. bring down 打垮,击败;降低,减少

158. bring in 提出(新法案);引进,请来;赚得,挣(钱)

159. bring on 引起,导致

160. bring out 使显现,使表现出;生产

161. bring sb/sth forth 生产,产出

162. bring sth about 导致,引起

163. bring sth forward 将(时间或日期)提前

164. bring sth on sb 使某人遭受不愉快的事,

165. bring sth to light 揭露(发),披露

166. bring to 使苏醒

167. bring up 抚养,养育,教养

168. bring/call sth to mind (使)想起,(使)记起

169. bring/put sth to an end 使某事结束

= bring/put an end to sth

170. build up 建立;增进(健康)

171. bump into sb 碰见,偶然遇见

172. bump sb off 谋杀,杀害

173. bump sth up 增加,提高

174. burden sb with sth 使某人负担着/担负着…

175. burn down(火势) 减弱;烧毁

burn down… to the ground 把…烧成平地

176. burn up 烧毁,烧掉(vt/vi)

177. burst (sth) open 猛然打开

178. burst in on sb/sth 打断,扰乱

179. burst into tears 突然大哭起来
burst into flames 突然燃烧起来
burst into laughter 突然大笑起来

180. burst into… 闯进,突然破门而入(vt)

181. burst in 闯入,突然破门而入(vi)

182. burst out doing sth 突然开始做某事
burst out laughing 突然开始大笑起来
burst out crying 突然开始大哭起来

183. burst out 大声喊叫;(战争,疾病)突然发生

184. bury oneself in sth 专心致志于某事

185. by appointment 按约定

186. by means of (doing) sth 通过,借助于…手段

187. calculate the distance between…

188. call at sp (火车)停靠,停留;拜访(某地)

189. call back 叫…回来;(给某人)回电话

190. call for 需要,要求;去接(某人)

191. call in 叫来,请来;下令收回,要求退回

192. call off 把…叫走;取消,停止进行

193. call on/upon 拜访(某人);号召,呼吁

194. call out 大声叫嚷,叫喊;召唤…行动

195. call up 给某人打电话,使回忆起,使想起

196. calm (sb)down (使)平静下来,镇静

197. cancel out 抵消,对消

198. care about 关心,关怀;在乎,在意

199. care for 照顾;喜欢,想要(否定句/疑问句)

200. carry about 随身携带

201. carry away 冲走,带走;

202. carry back 拿回,运回

203. carry off 赢得,获得;掠去,夺走

204. carry on with sth 继续做…
carry sth on sth 继续做…
carry on doing sth 继续做…

205. carry out 贯彻,执行,进行(实验)

carry out a promise 履行诺言

carry out a plan 执行计划

carry out an order 执行命令

carry out a survey 进行调查

carry out an experiment 进行实验

206. carry sb back to sth 使回忆起,使想起

207. carry sb through (sth)帮助某人渡过难关

208. carry sth through 成功完成

209. cash a cheque 兑现支票

210. cast away 抛弃

211. cast/throw light on/upon sth

212. catch at 试图抓住;渴望取得

213. catch one’s breath 屏住呼吸,屏息

214. catch one’s eye/attention 引人注目

215. catch on 受欢迎,变得流行(时髦)
catch on to sth 理解,懂得

216. catch sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事

217. catch sight of 看见,发现

218. catch upon sth (用额外时间)补做,赶做

219. catch up with 赶上,追上

220. catch/take fire 着火

221. catch(take/get) hold of 抓住,握住

222. cause damage to… 对…造成破坏

223. change(turn) (A) into B (把A)变成B

224. change A for B 把A换成B

225. change one’s mind 改变主意

226. charge sb with (doing) sth

227. charge sth with… 使某事物充满…(情感)

