
关于混动/电动汽车漫谈2 特斯拉是如何设计生产出来/Mega工厂漫游


前言:这个视频是美国国家地理National Geographic制作,是目前为止我见到过的,拍摄,剪辑最精彩,最懂汽车设计,工艺,制造的人员全程参与制作的视频,让我们对特斯拉系列产品及电池的设计,制造工艺,生产设备,产品体验有一个全新完整的体验.视频有部分内容是专业人士对这款车的评论.视频涵盖了Tesla Model X/3/s车型的制造过程.文章中的蓝色英文是视频的解说,蓝色中文是笔者做的翻译,黑色是笔者的描述和评论.仅代表个人观点,欢迎交流.



这个片子应该是在特斯拉Model S投产的2012年拍摄的,转眼十年,视频中介绍的很多当时特有的配置或功能,比如车载显示器,互联网,主动安全配置,自动泊车,自动驾驶等在传统的燃油车上现在都成了标配,大家都在感受特斯拉的电动汽车带来的技术革命,直接的或间接的.特斯拉注定在汽车的发展历史上留下隆重的一笔.中国的汽车工业加油.

Aluminium body work,19-inch alloys,and a 50 000 price tag,At first glance this car is the latest in a long line of high-end sedans, but that is where the similarities end, the model s is a totally different type of car, tesla believe it can lead a revolution and change the face of motoring forever it's the first ever mass-made premium sedan powered purely by electricity designed to have speed and range and not a drop of gas

铝合金车身,19英寸合金轮毂,五万美金的价格标贴,乍一看,这辆车是高端轿车系列中的最新车型,但这只是相似之处,Model S是一款完全不同的车型,特斯拉相信它可以引领一场革命,并永远改变汽车的面貌。这是第一辆大规模生产的纯电力驱动的高级轿车,其设计具有高速度和足够里程范围,而不使用一滴汽油

Our goal is to create an electric car that is the best car in the world and show that that's what an electric car can be, tesla's goal is to kill off the combustion engine and prove the electric car has finally come of age driving gasoline car is going to feel like yesterday,driving this car is driving the future


This is Elon Musk,Tesla's co-founder and CEO, Elon is an inventor and a maverick entrepreneur,one of america's youngest billionaires, like exploring, I like technology, I like creating things that have never been seen before or even imagined before.He is a genuine silicon valley success story.In the mid 1990s Elon set up a small internet company,by 2002 he sold paypal for one and a half billion dollars,next he founded private rocket company, SPACEX, it's all part of Elon's life mission, When i was in college I try to think about what are the areas that would most affect the future of humanity,so the three things were the internet,making life multi-planetary and the third being sustainable energy so that's what really ties together ,My companies is that sort of thought from 20 years ago.Tesla motors is Elon's sustainable energy brainchild,named after electric power pioneer Nikola Tesla,it's a car company that only makes totally electric vehicles,no hybrid and no alternative fuels,absolutely no pipe the company estimates their electric cars cause 50 percent less co2 even if much of the electricity comes from a coal powered plant.

这是埃隆·马斯克,特斯拉的联合创始人兼首席执行官,埃隆是一位发明家和特立独行的企业家,美国最年轻的亿万富翁之一,喜欢探索,我喜欢科技,我喜欢创造以前从未见过甚至想象过的东西。他是硅谷真正的成功者。20世纪90年代中期,埃隆成立了一家小型互联网公司,到2002年,他以15亿美元的价格出售了paypal,接着他成立了私人火箭公司SPACEX,这是埃隆人生使命的一部分,在我上大学的时候,我试着思考哪些领域对人类的未来影响最大,有三件事是互联网,让生命多行星化,第三个是可持续能源,这才是真正联系在一起的东西,我的公司是基于20年前的想法。特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla motors)是埃隆的可持续能源创意产品,以电力先驱尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)的名字命名。特斯拉汽车公司只生产纯电动汽车,没有混合动力,没有替代燃料,绝对没有管道。该公司估计,即使大部分电力来自燃煤发电厂,他们的电动汽车也能减少50%的二氧化碳排放。

Its technology Elon and co-founder JB Straubel believe we need.We're solving problems for our children our grandchildren,Oil is a finite resource and eventually we have to find alternatives.When you take that oil out of the ground and you burn it it's extremely dangerous,we should not play russian roulette with the atmosphere we only got one.Tesla's founders have a vision of a world without gasoline cars,they are convinced electric is not only cleaner but better,now they want to prove it to the world.They believe their cars can trigger a transport revolution and bring electric motoring to the masses.What we're doing here at tesla can have an amazing impact and revolutionize the auto industry and make every car on the road electric that's our end goal,the model s is to lead their revolution it's to be an electric car unlike any other, a family sedan that can go from naught to a hundred in under six seconds and further on a single charge than any other electric production car,designed to match the top gasoline competitors,with the model s we're taking things to the next level it's a full-size sedan so it's competing the premium segment along with say bmw or aston martin.But the car is only the beginning.such a revolutionary vehicle demands a revolutionary factory,Tesla needs to create an unprecedented state-of-the-art facility from scratch.

它的技术,伊隆和联合创始人JB Straubel认为我们需要。我们正在为我们的子孙解决问题,石油是一种有限的资源,最终我们必须找到替代品。当你把石油从地里拿出来烧了,这是非常危险的,我们不应该在只有一个大气层的情况下玩俄罗斯轮盘赌。特斯拉的创始人有一个没有汽油车的世界的愿景,他们相信电动汽车不仅更清洁而且更好,现在他们想向世界证明这一点。他们相信他们的汽车可以引发一场交通革命,为大众带来电动汽车。我们在特斯拉所做的工作可以产生惊人的影响,彻底改变汽车行业,让路上的每一辆车都实现电动化这是我们的最终目标,Model S车将引领他们的革命成为一辆与众不同的电动汽车,这是一款家用轿车,在不到6秒的时间内从零到一百,一次充电就可以比任何其他电动生产汽车都快,设计目的是与顶级汽油竞争对手相匹敌,而Model S车我们将把它推向一个新的水平,它是一款全尺寸轿车,因此它与宝马或阿斯顿马丁等高端车型竞争。但汽车只是一个开始。这种革命性的汽车需要一个革命性的工厂,特斯拉需要从头开始创造一个前所未有的先进工厂.

