
如何正确读写出星期、日期和年份?Day/Date/Years in English


  • 如何读写年份?
  • 如何读写日期?
  • 如何读Centuries?
  • 英式英语和美式英语在日期表达上的区别
  • 生活中常见的生产日期符号图解


在英语中,人们如何表达年份呢?对于英语学习者来说,这可能有些困惑和复杂。以2013年为例,大多数人会读作two thousand thirteen或two thousand and thirteen。也有人会读作twenty thirteen。

  1. 基本上,我们倾向于将四位数的年份读作一对两位数的数字。例如,1997年读作nineteen ninety-seven。
  2. 我们将三位数的年份读作一对数字,或者像数钱一样读。763读作seven sixty-three或seven hundred and sixty-three。
  3. BC表示公元前。AD是Anno Domini的缩写,意思是“基督教纪元”。
  4. 1970年代表示从1970年到1979年的十年时间。


  • 5AD (1) five AD (2) the year five / AD = Anno Domini
  • 5BC (1) five BC (2) the year five BC / BC = Before Christ

  • 1970s (1) nineteen seventies (2) the seventies
  • 1980s (1) nineteen eighties (2) the eighties

  • 800 eight hundred
  • 1000 one thousand
  • 1200 twelve hundred
  • 1900 nineteen hundred
  • 2000 two thousand

  • 504 (1) five oh four (2) five hundred (and) four
  • 763 (1) seven sixty-three (2) seven hundred (and) sixty-three
  • 1005 (1) ten oh five (2) one thousand (and) five
  • 1043 (1) ten forty-three (2) one thousand (and) forty-three
  • 1106 (1) eleven oh six (2) eleven hundred (and) six
  • 1902 (1) nineteen oh two (2) nineteen hundred (and) two
  • 1997 nineteen ninety-seven
  • 1327 thirteen twenty-seven
  • 2008 (1) two thousand eight (2) two thousand and eight
  • 2010 (1) two thousand ten (2) two thousand and ten (3) twenty ten
  • 2013 (1) two thousand thirteen (2) two thousand and thirteen (3) twenty thirteen

If you want to ask what the date is, you can say:

  • What’s the date today?
  • What’s today’s date?
  • What’s the date tomorrow
  • What’s tomorrow’s date?

You can answer by saying:

  • It’s 27th September.
  • Today is 27th September.
  • Tomorrow is September 28th.

When we say dates in English we use ordinal numbers(序数词). So for 1 January, we don’t say the cardinal number ‘one’ but we say ‘first’. And we say ‘the’ before the number followed by ‘of’. For example,

  • It’s the first of January.

It’s also possible to invert the month and day. For example,

  • It’s January first. (In this case you don’t need to say ‘the’ and ‘of’.)


When we refer to a century in English, we use ordinal numbers. For example,

  • 1800-1900 = the nineteenth century
  • 1900-2000 = the twentieth century

And centuries are divided into ten decades. A decade is a period of ten years.


在英式英语中,日期通常以“Day Month Year”的顺序书写,例如“1 January 2022”。此外,英式英语中通常使用缩写形式来表示月份,例如“Jan”代表“January”。

而在美式英语中,日期通常以“Month Day, Year”的顺序书写,例如“January 1, 2022”。此外,美式英语中通常不使用缩写形式来表示月份,而是直接写出完整的月份名称。

  • 09.25.2019 – September 25, 2019 ( American English)
  • 25.09.2019 – 25th September, 2019 ( British English)


表示时间的方式不同。在英式英语中,时间通常以24小时制表示,例如“14:30”。而在美式英语中,时间通常以12小时制表示,例如“2:30 PM”。