228. check in (在旅馆,机场等)登记,报到

229. check off 经查对无误后做记号

230. check on 检查,核对

231. check out 结账退房,办清手续后离开

232. cheer (sb/sth) up(使)高兴起来

233. cheer sb on 为…加油

234. classify …into … 把……分类成…

235. clean (sth) up 打扫、清除干净;清理,

236. clean sb out 耗尽,用光(某人的)钱;洗劫

237. clean sth down 彻底打扫,使…彻底干净

238. clean sth off (sth) 把…刷掉/擦掉

239. clear away 清除掉,收拾掉

240. clear off 离开,逃离,逃跑,(云雾)消散

241. clear out 把…清空,清理,丢掉;迅速离开

242. clear the table 收拾餐桌

243. clear the way for sth 为…清除障碍,扫清道路

244. clear up (天 )转晴;变干净;整理;解决,消除

clear up a mystery 解开谜团

clear up difficulty 消除困难

clear up misunderstanding 消除误会

245. close down 停(歇)业,关(倒)闭

246. close in on (sb/sth) (为了进攻)逼近,靠近

247. close in (白昼)逐渐变短; (天气)变坏

248. close off 隔离,封锁

249. close up (伤口)愈合;(尤指临时)关门停业,

250. collect one’s thoughts (尽力)镇定下来
collect oneself (尽力)镇定下来

251. combine…with… 把…和…结合起来

252. come / go to ruin 变成废墟

= fall into ruin

253. come about 发生

254. come across with sth 提供,供给,给予

255. come across 偶然遇见,碰见;被理解

256. come along 跟随,跟着来;进步,进展

257. come around/round 苏醒,恢复知觉
come around/round to sp 短暂访问

258. come at 扑向,袭击;考虑,思考;得到,达到

259. come back 回来;再度流行

260. come by 得到,获得

261. come down to… 到达,从一处来到另一处

262. come down with 付出,出(钱); 得,感染上(病)

263. come down下降,降低;倒塌,坍塌
come down to sb 流传下来

264. come into+名词 进入某种状态 如:

come into action 开始行动,投入战斗

come into being/existence 开始存在,产生,形成

come into effect/ force 开始生效,开始实行

come into fashion 开始流行

come into operation 开始运转,实施,生效

come into power/office 当权,执政

come into sight/view 映入眼帘,看见

come into use 开始使用

265. come off it 别胡扯,别胡说,住口

266. come off(计划等)成功;举行,发生;脱落

267. come of 是…的后代,出身于…;是…的结果

268. come on/upon sb 偶然遇见,偶然发现

269. come on 赶快,加油,加把劲;得了吧;开始

270. come out (日月星等)出现;出版,发行

271. come over 过来,从远处过来;顺便来访

=come over to…

272. come to +名词 来到…,达到…,得出… 如:

come to a decision 做出决定

come to an agreement 达成协议

come to a conclusion 得出结论

come to an understanding 达成谅解

273. come to a stop/an end 停止/结束

274. come to do sth 开始(认识,理解)

275. come to understand 开 始明白

276. come to know 开始了解到

277. come to realize 开始意识到

278. come to light 暴露,为人所知

279. come to oneself 苏醒,醒来

280. come to life 苏醒,栩栩如生

281. come to terms with… 甘心忍受

282. come to 总计,共计;达到…的地步,归结为

283. come true 实现

284. come up to sth 达到(某点),符合

285. come up with 想出,找出,提出;赶上

286. come up 走近,上来;长出,发芽

287. come up to sb 走近某人

288. comment on / upon… 对…进行评论

289. commit suicide 自杀

290. commit the / a crime 犯罪

291. compare…to… 把...比作…,把…与…进行比较

292. compare…with/to… 把…与…进行比较

293. comparenotes with 和…交换意见/对笔记

294. compared to/with…与…相比

295. complain of 抱怨…

296. consist in 在于,存在于

297. consist of 由…组成/构成

298. contribute to 有利于,贡献,捐款给,为…投稿

299. convince sb of sth 使某人相信/信服…

300. convince sb to do sth 说服/劝说某人做某事

301. cool off/down (使)变凉,冷却下来

302. count on sb/sth 依靠,依赖,指望

303. count sb in 把某人算入,包括

304. count sb out 不把某人算入,不包括

305. cross one’s fingers 交叉手指(表祝福)

306. cross one’s mind 掠过心头,出现在脑海

307. cross out/off 删掉,画掉

308. cry off 食言,毁约

309. cry out for 迫切需要

310. cry out 大喊,喊叫

311. current affairs 时事

312. curriculum vitae =CV n. 简历,个人履历*

313. cut down 砍到,砍伐;削减,减少

314. cut in line 插队

315. cut in 超出抢道; 插入,插话
cut in on sb/sth 打断(谈话),插嘴;(马达)发动

316. cut off 切/割/砍/剪/掉;停止,中断(供给)

317. cut out 剪裁;删除;停止做(使用,食用)

318. cut the cost of … 降低……的成本

319. cut through 抄近路穿过,走近路

320. cut up 切碎,剁碎;使伤心/悲伤

321. date from 始于,追溯到,起源于
date back to

322. deal in sth 经营,买卖(某产品)

323. deal sth out 分发,分配;给予(判决,处罚)