Elon brings Gilbert Passin as head of manufacturing, Gilbert is an expert from one of Toyota's award-winning plants in Canada. His description my job to me was very simple, you know, you've got to create the best factory in the world with the best people in the world and make the best premium car sedan and I said okay, so where's the factory what you have to find one, where's the factory what you have to make one. The company purchased a former GM and Toyota site in Fremont California on the edge of silicon valley, the abandoned facility is a traditional car factory, dark, little natural light, bare concrete floors, when tesla motors move in, it's the birth of a mega factory like no other, It's a totally fresh approach to car manufacture, the walls and floors are painted white, the machinery are striking red, skylights and windows flood the factory with sunlight, if you make the factory pristine and clean that sets the tone for the vehicle, we want that that same sense of quality and precision in the car itself. As part of the whole company, ethos bikes are provided so the workers can get around the factory. I think it's important to have an environment where people look forward to coming to work, so it's worth putting some effort into making the factory beautiful.

Elon聘请Gilbert Passin担任制造部主管, Gilbert是丰田在加拿大一家获奖工厂的专家.他的描述我的工作对我来说非常简单. 你知道.你必须用世界上最好的人创建世界上最好的工厂.制造世界上最好的高级轿车.我说好的.那么工厂在哪里你必须找到一个,工厂在哪里你必须制造一个该公司在硅谷边缘的加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特购买了一处前通用和丰田工厂,废弃的工厂是一个传统的汽车工.厂,黑暗,几乎没有自然光,光秃秃的混凝土地板.当特斯拉汽车公司搬进来时,这是一个前所未有的巨型工厂的诞生,这是一种全新的汽车制造理念,墙壁和地板漆成白色,机器漆成醒目的红色,天窗和窗户让工厂充满阳光.如果你让工厂保持崭新和清洁,为汽车定下基调,我们希望汽车本身也有同样的质量和精度感.作为整个公司精神的一部分,我们提供自行车,以便工人们可以在工厂里走动.我认为提供一个人们期待来工作的环境是很重要的,所以值得为工厂的美丽付出努力。

In true silicon valley style, they fill the space with the most advanced technology, creating an automated production line, capable of building tens of thousands of cars, super-efficient multitasking robots, self-guided smart cars and computerized production schedules, the factory is designed to be up there with the very best in the world, We love engineering. we love beautiful machines. we love new technology. we love to innovate with a high technology and also in manufacturing we love to do that. Without training these sophisticated robots are useless, they all need to be taught before they can run tasks automatically, every robot is programmed by hand, the tesla team has meticulously trained 130 sophisticated robots over a year and a half, one of the last robots still to be programmed is a multi-point welding robot, it will be used to join the cars under body. These are pretty busy robots so we got to make sure that our attack time is good. A robot's work is only as good as the man who trains it, Brad Johnson is a welder with over 25 years experience at the highest level. Getting this done today will have the teachings all nice and smooth and then we can start running 100 and full automatic. that sounds good. the space in which the robot operates is treated as a three-dimensional grid. The head can be manually guided to any point using a teach pendant, there's our start point and our weld position, brad guides the robot milli meter by milli meter and uploads the coordinates, the robot works out the most efficient route and runs the program. Looks like the teaching is right on mark and we have a really good quality weld right here, so we should be able to run full auto with this well, when full production begins Brad's handiwork will be exactly replicated by the robot 100 times a day.


Since their inception in 2003, Tesla motors have been pursuing their electric car revolution with a step-by-step strategy. In an unconventional business move, Elon decreed that Tesla must invest in their reputation first and worry about profit later. Stage one, make a small number of high-value cars that prove electric power can be desirable. The tesla master plan is very simple, we start off creating an expensive low-volume car to help break the mold on electric vehicles. Plan in place they set to work on their first car basing it around the British build lotus elise, Five years later they released the tesla roadster. quicker off the blocks than an aston martin vantage, the electric sports car astonishes the motoring world. Step one complete in the tesla strategy, what we showed was that an electric car could be successed it could be fast and it could be long range and if you produce such a car that people would buy it. But there's a 100 000 USD 2 seat sports car, it's a luxury second vehicle to most of its owners.

自2003年成立以来,特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla motors)一直在逐步推进电动汽车革命。在一次非常规的商业行动中,埃隆下令特斯拉必须首先投资于他们的声誉,然后再担心利润。第一阶段,制造少量高价值汽车,证明电力是可取的。特斯拉的总体规划非常简单,我们从制造一辆昂贵的小排量汽车开始,帮助打破电动汽车的模式。计划到位他们开始研发第一辆以英国制造的莲花elise为基础的汽车,五年后他们发布了特斯拉跑车。电动跑车比阿斯顿马丁华帝(aston martin vantage)更快地驶离街区,令全世界的车迷惊叹不已。第一步完成在特斯拉的战略中,我们展示的是电动汽车可以成功,它可以是快速的,也可以是远程的,如果你生产这样的汽车,人们会购买它。但是有一辆10万美元的2座跑车,对大多数车主来说,它是第二辆豪华车。