324. decide on/upon sth 决定,选定

325. declare against 声称反对

326. declare for 声明支持,表示赞成

327. dedicate sth/oneself to (doing) sth

对比:devote oneself/sth to(doing) sth

328. delight in (doing) sth 以…为乐

329. deliver a speech/lecture发表演讲

330. depend on/upon it that…请相信…

331. depend on/upon sb to do sth
depend on/upon sb doing sth

332. depend on/upon 依靠,依赖;相信,信赖

=trust (in) = have trust in
rely on 信赖,信任

333. despose of sb/sth 去掉,消除,销毁,应付

334. devote oneself/sth to (doing) sth

335. die away (声音,灯光)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失

比较:wear off 逐渐消失,逐渐停止

336. die down 逐渐变弱,(声音情绪等)逐渐平息

337. die of 因……而死,死于(情感因素)
die of illness 因疾病而死,死于疾病
die of hunger 因饥饿而死,死于(饥饿)
die of grief 因悲伤而死,死于(悲伤)

比较:die from 因…而死,死于(某种具体疾病)

338. die off 相继死去

339. die out (物种)灭绝,绝种;(观念,习俗)消失

340. differ from 不同于,与…不同

341. differ in 在…(方面)不同

342. dip into 浏览;把手伸进…里(取东西)

343. disapprove of sth 不赞成,不同意,反对

344. disgree with 不同意,不赞成

345. distinguish A from B

346. distinguish between A and B 区别/辨别A 和B)

347. divide A from B 把A同B分开

348. divide sth. among/between… 在…之间分配

349. divide up 分割,瓜分,划分,分配

350. divide…into… 把…分成

351. do /cause damage to 损害,对…造成损害

352. do away with 废除,取消,结束;干掉,杀死

353. do good to sb/do sb good

354. do harm to sb (=do sb. harm) 对某人有害

355. do sb. a favor /do a favor for sb. 帮助某人

356. do the bed 铺床
do the room 收拾房子
do the dishes 刷碗

357. do up 扣好(纽扣),系上(鞋带),

358. do up one’s shoes/hair 系好鞋带/梳好头

359. do up the button 扣纽扣

360. do without 没有…也行,

361. do with 对付,处理;做完,结束

362. draw back 退缩,撤回;移开,后退

363. draw in (天黑得)渐早,(白昼)变短

364. draw near 即将来临,就要来临,逼近)

365. draw on (时光)渐渐过去,荏苒;动用,利用

366. draw out (天黑得)渐晚,(白昼)渐长

367. draw up 拟定,起草;(车)停止

368. dream up 凭空想象,虚构出

369. dress down 穿着随便;训斥,责骂

370. dress up 穿上盛装;打扮,装扮;装饰

371. drink to sb/sth 为…干杯

372. drive away 驱车离开,驾车送走

373. drive off 驱车离去;击退,赶走

374. drive sb mad (crazy/ insane) 使某人发疯

375. drop back/behind (sb) 落后,落在…后面

376. drop in at sp 顺便拜访某地

377. drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人

378. drop off 减少,降低;小睡;让某人下车

379. drop out 退出,离队;退学,辍学

380. eat out 上馆子吃饭,在外用餐

381. eat up 吃完,吃光;耗费,花费,损耗

382. edit sth out (of sth) (从书,节目中)删除

383. end (up) with 以…结束

384. end in sth 以…(结果)告终;以…结尾

385. end up doing sth 以做某事而结束

386. enquire (inquire) about sb/sth 询问,打听

387. enquire (inqurie) after sb 向某人问好

388. enquire (inqurie) in to sth 调查,查问

389. enqurie (inquire) sth of sb

390. exist in 存在于…

391. face the music 承担批评,接受惩罚

392. face up to 敢于面对

393. fall apart 破碎;破裂;崩溃

394. fall back on/upon 求助于,诉诸

395. fall back 退却,后退

396. fall ill/asleep /silent 生病/睡着/沉默

397. fall in with 与…一致,同意,赞同

398. fall into ruins 成为废墟

399. fall into 陷入(某种状态);开始(交谈,讨论等)

400. fall off 减少,下降

401. fall on/upon (责任)落在…身上,由…负担

402. fall out 掉落,脱落

403. fall over 被…绊倒

404. fall through 落空,失败,成为泡影

405. fall todoing sth 开始做某事

406. fall to pieces 破碎,崩溃,瓦解

407. fasten /tie … to… 把…栓/别在…上

408. feast on sth 宴饮,尽情地享受…

409. feed ons th(动物)以…为食

比较:feed … on 喂养,饲养(人作主语)

410. feel blue/down 感到沮丧,情绪低落

411. feel one’s way 摸索着前进

比较:fight one’s way 挣扎着前进,

412. fight back 忍住,抑制住 (情感)
fight back against sb/sth 奋力抵抗,还击

413. figure out 弄懂,弄清楚,弄明白;计算出

414. fill (sth) up with sth 充满,装满,填满

比较:fill with sth (使)填满,充满,装满

415. fill in/out 填写(表格)