Time for the pivotal stage 2,in the master plan,a car that costs half as much and sells in much bigger numbers.A very important step in the tesla strategy is really going to show that a mainstream electric car can be better than a gasoline car.The model S is the second step in Elon Musk's vision of an electric revolution,A premium mass market sedan designed and built from the ground up by Tesla,at the studio in Los Angeles,they are working to craft that car. The model S is really the foundation of tesla, it's the first true product designed engineered built manufactured by tesla and it's really the beginning of what our mission is about. Franz Von Holzhausen is the chief designer, he believes tesla's design needs to have some conventional appeal, it's really easy to have a clean slate and go pretty crazy with that, we had to start with something that people could relate to if they even knew or cared that it was electric vehicle, they were attracted to it. we stretched the sedan and made it a little bit more modern but it's still a sedan, it still has this somewhat traditional cube and so it's easy to love because of that association. Although uniform in appearance, the model S is a unique car, It was conceived as electric even the shape is designed to maximize the battery's range, the body and the waist here is all slim, so there's no excess fat or body mass on this car and that's another one of those elements that just translates into great efficiency, this car is one of the most aerodynamic sedans on the market. In an electric car, conserving the battery power is so important, the designers put huge efforts into reducing the drag, even the door handles are aerodynamic, receding flush into the body, but it's the interior that is most heavily influenced by the electric powertrain, the powertrain is incredibly small, you get the same performance out of a motor that's the size of you know a watermelon that fits between the rear wheels and everything else above that is what I call the opportunity space, the design team started with the motor and flat battery pack and worked upwards. With the motor next to the wheels, there's no need for a drive shaft so there is no rise under the rear middle seat, there is no fuel tank or transmission, the model S has free space from the flora puts, what you'll see is a vast amount of space in fact.it's actually so big that we decided that we could actually fit seven people and we do that by putting two rear-facing child seats in the back here and you can see where they fit here and their legs go right down in there. So, this is what we call the frunk and it's really the trunk in the front of the car and arguably you can put a whole bunch of stuff in here, even when the back of the car is totally loaded up with people and kids and stuff and who doesn't need one of these. Tesla promote these unique features at every opportunity as a new mark they're trying to make an impact in a marketplace crowded with established big hitters, just looking at the United States of the three other car companies, the youngest is 90 years old so clearly this is not an industry that has been supportive of newcomers.

到了关键阶段2的时候了,在总体规划中,一款价格只有原来一半,销量更大的汽车.特斯拉战略中非常重要的一步将真正证明,主流电动汽车可以比汽油汽车更好.Model S轿车是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)电动革命愿景的第二步.这是一款高端大众市场轿车,由特斯拉(Tesla)在洛杉矶的工作室从头开始设计和制造,他们正在努力打造这款车.Model S确实是特斯拉的基础,它是特斯拉制造的第一个真正设计的产品,这真的是我们的使命的开始.Franz Von Holzhausen是首席设计师,他认为特斯拉的设计需要有一些传统的吸引力,这很容易一尘不染,变得非常疯狂,我们必须从一些人们可能会感兴趣的东西开始,即便如果他们知道或在意它是电动汽车,他们还是会被它吸引.我们拉伸了轿车,让它更现代了一点,但它仍然是一辆轿车,它仍然是传统的立方体,因为这种联系,因此它很容易被喜爱.虽然外形统一,Model S车是一款独特的汽车,但它的设计理念是电动的,即使形状是为了最大限度地扩大电池的里程范围,车身和腰部都很纤细,因此这辆车上没有多余的脂肪或体重,这是另一个可以转化为高效的因素.这辆车是市场上空气动力学性能最好的轿车之一,在电动汽车中,节约电池电量非常重要,设计师们投入了巨大的努力来减少阻力,甚至车门把手也是空气动力学的,与车身齐平.但受电动动力系统影响最大的是内部结构,动力系统非常小,你可以从一个大小相当于你知道的西瓜大小的电机中获得同样的性能,西瓜可以放在后轮和上面的所有东西之间,这就是我所说的机会空间.设计团队基于电机和电池组开始,向上工作.由于电机靠近后车轮,因此不需要后驱动轴,因此后排中间座椅下方没有隆起,没有燃油箱或变速箱.你会看到实际上是巨大的空间,它实际上太大了,我们决定我们可以容纳七个人,我们把两个后向儿童座椅放在后面,你可以看到他们适合这里,他们的腿就在那里.这就是我们所说的frounk(front trunk) ,它实际上是汽车前部的行李箱,可以说你可以把一大堆东西放在这里,即使汽车后部满载着人,孩子和其他东西,谁也不需要这些东西.特斯拉利用每一个机会宣传这些独特的功能,将其作为一个新的标志.他们正试图在一个充斥着老牌大人物的市场上产生影响,看看其他三家汽车公司中的美国,最年轻的一家已经90岁了,所以很明显,这不是一个支持新来者的行业..

The Geneva motor show 2012,another leg in the company's relentless promotional campaign.Done selling roadsters in north America,so this is our product it's our product tesla product and therefore we need to get it out to start selling.Industry experts are judging tesla on the Model S, it's seen as make or break,maybe um tesla has a bright future,I think the Model S is very decisive to see if there will be a great future or if there won't be a future at all.The company have taken the risk of collecting prepaid orders on the car, they've amassed nearly 10 000 advanced sales, the financial boost also creates real pressure.i get harassed quite a bit actually by uh some people who are reservation and that and you know it's a lot of expectations very high expectations that we're going to have to meet and exceed really.some prepaid customers have been waiting up to three years for their car,in return they've been promised a delivery deadline.I do feel an incredibly strong obligation to those that have placed their faith in tesla and put down deposits. I'll do anything to make sure that their faith is not misplaced. the delivery deadline for the first cars is now only two months away but the brand new factory hasn't built a production car yet. if the customers are to get their Model S on time the facility urgently needs to start manufacturing. the speed at which we have to work here is extremely important to the company's bottom line. this is a kind of timing that is really really challenging on many many different accounts. tesla need to build 20 000 cars a year but before mass production can begin, jill bear and his team must prove the factory is ready, the company is relying on them to get it right. we have to make sure that car of the car the quality is there everything is perfect along the way, so we are really gearing up towards a production ramp up,over the next few weeks the factory will test manufacture a limited number of model s,if the line doesn't perform with these cars, the company will be forced to miss their deadline, tesla's electric revolution would be over before it started.


A very very important moment is the birth of Model S in our tesla factory and it's where you know the rubber is going to meet the road so to speak. the process begins in stamping, to increase the battery's range, the company have decided to build 97% of the Model S with lightweight aluminium, it's an extremely rare feature in a mass production car due to the cost, every Model S starts as one of these, the roll is loaded into the mechanical cutting machine. once cut, the panels are passed to the stamping press, we need to translate flat pieces of aluminium into 3d forms and how to do this with aluminium stamping with the level of quality that we expect is is really really challenging.To meet the challenge they buy the largest available stamping press in north America, it's one of the first pieces of equipment they install, over three stories high, it has to be transported from Detroit on 70 trains and then entirely rebuilt. the immense pressure from the stamp allows them to press the complex body shapes needed for the Model S. it can be mounted with different heads known as dies that mold the panels into a wide variety of shapes.robotic arms feed the full stamps, each stage forces a more detailed 3d shape, producing stacks of floor plates. these lightweight aluminium parts improve the model s's power to weight ratio which helps increase the performance and range.the two things that obsess co-founder and technical chief JB Straubel, any ideas on how we can make it better. performance and range were the two big issues that needed to be improved and that's where we put most of our focus on the technology and powertrain. powertrain manufacturer second floor,this is where they build the heart of the model s, the motors and battery packs. tesla know the electric powertrain will define their cars. So they pushed to advance the technology themselves, this is a extremely exciting field where inventions continue to happen even faster than they did, you know in the years previous, tesla's solution to improving battery life appears startlingly simple, they use thousands of small lithium ion cells, similar to laptop batteries, thanks to these regular batteries the company say the Model S has achieved a top range of 480 kilometres, once you have 250 to 300 miles of range, you know then you're in a different usage mode, you're in a range that is equivalent to most gasoline cars.the car can be charged by 100 kilometres every hour from a regular power outlet. Ultimately, tesla are hoping to install supercharges along major highways that can charge the car to capacity in 45 minutes, you can charge the car up every night but you don't need to, you can actually charge it once a week. the high performance battery pack is formed with over 7 000 small cells, they're organized into a flat layer with specific groupings of positive and negative, the final layout is the key to the pack's power and range, and tesla considers it absolutely top secret. the motor unit is also developed in-house, it's essentially an ac induction motor, a concept invented by 19th century scientist and tesla motors namesake Nikola Tesla, he harnessed an electromagnetic field to turn a basic motor, modern day Tesla has developed their motor with a highly conductive copper cylinder, when the electromagnetic casing is fed with current, the copper cylinder inside starts to spin. it's nearly three times more efficient than a combustion engine. in fact, there are only three moving parts. it connects directly to the rear wheels and doesn't need a transmission. these are the three moving parts in the whole Model S powertrain, one of the cool things also with this very simple gearbox is that when we want to go in reverse in the car and back up, all we have to do is spin the motor in the other direction and the car backs up, we don't need a clutch we don't need a separate gear for reverse, the entire drive unit is under a meter long, smaller than a golf bag ,but it propels the Model S, a family-sized sedan into the class of performance cars.

Model S在特斯拉工厂的诞生是一个非常重要的时刻是.这个过程从冲压开始,为了增加电池的使用里程,公司决定用轻质铝制造97%的Model S汽车零件.这在量产汽车中是一个极其罕见的,因为成本太高,每辆Model S汽车都从其中一铝卷材开始, 卷材装到机械剪切机中,剪切后,面板被传递到冲压机,我们需要将扁平的铝板成型为3D形状,如何以我们预期的质量水平进行铝冲压,这真的是一个挑战.为了迎接挑战,他们购买了北美最大的冲压机,这是他们安装的第一批设备之一,超过三层楼高,必须用70节火车从底特律运来,然后完全重新安装.来自压力机的巨大压力使他们能够压制Model S所需的复杂车身形状.它可以安装不同的头部,即模具,将面板塑造成各种形状.机械臂在不同工序中移载冲压零件.每个工序都会形成更详细的3D形状. 成形电池底盘.这些轻质铝制部件提高了Model S的功率重量比,有助于提高性能和续航里程.让联合创始人兼技术总监JB Straubel困扰的两件事是,我们如何才能让它变得更好.性能和续航里程是需要改进的两大问题,这也是我们将主要精力放在技术和动力系统上的地方.动力系统制造在二楼.这是他们制造Model S车电机和电池组的核心.特斯拉知道电动动力系统将定义他们的汽车.所以他们自己推动技术的发展,这是一个非常令人兴奋的领域,发明继续以比以前更快的速度出现.你知道,在过去的几年里,特斯拉改善电池寿命的解决方案似乎非常简单,他们使用数千个小锂离子电池,类似于笔记本电脑电池,多亏了这些常规电池,该公司表示Model S车的最高续航里程达到了480公里,一旦你拥有250到300英里的续航里程,你就会知道你处于一种不同的使用模式,你的续航里程相当于大多数汽油车.这辆车可以通过常规电源插座每小时充电100公里.最终,特斯拉希望在主要的高速公路上安装超级充电器,可以在45分钟内给汽车充满.你可以每晚给汽车充电,但你不需要,你实际上可以每周充电一次.高性能电池组由7000多个小电池组成,它们被组织成一个带有特定正负极分组的扁平层,最终布局是电池组功率和续航里程的关键,特斯拉认为这绝对是绝密的.电机单元也是内部开发的,本质上是交流感应电机,这是一个由19世纪的科学家 (特斯拉电机公司,与尼古拉·特斯拉同名)发明的概念,他利用电磁场来转动一个基本电机,现代特斯拉开发了一个具有高导电性的铜鼠笼转子电机,当电磁定子通电时,里面的铜鼠笼转子开始旋转.它的效率几乎是内燃机的三倍.事实上,只有三个运动部件,它直接连接到后轮,不需要变速器.这是整个Model S动力系统中的三个运动部件.这个非常简单的变速箱的一个很酷的功能是,当我们想倒车时,我们所要做的就是改变马达转到向,然后车倒车,我们不需要离合器,我们不需要单独的倒车档,整个驱动装置的长度不到一米,比一个高尔夫球袋还小,但它将Model S家庭轿车推向了高性能汽车的行列.