416. find fault with sb/sth 找某人的茬儿

417. find out 查明,弄清楚

418. finish(up)with sth 以…结束

419. fit in 挤时间做某事或见某人
fit in with sb/sth (与…)合得来,适应

420. fix a date/time for sth 为…确定日期/时间

421. fix on sb/sth选定,决定

422. fix sb up (with sth) 向某人提供

423. fix sth on sth 集中(注意力/目光/思想等)于

424. fix sth up 安排,准备好;修缮,整新

425. forget about 忘记了

426. forget it 没关系,算了吧;休息,不可能;住嘴

427.frankly speaking 坦率地说

428. gain +抽象名词
指经过努力而取得有价值或想要的东西,如 成就,经验,荣誉等。引申为 “增加”,“到达

gain confidence 增加信心

gain strength 增加力量

gain experiencet 增加经验

gain weight 增加体重

429. get (sth) across (to sb) (使…)被(某人)理解

430. get about / around 流传,传播;四处走动

431. get ahead (of sb) 走在某人前面

432. get along (on) 进展,过活

433. get along(on) with sth 和睦相处

434. get along(on) with sb 应付,对付

435. get around/round 说服,把…争取过来

436. get at 获悉,了解,查明,发现

437. get away (from …)离开,脱身,逃离

438. get down to (doing) sth 开始认真做某事

439. get down 写下,记下;吞下,咽下

440. get into 养成(某种习惯)

441. get in 收割,收进;到达,进入;当选

442. get it 理解,明白

443. get out of 逃避,摆脱;戒除;抛弃(习惯)

444. get out 出去;泄露,被人知道

445. get over 克服,解决

446. get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去

447. get through to sb 到达某人处
get through to sth 进入(下阶段比赛)

448. get through(with)sth 完成,结束

449. get through(考试等)通过;接通电话
get through to sb 使被理解,使明白

450. get up 起身,站起;(使)起床

451. give away 赠送,捐赠;颁发,分发

452. give back 归还=return

453. give in 屈服,让步
give in to sb/sth 呈上,交上

454. give off 发出,放出(光,热,气味)

455. give out 用完,耗尽;分发,散发

456. give sb a call/ring 给某人打电话

457. give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以沉重打击

458. give up 放弃,抛弃;停止,中止

459. give/lend sb a (helping ) hand 帮助某人

460. glance at 匆匆一瞥

461. glare at 怒视

462. go a long way toward doing sth

463. go about 走动,(消息等)流传
go about doing sth 着手做,开始做

464. go after 追赶,跟在某人后面;追求,谋求

465. go against 对某人不利;违背,违反,反对

466. go ahead 好,干,(进)行(对请求表示同意)

467. go along 继续;进展,发展

468. go around/round to (to sb/sp)

469. go around/round 旋转,转动;足够分配

470. go at 攻击某人;拼命干

471. go away 走开,离开;离家外出(尤指度假)

472. go back on 违背,背叛

473. go back(to…)返回,回到

474. go blank (大脑)变得一片空白

475. go by(时间)逝去,过去;遵循,依照

476. go down 下沉,沉没;下降,减少;

477. go for 适用于某人/物;去取某物;选择某物;

478. go in for 参加(考试,竞赛),

479. go into 从事,参加;调查,研究

480. go off with 拿去;抢走;拐走

481. go off 爆炸;(铃)突然响;变质,变坏

482. go on (时间)过去,流逝;进行,发生;继续

483. go on(make/take) a voyage (to sp)

484. go one’s own way 一意孤行,我行我素

485. go out(灯)熄灭;公布,发表

486. go over 仔细检查;反复研究

487. go through with sth 做完,完成

488. go through 经历/受;仔细查看,检查

489. go up 上升,上涨;被兴建,被建造;被炸毁/烧毁

490. go with sth 与…相匹配(match)

491. go without saying 显而易见,不言而喻

492. go without 没有…而勉强应付,没有…也行

493. go wrong (机器)发生故障,出毛病;走错路

494. grow into 逐渐成长为

495. grow out of 产生于,源于

496. hand sth in (to sb) 提交,呈交,上交

497. hand sth out (to sb) 分发;提出

498. hand sth over (to sb) 把…移交给某人

499. hand/pass sth down (to sb) 把某物传下去

500. hang about/around 闲荡,等待,逗留

501. hang back 忧郁,踌躇不前

502. hang on to sth 紧紧抓住;保留,不卖掉,不放弃

503. hang on 别挂断电话,等一下;

504. hang out (俚语)闲逛

505. hang up 挂断电话

506. have (got) sth on 穿着,带着

507. have a go(at sth/at doing sth)