In fact, this powertrain creates a totally different driving experience. Program director Jerome Guillen works constantly to refine it, as with the light switch,electric power can be fully applied instantly. the first thing that's gonna surprise people is how much torque you get so quickly, that response, instant response you cannot really mess with the throttle too much because if you push on it then the car will go, even from a stop you have a very quick take off because basically the torque Is instant so if i stop here and then I start you will see that we have an acceleration right from the beginning, any speed you have that same torque available, so it's very easy to pass a car or to get out of harm's way if needed. unlike gasoline cars which have to change gears, the Model S can accelerate to top speed totally uninterrupted, when you go to electric because you can regulate the torque that goes into a vehicle very smoothly and instantly, we don't need any transmission, this is a single gear powertrain, the Model S battery pack floor means the majority of the weight is close to the road, making it more stable in the corners and improving the handling, we have a very low centre of gravity something similar like to a Ferrari, but the real evolution in the way you drive is down to one of the central innovations in electric cars regenerative braking, although the Model S has traditional brakes you don't have to use them, regen braking can be engaged by simply easing off on the accelerator, when you want to brake, you just take your foot off the pedal like I‘m doing now and the car breaks itself, so you don't need to use the mechanical brakes, when active the regen system magnetically resists the motor's rotation, slowing the car and harvesting electric current the energy recovered recharges the battery and extends the range of the car, when you put your foot down again the electric power returns, tesla call it one pedal driving. it's a little bit different approach of driving but once you realize that if you take your foot off the barrel the car slows down and it's like whoa this is great i can drive using only one pedal.

事实上,这种动力系统创造了完全不同的驾驶体验。项目总监Jerome Guillen不断地对其进行改进,就像使用电灯开关一样,电力可以立即得到充分利用.让人惊讶的第一件事是,你能如此迅速地得到多大的扭矩,这种反应,即时反应,你不可能真的把油门搞得太乱,因为如果你踩油门,汽车就会开动.即使是从静止,你也可以很快地起飞,因为基本上扭矩是瞬间的,所以如果我停在这里,然后我开始,你会看到我们从一开始就有一个加速度,任何速度,你都有相同的扭矩,所以很容易通过一辆车,或者在需要的时候避免伤害.与必须换档的汽油车不同, Model S车可以完全不间断地加速到最高速度.当你使用电动汽车时,因为你可以非常平稳,即时地调节进入车辆的扭矩,我们不需要任何变速器,这是一个单齿轮传动系统, Model S电池组底盘,意味着大部分重量靠近道路,使其在转弯处更稳定,并改善操控性.我们的重心非常低,类似于法拉利.但驾驶方式的真正演变是电动汽车再生制动的核心创新之一,虽然Model S车有传统的刹车系统,但你不必使用它们,只要松开油门,就可以使用再生制动系统.当你想刹车时,你只需像我现在这样把脚从踏板上移开,汽车就会自动刹车,所以你不必使用机械刹车.当再生制动系统启动时,它会通过磁力抵抗电机的旋转,使汽车减速并收集电流,回收的能量会给电池充电,并扩大汽车的行驶范围.当你再次放下脚时,电力就会恢复,特斯拉称之为单踏板驱动.这是一种有点不同的驾驶方式,但一旦你意识到如果你把脚从桶上移开,汽车就会减速,哇,这太棒了,我只用一个踏板就可以驾驶.

In the factory the delivery deadline is now fast approaching, the Model S test production cycle reaches the main assembly area, the car is based around a partially steel underbody, to make it, engineers weld struts and casts into a framework, Brad's newly trained welding robot is about to be tested in full automation. they have trained the robots with prototype parts, now with final components coming through successfully from stamping, it's automated production for real. under observation it's a tense time for the team. the robots work in a tightly coordinated chain, the second phase hits an issue, it shuts the whole process down. with the deadline looming. Elon musk is determined to keep tesla's weighting customers happy, he's organized a Model S test drive event, for the people who've placed deposits. the test will go out onto jack to see that this isn't walters you know,show up on it doesn't actually do what it says it will go fast. many have pre-paid years ago and it's their first time inside a drivable Model S, customer and board member Steve Jefferson captures his experience on his mobile phone. wow this is insanely cool. it's, it's a surreal scene, it's way cooler than i can imagine, you really definitely sound the first ride has to be documented here. the event seems a success. now the company need to make sure the customers get their model s's as promised, with only weeks to go, welding has hit a glitch in automation, one of the robotic clamps is millimetres out of line, it's a tiny difference but enough to disrupt the process, with the way the robots work and how we have such a tight tolerance of one millimetre to stay on, sometimes the new parts won't reach approx or the clamp won't close all the way , a major delay will disrupt the whole production schedule and threaten the deadline, they adjust the settings and set the robots in motion again, this time it goes off without a hitch, to the team's relief the process can be approved for mass production. the run through the automated line reaches the Model S exterior, the Model S body is made up of 14 different sections, to speed the workflow tesla construct each section at separate sub-assemblies, door sub-assembly, the internal frame is joined to the exterior panel, as the robot's pincers come together they fire a rivet and join the aluminium sheets. over to the right side body sub-assembly, one of the most advanced aspects of tesla's robots is that each arm can perform a variety of different tasks. we have to use all the gametes of technology to make the aluminium join between stamping and welding and riveting and bonding and all these things using robots that are multitasking, this flexibility is essential for a compact and efficient workflow. a robot can spot weld using a pincer tool and then automatically detach the pincer and pick up a clamp tool, the same arm that joined the panels can now move it to the next station. it's clever but tricky and needs constant refining. when you draw something yourself, you take your pencil,you take eraser with the same hand right? and then you change the tool ,so to speak same thing here.once assembled the sections are brought together at body assembly. here they're riveted around the welded underbody to form the basic shell of the car. all the sections are lined up alongside the central framing line, gradually the automated line builds up the side sections ready to house the doors,a test batch of three cars is complete.body assembly has demonstrated it can run successfully in full automation. it's a vital milestone in the countdown to mass production. completely assembled the aluminium body is now known as body in white. it's ready for some colour. the body in white is loaded onto an overhead train that carries it to the paint area. at this vast facility, the paint center is in a totally separate building. the Fremont site covers nearly 95 football fields of space. it's so big the Model S production line only fills twenty percent of it.sir the extra space is the cornerstone of tesla's grand strategy for an electric revolution. the tesla factory is huge it's about five million square feet on two levels, right now we are only utilizing a small fraction of the space, but most of it as you can see behind me is what we call the dark side. it's sort of dark and not utilized yet even though we have a lot of plans for the future and how to fully utilize this entire building. these expanses are an integral part of the company's stage by stage building plan. they want to fill the space with the production line for a further range of tesla vehicles. a very high volume economy priced model the stage 3 car. in the future we intend to expand our range of vehicles maybe uh of a smaller size and also more affordable for the market and this factory is like ideal and we are gonna make this a super mega factory. long term Fremont is meant to produce the low cost stage 3 electric car in the millions. it's the final step in Elon musk's tesla master plan. to really have widespread adoption of electric cars we have our third generation vehicle which would be a low price high volume vehicle and that's really what's going to fill out the rest of this humongous factory, i'd love to bring this to half a million vehicles a year as soon as we can. the future of Elon strategy first depends on the success of the Model S.

在工厂里,交货期限很快就要到了,S型测试生产周期已经到了主装配区.汽车的车身底部是部分钢制的.为了制造它.工程师们焊接支柱并将其固定到框架中.Brad新培训的焊接机器人即将进行全自动测试.他们用原型零件训练机器人,现在用冲压成功完成的最终部件.这是真正的自动化生产.据观察.这对球队来说是一段紧张的时期/机器人在一个紧密协调的链条中工作,第二阶段遇到问题,它会关闭整个过程.随着最后期限的临近,Elon Musk决心让特斯拉的加权客户满意,他为支付了预付款客户组织了一次Model S试驾活动.测试看看是否货真价实.你知道,出现在它上面实际上并没有做它所说的事情,它会走得很快.许多人在几年前就已经预付了款,这是他们第一次坐在可驾驶的Model S车里,客户和董事会成员Steve Jefferson在他的手机上拍摄到了他的体验.哇,这太酷了.这是,这是一个超现实的场景,比我想象的要酷得多,你真的很确定第一次漂亮骑行必须在这里载入史册.这次活动似乎很成功.现在,该公司需要确保客户按照承诺得到他们的Model S,只剩下几周时间.焊接在自动化方面遇到了一个小问题.其中一个机器人夹具偏离了几毫米.这是一个微小的差异,但足以中断过程.由于机器人的工作方式,以及我们如何保持一毫米的严格公差,有时新零件无法达到大约或夹具无法完全关闭,严重延迟将扰乱整个生产计划,并威胁到最后期限.他们调整设置并再次启动机器人,这一次它顺利进行,让团队松了一口气的是,这一过程可以被批准用于大规模生产.贯穿自动生产线到达Model S车外部,Model S车身由14个不同的部分组成.为加快工作流程,特斯拉为各部分设置了单独的子组件,车门子组件,内部框架与外部面板连接.当机器人的钳子合在一起时,它们发射铆钉并连接铝板.至于右侧车身组件,特斯拉机器人最先进的一个方面是,每只手臂都可以执行各种不同的任务.我们必须利用各种技术手段,用冲压,焊接,铆接和粘接等手段进行铝连接,所有这些都需要使用多任务机器人,这种灵活性对于紧凑高效的工作流程至关重要.机器人可以使用钳子工具进行点焊,然后自动分离钳子并拿起夹紧工具,连接面板的同一只手臂现在可以将其移动到下一站.它很聪明,但很棘手,需要不断改进.当你自己画东西的时候,你拿着铅笔,用同一只手拿着橡皮擦,对吗?然后你换了工具.这里也可以这么说.组装完成后,各部分在车身组装时组装在一起.在这里,它们被铆接在焊接的车身底部,形成汽车的基本外壳.所有的部分都沿着中央框架线排列,自动线逐渐建立起侧部,准备容纳车门,一批次三辆测试车已经完成.车身装配已经证明,它可以成功地在全自动化环境下运行.这是大规模生产倒计时的一个重要里程碑.完全组装的铝制车身现在被称为白色车身.它可以换颜色了,白色的车体被装载到一列转运车上,将其运送到喷漆区.在这个巨大的厂区里,油漆中心位于一座完全独立的建筑中.Fremont基地占地近95个足球场,它太大了.Model S的生产线只占20%.先生,额外的空间是特斯拉电气革命大战略的基石.特斯拉的工厂很大,大约有500万平方英尺,分为两层,现在我们只利用了一小部分空间,但你们在我身后看到的大部分都是我们所说的黑暗面.虽然我们对未来有很多计划,以及如何充分利用整个建筑.但它有点暗,还没有被利用.这些区域是该公司分期建设计划的组成部分.他们想用生产线来填补空间,生产更多系列的特斯拉汽车.一款非常大批量的经济型Model 3.在未来,我们打算扩大我们的车辆范围,可能是更小的尺寸,也更适合市场,这个工厂就像理想的一样.我们将使它成为一个超级巨型工厂.从长远来看,弗里蒙特计划以百万计生产低成本的Model 3.这是埃隆·马斯克的特斯拉总体规划的最后一步.为了让电动汽车得到广泛的应用,我们有了我们的Model 3,这将是一款低价格,大批量的汽车.而这正是这家庞大工厂的剩余部分所需要的,我很乐意尽快将其推广到每年50万辆.埃隆战略的未来首先取决于Model S的成功。

In production, the time to the delivery deadline is now running low. the aluminium body arrives on the overhead train from body center, paint center. this is where they make the car look like a premium sedan. it's a state-of-the-art process, there's a lot of technology that goes into the tesla car but the very first thing they'll tell you is what color of tesla car they bought, that's how important the paint is. first a roller coaster ride of treatment baths, detergent to clean the surface and then electro coating. the electro coat helps attract the paint to the aluminium, the primed car is ready for colour. this vehicle will be sprayed with their trademark tint what tesla calls signature red. it's a color that we developed that's different than anybody else has read. it's been developed with glass flake to get the specific type of sparkle. this man has a vision to create the best electric cars ever seen, and consign gasoline to history. this is something truly revolutionary. he wants to build his unprecedented tesla car in a futuristic new factory, and trigger an electric transport revolution. it's been a long time since something like that happened in the car business but it's here. it's a dream many have had but none have realized. aluminium body work, 19-inch alloys and a 50 000 price tag, at first glance this car is the latest in a long line of high-end sedans, but that is where the similarities end. the Model S is a totally different type of car. Tesla believe it can lead a revolution and change the face of motoring forever. it's the first ever mass-made premium sedan powered purely by electricity. designed to have speed and range and not a drop of gas. our goal is to create an electric car that is the best car in the world and show that that's what an electric car can be, Tesla's goal is to kill off the combustion engine and prove the electric car has finally come of age. Driving gasoline car is gonna feel like yesterday ,driving this car is driving the future. This is Elon Musk, tesla's co-founder and ceo. Elon is an inventor and a maverick entrepreneur, one of America's youngest billionaires.I like exploring, I like technology, I like creating things that have never been seen before or even imagined before, proof the car is a product of the tech savvy us west coast. the Model S carries a touchscreen tablet inspired by tesla's silicon valley neighbors. tesla is very much a silicon valley company that has the silicon valley operating system which is similar to google or facebook or apple are joined together with a tremendous amount of great automotive expertise. it's about bringing the things that we're used to our phones our computers and the interaction that we have with them into the car. the car has a mobile 3g internet connection, the driver can download software upgrades and customize the display. the cart always connected to the internet so we can understand your your day book and we can know that you're going to work at 8 am on Monday and the car can be warmed up for that experience. the entire command center is housed on the 17-inch tablet. the interior is virtually bottomless. it does some really amazing things not only does it make the rest of the interior super clean and really uncluttered. it allows you to have just amazing control of the car and it's just you know a push of a button like magic.

在生产中,到交货截止日期的时间现在很短。铝制车身从车身中心移载到喷漆中心,这就是他们让汽车看起来像高级轿车的地方.这是一个最先进的工艺过程.进入到特斯拉汽车内部,你会发现很多新技术,但他们会告诉你的第一件事是他们购买的特斯拉汽车的颜色,这就是油漆的重要性.首先是处理槽的翻转车,清洁表面的洗涤剂,然后进行电镀.电镀涂层有助于将油漆吸引到铝上,涂了底漆的汽车已准备好上色.这辆车将喷上他们的商标色,特斯拉称之为标志性的红色.这是我们开发的一种颜色,与其他人看过的颜色不同.它是用玻璃薄片开发的,以获得特定类型的闪光.这个人的愿景是创造出有史以来最好的电动汽车,并将汽油推向历史.这是真正革命性的事情,他想在一个未来派的新工厂里制造他史无前例的特斯拉汽车,并引发一场电力运输革命.在汽车行业,这样的事情已经很久没有发生了,但现在已经发生了.这是一个很多人都有过但没有人实现的梦想.铝合金车身,19英寸合金轮胎和50000的价格标签,乍一看,这辆车是高端轿车系列中的最新车型,但这就是相似之处的终结.Model S型是一种完全不同的汽车, 特斯拉相信它可以引领一场革命, 永远改变汽车的面貌. 这是有史以来第一辆大规模生产的纯电动高级轿车.设计有速度和续航里程,而不用一滴汽油.我们的目标是创造一辆世界上最好的电动汽车,并证明这就是电动汽车所能做到的.特斯拉的目标是关闭内燃机,证明电动汽车终于成熟了.开汽油车感觉就像昨天,开这辆车就是在驾驶未来.这位是埃隆·马斯克,特斯拉的联合创始人兼首席执行官.埃隆是一位发明家和特立独行的企业家,是美国最年轻的亿万富翁之一.我喜欢探索,我喜欢科技,我喜欢创造以前从未见过甚至想象过的东西,证明这辆车是精通科技的美国西海岸的产物. Model S搭载的触摸屏平板电脑灵感来自特斯拉的硅谷邻居.特斯拉在很大程度上是一家硅谷公司, 其硅谷操作系统类似于谷歌, facebook或苹果, 并拥有大量优秀的汽车专业知识. 这是关于把我们习惯的东西带到我们的手机,我们的电脑,以及我们与它们的互动带到车里.这款车有移动3g互联网连接,司机可以下载软件升级和定制显示屏.购物车始终连接到互联网,因此我们可以了解您的日程,我们可以知道您将在周一上午8点工作,并且可以为该体验预热汽车.整个指挥中心都安装在17英寸的平板电脑上.汽车内饰简单明了.它做了一些非常惊人的事情,不仅使内部的其他部分超级干净,非常整洁,它可以让你对汽车拥有惊人的控制,你只需要按下一个按钮,就像魔术一样.

At the factory, the start date for mass production is now only two weeks away, the first batch of test vehicles reaches the vital final stages, powertrain and body marriage. in gasoline cars, installing the drivetrain is a lengthy process, with electric, it can happen in just two steps. step one, the motor unit complete with suspension and brakes is bolted into the rear wheel berths. there is no drive shaft or transmission to be attached. in one motion it's fitted. for final assembly, the work is mainly manual like the robots the line workers performance is being monitored. 509 guys, with every vehicle they're ramping up to the full production cycle time or tack time, every station here in the factory has to achieve a certain operation in that tech time, in order to get it to our customer on time. here the target is 4 minutes and 40 seconds,throughout the build every single time,you may hear me in the background saying,we're at two minutes, we're at five minutes, right? so they can know exactly where they are, when we're shooting to get to that four minutes and 42 seconds. step two, battery pack installation, the pax steel case acts as the car chassis, bolted into place it, gives the Model S its rigidity. A stage along the first complete cars arrive at final inspection.At elon's insistence, inspection happens on a bamboo platform, he believes you can only judge a car's beauty if it's framed by beautiful surroundings. the last check is the test drive, at tesla the track is very different because electric cars produce no exhaust fumes they can be driven indoors. our people have done so well at putting this car together, you can see the remarkable quality of the paint and the entire vehicle the body fit and everything. i'm so proud today. This is the first Model S to pass through the production test run and its quality proves the new mega factory is ready for mass production. it's a big moment for the company, just to see this car going around the test track here, it really demonstrate the fact that the tesla factory is ready to go. I just have to make twenty thousand per year more of this guy and it's sort of a you know a done deal ,we just have to you know get it done. the factory can now push towards the delivery deadline, allowing tesla to pursue their strategy for an electric car revolution. can you imagine if all the cars in the world were able to have zero emission zero noise and we could do that in a perfectly clean environment that would be so cool. this is tesla's vision of an all-electric future. no fumes or heat,no noise or dirt, no expensive gasoline, just clean and quiet streets. it's truly impressive to see how we are really day by day and person by person changing people's thinking about what electric vehicles are versus what we've all grown up and taken for granted. if we can do that through one product. that's unbelievable. ten years from now tesla will change the perception of what mainstream cars can be, and it'll become clear.

在工厂,大规模生产的开始日期现在只有两周的时间了,第一批测试车辆到了关键的最后阶段:动力系统和车身的结合.在汽油车中,安装动力传动系统是一个漫长的过程,使用电动系统,只需两步即可完成.第一步,电机单元连同悬架和制动器用螺栓固定在后轮泊位上.没有需要连接的驱动轴或变速器.一个步骤,它就装配好了.对于最终装配,工作主要是手动的,像机器人一样,生产线工人的效率也受到监控.509秒,员工,每辆车都要加速到完整的生产周期或固定时间,工厂里的每个工位都必须在技术时间内完成特定的操作,以便按时交付给我们的客户.这里的目标是4分40秒,在整个调整过程中每一次,你可能会听到我在后台说,我们在两分钟,我们在五分钟,对吗?这样他们就能准确地知道他们速度在哪里,直到我们达到到4分42秒目标.第二步,电池组安装,铝制电池外壳充当汽车底盘,用螺栓固定到位,使Model S车具有刚性.随着第一辆整车到达最终检验,在埃隆的坚持下,检查是在一个竹制平台上进行的,他认为只有在优美的环境中才能判断汽车的美丽.最后一项检查是试驾,在特斯拉,试驾道路非常不同,因为电动汽车不会产生废气,它们可以在室内驾驶.我们的员工在组装这辆车方面做得非常好,你可以看到油漆的卓越质量,以及整个车辆的车身贴合度和一切.我今天很自豪.这是第一款通过生产试运行的Model S车,其质量证明新的巨型工厂已准备好批量生产.这对公司来说是一个重要的时刻,只要看到这辆车在这里的试车跑道上行驶,就可以真正证明特斯拉工厂已经准备好了.我只需要每年生产两万台,这是你知道一定能做到的,我们只需要你知道它.这家工厂现在可以向交货期限迈进.让特斯拉能够推行他们的电动汽车革命战略.你能想象,如果世界上所有的汽车都能实现零排放零噪音.而我们能在一个非常干净的环境中做到这一点.那将是多么的酷,这是特斯拉对全电力未来的愿景.没有烟雾或热量,没有噪音或污垢,没有昂贵的汽油,只有干净安静的街道.看到我们真的一天一天地,一个人一个人地改变人们对什么是电动汽车的想法,而不是我们已经长大并习以为常的想法,真是令人印象深刻.如果我们能通过一种产品做到这一点,真是难以置信.十年后,特斯拉将改变人们对主流汽车的看法.这一点将变得清晰.



